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Energy price cap has destroyed competitive market for consumers, research shows

New powers by the regulator Ofgem to set a maximum price for energy has meant an end to “healthy competition” between companies, finds a new study which recommends that it would be better to instead regulate the way consumers renew their contracts with gas or electricity firms.

Wed 07 Aug 2019, 14:32 | Tags: Research, Staff in action

Dr Alison Struthers responds to Independent Commission for Countering Extremism call for “national conversation on extremism.”

Warwick Law's Dr Alison Struthers is co-author of one of eight peer-reviewed papers published today by the Independent Commission for Countering Extremism. Dr Struthers and Dr Diane Webber, Visiting Fellow in the Center on National Security and the Law at Georgetown University, evaluate the effectiveness of teaching so-called “Fundamental British Values” in schools as a means to counter extremism.

Wed 31 Jul 2019, 12:24 | Tags: Publication, Research, Staff in action

Market competition sets tone for lower cost of UK mobile phone contracts, research shows

Healthy and competitive markets – and not stringent regulations – help dial back the cost of mobile phone contracts, according to new research from Christopher Bisping at Warwick Law School and Dr Timothy Dodsworth of Exeter Law School.

Fri 26 Jul 2019, 14:01 | Tags: Research, Staff in action

Can the EU develop a truly comprehensive anti-corruption policy?

Dr Andi Hoxhaj's new book offers fresh insights into EU anti-corruption policy with a particular focus on the EU Anti-Corruption Report of 2014, and argues that recent changes in approach may put the EU’s achievements in this area at risk by viewing corruption purely as an economic problem. The EU Anti-Corruption Report: A reflexive governance approach presents an in-depth study of successes and failures in the evolution of a European-wide anti-corruption programme and analyses the development of anti-corruption as a policy field in the European Union.

Mon 22 Jul 2019, 13:56 | Tags: Publication, Research, Book2019

Gender and ageing in African contexts workshop

Warwick Law School in partnership with HelpAge International (Africa region) and the University of Nairobi, School of Law held a two day workshop on Gender and ageing in African contexts: policy, legal and institutional development in Nairobi, Kenya from 4 – 5 June 2019.

Warwick Law School hosts Pakistan Human Rights delegation

A delegation from the National Commission for Human Rights, Pakistan, is visiting the University of Warwick to take part in a dialogue on the role of National Human Rights Institutions and a capacity building programme co-ordinated by Warwick Law School.

COPR Final Report on Public Confidence and Crime Reduction

In January 2019, the Centre for Operational Police Research (COPR) released their final report on Public Confidence and Crime Reduction: The Impact of Forensic Property Marking.

The project was completed in co-operation with West Mercia Police and assessed a field trial involving over 20,000 households in the Telford area.

Mon 04 Feb 2019, 14:02 | Tags: Impact, Research, COPR

Success in Global Challenges Research Fund

The Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) is a £1.5 billion fund announced by the UK Government in late 2015 to support cutting-edge research that addresses the challenges faced by developing countries. Warwick Law School have recently succeeded in securing funding for three projects to support research in international development.

Mon 28 Jan 2019, 10:55 | Tags: Research, Staff in action

Gary Watt secures major Leverhulme Fellowship

Gary Watt, Warwick Law School Professor and National Teaching Fellow has been awarded a Leverhulme Trust Major Research Fellowship. The award includes a grant of £175,554 to buy out Gary’s teaching for a period of three years allowing him to undertake a major research project.

Fri 25 Jan 2019, 09:46 | Tags: Research, Funding, Feature

Law academic gets mention by parliamentarian

The Australian Shadow Assistant Treasurer, Shadow Minister for Competition and Productivity and former Professor of Economics at the Australian National University (ANU), Dr Andrew Leigh delivered the prestigious Annual Lionel Murphy Lecture to the ANU on 31 October 2018.

The speech ‘Competition Policy and Inequality: Building on Lionel Murphy’s Legacy’ quoted research by Warwick Law School’s very own Kathryn McMahon.

Tue 06 Nov 2018, 14:31 | Tags: GLOBE Centre, Research, Staff in action

Dos and don’ts of Brexit: Dr Andreas Kokkinis examines the future of the UK financial services

We are proud to announce that an article, co-authored by Assistant Professor Dr Andreas Kokkinis alongside Dr Andrea Miglionico from the University of Reading, was published in the prominent Law and Economics Yearly Review this month.

Tue 16 Oct 2018, 12:17 | Tags: GLOBE Centre, Publication, Research, Staff in action

Spotlight on Research: Profiting from Disparity

In collaboration with the British Council, Dr Mohsen Al Attar, Associate Professor at Warwick Law School, recently delivered a lecture entitled Profiting from Disparity at the Singaporean Arts House. The event was attended by a mix of academics, journalists, high school and university students plus familiar Warwick alumni faces.

Tue 09 Oct 2018, 14:43 | Tags: Research, Staff in action

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