PowerPoint Presentations
Dr. Isabella Aboderin, African Population and Health Research Centre, Nairobi: "'Carers', 'Care Work' and Long Term Care for Older People in Sub-Saharan Africa: Gaps in Policy Discourses and Frames"Link opens in a new window
Ms. Jessica Aluoch with Mr. Onyango Ondeng, Kenya Ethical and Legal Issues Network on HIV and AIDS (KELIN): "Access to Justice through Traditional Justice System"
Ms. Janet Anyango, Federation of Women Lawyers Kenya (FIDA): "Value for Care: Gains and Gaps for Kenyan Women: Cultural and Constitutional Overview"
Prof. Winifred Kamau, Faculty of Law, University of Nairobi: "Gender and Succession in Kenya: Constraints and Possibilities for Women's Care in a Plural Legal Context"
Ms. Emily Kinama, Katiba Institute: "Challenges on Woman-to-Woman Marriages: A Critical Analysis of Case Law in Kenyan Courts"
Prof. Catherine Kitetu, Nakuru County Executive Officer: "Woman-to-Woman (Iweto) Marriage amont the Kamba of Kenya: A Case of Provision of Care for the Elderly?"
Hon. Lady Justice Martha Koome, Kenya Court of Appeal: "Adjudication of Woman-to-Woman Marriage in Kenya"
Dr. Jennifer Lander, School of Law, University of Warwick: "Framing the Social Significance of Woman-to-Woman Marriage: A Critical Literature Review"
Ms. Lydiah Lugazia, Kwa Wazee Organisation, Tanzania: "Kwa Wazee: Experience of Working with Old People"
Dr. Prafulla Mishra, Regional Director, HelpAge International: "Improved Income, Better Health Care: Dignity and Wellbeing for Older Persons"
Prof. Ann Stewart, School of Law, University of Warwick: "Who Cares for Elderly Women in Africa: Reflections on Research Findings"