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Professor Christian Twigg-Flesner appointed co-reporter for ELI project

Professor Christian Twigg-Flesner, together with Professors Teresa Rodríguez de las Heras Ballell (Carlos III, Madrid), Christoph Busch (Osnabrück), Marie Jull Sørensen (Aarhus) and Dariusz Szostek (Wroclaw), was appointed as co-reporter for a European Law Institute (ELI) project to draft Guiding Principles and Model Rules on Algorithmic ContractsLink opens in a new window at the meeting of ELI’s Council on 24/25 February 2022.

Wed 09 Mar 2022, 10:00 | Tags: Impact, Research, Staff in action

WLS Celebrates International Women’s Day 2022

Today is International Women's DayLink opens in a new window<Link opens in a new window (IWD), a global event held each year to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity. Significant activity is witnessed worldwide as groups come together to celebrate women's achievements, raise awareness against bias, and take action for equality.

Tue 08 Mar 2022, 10:00 | Tags: Feature, Impact, Staff in action

‘College knowledge hubs’ in rural India to open

More young men and women from rural areas of India could gain informed access to higher education and better life chances, tackling age-old obstacles of gender, caste and class, thanks to a project led by the University of Warwick — and a half-million-pound boost from the Fair Chance Foundation.

Wed 16 Feb 2022, 11:12 | Tags: Impact, Research, Staff in action

Professor Christian Twigg-Flesner contributes to ELI response

The European Law Institute (ELI) recently published its response to a European Commission consultation on reforms to the Product Liability Directive and liability for Artificial Intelligence systems. Professor Christian Twigg-Flesner contributed to ELI’s response, focusing in particular on the Product Liability Directive and building on the Guiding Principles he developed for ELI’s Innovation Paper on Guiding Principles for updating the Product Liability Directive for the Digital Age (2021).

Mon 07 Feb 2022, 09:50 | Tags: Impact, Research, Staff in action

Frontiers Ask the Author: Professor Alex Sharpe

Professor Linda Mulcahy from the University of Oxford's Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, interviews WLS Professor Alex Sharpe about her rich contribution to the field of socio-legal study over the last 25 years, in Frontiers' second Ask the Author post. Read the article.

Thu 03 Feb 2022, 10:27 | Tags: Impact, Research, Staff in action

Gender and ageing in African contexts workshop

Warwick Law School in partnership with HelpAge International (Africa region) and the University of Nairobi, School of Law held a two day workshop on Gender and ageing in African contexts: policy, legal and institutional development in Nairobi, Kenya from 4 – 5 June 2019.

COPR Final Report on Public Confidence and Crime Reduction

In January 2019, the Centre for Operational Police Research (COPR) released their final report on Public Confidence and Crime Reduction: The Impact of Forensic Property Marking.

The project was completed in co-operation with West Mercia Police and assessed a field trial involving over 20,000 households in the Telford area.

Mon 04 Feb 2019, 14:02 | Tags: COPR, Impact, Research

First Warwick business forum explores international business & trade after brexit

Matt Western MP and West Midlands finance and industry leaders joined Dr Stephen Connelly and Dr Andreas Kokkinis from Warwick Law School yesterday at the first University of Warwick Business Forum, a new initiative aiming to connect the University’s experts with the local business community.

Wed 03 Oct 2018, 13:51 | Tags: GLOBE Centre, Impact, Research, Staff in action

Suicide must not appear to be the only escape for some victims of abuse, warns new study

In one of the largest studies of its kind, and the first in the UK, experts from Refuge and the University of Warwick School of Law looked at the experiences of more than 3500 of Refuge’s clients with the aim of informing policy and practice in relation to victims of abuse who are at an increased risk of suicide.

Tue 17 Jul 2018, 11:30 | Tags: Impact, Research

Talking prisoner pen pals with Jackie Hodgson

Professor Jackie Hodgson gave an interview last Wednesday 11 April to Talk Radio Europe, an English radio station based in Spain, to speak about the research she conducted with Dr Juliet Horne on the Prisoners’ Penfriends scheme.

Mon 16 Apr 2018, 09:54 | Tags: Impact, Staff in action

The jury is still out on this one

Vanessa Munro’s project on jury decision-making for the Scottish Government has hit its first milestone. An Evidence Review on The Impact of the Use of Pre-Recorded Evidence on Juror Decision-Making has now been published on the Scottish Government website, along with a research findings summary.

You can access both reports here: Research Findings Summary | Report.

Thu 15 Mar 2018, 09:22 | Tags: Impact, Research, Staff in action

Ali Struthers Organises Successful ESRC event on campus with primary and secondary school pupils

Ali Struthers organised a successful event on campus on the 11th of November with primary and secondary school pupils as part of the ESRC Festival of Social Science. The event saw 60 primary pupils from Widening Participation schools attend campus in the morning and 60 secondary pupils from WP schools in the afternoon. The pupils took part in workshops that addressed challenging issues in the social sciences through literature appropriate to young people. The workshops were run by Ali (human rights), Phil Gaydon (war), James Harrison (labour rights) and Lucy Hatton (immigration), and the event was well-received by all who took part.

Read about James' experience of his morning workshop here.

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