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Warwick Law School contributes to report on research in global health emergencies

Dr Sharifah Sekalala, Associate Professor at Warwick Law School was part of an international working group on a two year in-depth inquiry into the ethical issues relating to research in global health emergencies. The aim of the report is to identify ways in which research can be undertaken ethically during emergencies, in order to promote the contribution that ethically-conducted research can make to improving current and future emergency preparedness and response.

Tue 28 Jan 2020, 13:55 | Tags: Research, Staff in action, Expert Comment

History of Tax: Landmark Cases in Revenue Law

Co-edited by Warwick Law Schools Dr John Snape, ‘Landmark Cases in Revenue Law’ will be launching in London on Tuesday 25 February 2020, 17:45 – 21:00. Landmark Cases in Revenue Law is a book which tells the story of 20 leading revenue law cases. It goes well beyond technical analysis to explore questions of philosophical depth, historical context and constitutional significance. The editors have assembled a stellar team of tax scholars, including historians as well as lawyers, practitioners and academics, to provide a wide range of fresh perspectives on familiar and unfamiliar decisions.

Tue 21 Jan 2020, 14:23 | Tags: Research, Staff in action

Dr. Amanda Wilson to give lecture in Belgium later this month

Dr. Amanda Wilson from Warwick Law School will be giving a talk titled 'The Moral Psychology of Restorative Justice' at KU Leuven, Faculty of Law later this month. Dr. Wilson has been researching justice alternatives in criminal justice for over a decade and has collaborated with a number of leading experts in the field from Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom.

Mon 13 Jan 2020, 10:00 | Tags: Research, Staff in action

Was the killing of Iranian General Soleimani legal?

Was the killing of Iranian General Soleimani legal? Dr Christine Schwobel-Patel, Associate Professor in Warwick Law School looks at "imminent threat," a key test that must be met in order to claim self-defence under international law.

Tue 07 Jan 2020, 11:48 | Tags: Research, Expert Comment

WLS participates in discussion on Legal Determinants of Health report

Dr Sharifah Sekalala participated in a panel discussion on Monday 28th October 2019 at Chatham House. The event launched The Lancet, O’Neill Institute and Georgetown University Commission on Health and Law report The Legal Determinants of Health.

Wed 30 Oct 2019, 10:00 | Tags: Research, Staff in action, Feature

Warwick Law Professor involved in major study by Scottish Government

Professor Vanessa Munro of Warwick Law School was one of the researchers behind a major study by the Scottish Government into the unique nature of the Scottish jury system, which has 15 jurors, three verdicts and a simple majority.

Wed 09 Oct 2019, 11:03 | Tags: Research, Staff in action

Black History Month Exhibition

This summer, Dr Sharifah Sekalala, Associate Professor at Warwick Law School asked our staff to come up with suggestions of books that have influenced their thinking on race, especially with regard to the law. We had some ideas of what books they might suggest, however their selections were a much more eclectic mix of books, podcasts and even music than we had expected. We hope you enjoy reading them and would love to hear any recommendations you may have.

Mon 07 Oct 2019, 14:07 | Tags: Research, Staff in action, Feature

Warwick Professor elected to governing body of European Law Institute

Professor Christian Twigg-Flesner is one of 28 members of the European Law Institute (ELI) elected by the general assembly to serve on its Council at its Annual Conference held in Vienna earlier this month.

The institute is an independent organisation, which aims to improve the quality of European law.

Fri 13 Sep 2019, 09:42 | Tags: Research, PG News, Staff in action

Warwick Law contributes to UN Report

Dr Celine Tan, Dr Stephen Connelly and Rafael Quintero-Godinez have contributed research and academic opinion to a forthcoming report to the UN General Assembly.

Thu 12 Sep 2019, 13:48 | Tags: GLOBE Centre, Research, Staff in action

Warwick Law Professor gives address at New Zealand Parliament

On Thursday 29th August 2019, Professor Vanessa Munro gave the 2019 Shirley Smith Address at the New Zealand Parliament. Vanessa’s talk was titled ‘Judging Juries: The ‘Common Sense’ Conundrums of Prosecuting Violence Against Women’,

Dr George Meszaros comments on the dramatic increase in Amazon fires

"Traditionally the farming lobby illegally opened up land in Brazil and the state acquiesced. With his aggressive rhetoric Bolsonaro has pump primed that sector." Dr George Meszaros, Associate Professor in Warwick Law School, comments on some of the political and legal issues surrounding the burning of the Amazon.

Fri 23 Aug 2019, 10:13 | Tags: Research, Staff in action, Expert Comment

Dr Andreas Kokkinis comments on a call to shift corporate priorities from profit to social purpose

Commenting on the statement issued by the influential US group, the Business Roundtable, Dr Andreas Kokkinis said:- "The Business Roundtable, one of the most influential US business groups representing some of the largest US companies, has just reversed its long-standing policy on the purpose of the business corporation.

Tue 20 Aug 2019, 15:35 | Tags: Research, Staff in action, Expert Comment

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