Alan Norrie

Criminal Law; Guilt, Forgiveness & Justice; Socio-Legal Theory; Critical Realist & Dialectical Philosophy
School of Law
S1.02, Social Sciences Building
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
United Kingdom
Office hours - autumn term
Tuesdays 3-4pm
Thursdays 2.30-3.30pm
024 761 51107
Alan Norrie is interested in the critical and historical analysis of criminal law and in its ethical and doctrinal problems, and in ideas of guilt, forgiveness and justice. His background is in socio-legal theory and in critical realist and dialectical philosophy.
He published a third edition of 'Crime, Reason and History' in 2014, which contains new chapters on self-defence and loss of control. A collection of his recent essays on legal theory, criminal law and justice, 'Justice and the Slaughter Bench: Essays on Law's Broken Dialectic', was published in 2016.
From 2015-18, he held a Leverhulme Major Research Fellowship. In connection with that, a book entitled 'Rethinking Criminal Justice: Punishment, Abolition and Moral Psychology' will be published in 2025 by Cambridge University Press.