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WLS Welcomes 2024 PG Scholarship Holders

Warwick Law School would like to wish a warm welcome to our new postgraduate scholarship holders. Having beat out strong competition to win their awards, they have now started their LLM studies and are settling into life at Warwick.

Dr Kathryn McMahon, Director of Postgraduate Studies at Warwick Law School said:

“We are delighted to welcome our scholarship holders to our LLM. You contribute greatly to the success of our programmes, and we encourage you, and all our students, to take advantage of everything Warwick has to offer this year.”

Our scholarship holders for the 2024/2025 academic year are:

  • Kawalpreet Kaur - Warwick Law School LLM Scholarship (IDLHR)
  • Gvantsa Ichkiti - Warwick Law School LLM Scholarship (ICGFR)
  • Ushna Rehman - Warwick Law School LLM Scholarship (ICGFR)
  • Maneha Tariq - Warwick Law School Women of Pakistan Scholarship (IDLHR)
  • Pavarit Tangkaravakun - Warwick Law School Thai scholarship (ICL)
  • Kazi Iqramul Haq - Commonwealth Scholarship (IDLHR)

Congratulations and welcome to Warwick.

Picture of scholarship winners

We caught up with some of our award winners to find out a little more…

Kawalpreet Kaur is from India and is studying on our LLM in International Development Law and Human Rights.

Recipient of our WLS LLM Scholarship.

Sharing her reaction to winning the scholarship, Kawalpreet said:

“I feel both a sense of happiness and a great sense of responsibility to have been awarded this scholarship. I am fortunate to be able to study at Warwick, as had it not been for the scholarship, I wouldn't have done my further studies. This adds to the responsibility to give back to society from whatever knowledge and learning I am gaining from here.”

“I am finding the academic teaching excellent and especially enjoying the reading material. What is great about Warwick is that it places knowledge and teaching in a social context, which allows you to stay humble and reflect your own positions and privileges in society.”

After finishing her studies, Kawalpreet told us:

“I intend to continue my human rights litigation work back home. I believe that the knowledge that I will gain from Warwick will enhance and inform my human rights work in India.”

Gvantsa Ichkiti is from Georgia and is studying on our LLM in International Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation.

Recipient of our WLS LLM Scholarship.

When asked about receiving the award and her time at Warwick, Gvantsa said:

“I am incredibly honoured to be a recipient of the Law School LLM Scholarship, which has made my long-held goal of studying at the University of Warwick a reality. I’m eager to embrace new beginnings and pursue all the opportunities that come my way during this journey at Warwick.”

“I’m really enjoying my time studying at Warwick. The academic environment is inspiring, and I’m excited to be surrounded by talented peers and highly knowledgeable professors. Each day brings new opportunities for learning and personal growth!”

She added:

“Upon completing my studies, I intend to pursue a career where I can apply the knowledge and skills, I develop throughout my master’s degree to make a meaningful impact. I’m excited to explore opportunities in both legal practice and academia.”

Ushna Rehman is from Pakistan and is studying on our LLM in International Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation.

Recipient of our WLS LLM Scholarship.

When asked about the award and studying at WLS, she told us:

“Receiving the Law School LLM Scholarship at Warwick feels almost surreal. Studying at such a prestigious university is like stepping into a new world filled with opportunities for personal, academic, and professional growth. This scholarship is a big leap forward for me - a catalyst for my ambitions. I am humbled and grateful to the University of Warwick for believing in my potential. I see this scholarship as both a blessing and a responsibility, and I’m committed to making the most of this incredible experience.”

“Even though I’m just a few weeks in, my time at Warwick has been fulfilling so far. The study level is advanced yet feels manageable, thanks to the thoughtful approach that facilitates students at all stages. I enjoy how the seminars are discussion-oriented with a “law in context” approach. The professors are true experts in their fields and always ready to offer guidance. In short, my experience is well-rounded and enriching!

On her plans for the future, Ushna shared:

“One of my teachers once mentioned that, with an LLM, I could become a “jack of all trades and master of one.” This idea stays with me as I begin my studies in ICGFR. My plan is to achieve mastery in this area of law and become a corporate lawyer who can contribute meaningfully to the field of international governance and the community at large.”

Maneha Tariq is studying on our LLM in International Development Law and Human Rights.

Recipient of our Warwick Law School Women of Pakistan Scholarship founded by Professor Shaheen Ali.

When asked about the award, Maneha told us:

“I am grateful and absolutely ecstatic for being a Women of Pakistan scholar and being given an opportunity to represent my country at an international platform.”

On her time studying at Warwick so far, she shared:

“The classes are very engaging and intellectually stimulating. The campus is beautiful, and there are so many activities to engage oneself in!”

After her studies, Maneha plans to return to her home country of Pakistan, and reform public and legal policies as a development expert.

If you are interested in studying for a LLM at Warwick and the funding opportunities available, please visit the applying to study pagesLink opens in a new window on our website.

Thu 24 Oct 2024, 10:00 | Tags: Award, postgraduate, Student Achievement, PG News