The Future of the Western Balkans in Europe
The Future of the Western Balkans in Europe
Workshop: 6 – 7 December 2018
Venue: Arden House, University of Warwick
The workshop will analyse the relationship between the EU and the Western Balkans ranging from historical, cultural, economic and security cooperation. Furthermore, it will investigate how Brexit might affect Britain’s cooperation in common policy areas with the EU towards the Western Balkans, in policy areas related to security, migration, energy, and the fight against organised crime and corruption. The workshop is divided into six panels; The EU and UK Policy in the Western Balkans, Challenges to Security Policy in the Western Balkans, Corruption and Organised Crime challenges in the Western Balkans, Migration challenges facing the Western Balkans, The Role of Western Balkans Diaspora and Civil Society in Development, and Employment, Economic and Social Policy in the Western Balkans.
The objective of this workshop is to bring together early career researchers, senior academics, policymakers and members of civil society to engaging in an intellectual exchange on the future of the Western Balkans. Topics of discussion are of concern for the UK, EU and countries in the Western Balkans – Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYR Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia related to migration, security and justice. A further objective of this workshop is to establish an early career research network for young scholar studying the EU and the UK future relations with the Western Balkans. The workshop aim to establish and strengthen links between academics, policymakers and civil society organisation based in the EU, the UK and in the Western Balkans region for future studies of migration, corruption and organised crime.
The workshop is by invitation only.
The workshop and the network is funded by the British Academy granted to Dr Andi Hoxhaj – The British Academy Rising the Star Engagement Award 2018.