Aisel Omarova
Researcher & Associate Tutor
Eastern European Legal History; International Child Rights
School of Law
Social Sciences Building
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
United Kingdom
Office Hours
Monday 10am-11am
Thursday 11am-12noon
Aisel’s field of research is legal history. In this field, she is an expert in two related research areas: Eastern European legal history and international child rights.
She has completed her PhD in 2017 in legal history, focusing on the legal status of Ukraine during the Perestroika period. In recent years, she has done extensive research on children’s rights in the USSR period Ukraine. She has published several publications that focus on the 1920s, the immediate period after the Soviet Revolution, exploring how this period of legal, political and social transformation impacted children. She has already published extensively on this period, showing the impact of changing policies had on children’s education and family law policies. Her work in this field provides an outstanding contribution to the legal history of children and the history of childhood.
Furthermore, through Aisel’s publications and her body of work more broadly, it can be seen how these policies that were created in the 1920s shaped the trajectory of children’s right throughout 20th century and remain influential in Ukraine of today.