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Ali Struthers

Photo of Ali Struthers


Director of Widening Participation
Human Rights; Human Rights Education; Children

School of Law
S1.24, Social Sciences Building
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
United Kingdom

024 765 75306

My principal research interest lies in socio-legal explorations of children's rights, particularly around human rights in education. My work has addressed issues of: human rights education; children's participation and empowerment; safeguarding; privacy; British values; children's rights literature; children's legal education; and media sensationalism around human rights in the UK.

My 2020 monograph, Teaching Human Rights in Primary Schools: Overcoming the barriers to effective practice (Routledge) focuses on Human Rights Education in English primary education, utilising quantitative and qualitative empirical research methods to better understand the reasons for deficiencies in current practices in this area. It argues that England is not meeting its international legal obligations, but that the problem is more ingrained than simply a lack of relevant government policy. Teachers are apprehensive about HRE due to misunderstandings, misconceptions and myths surrounding human rights. The book offers broad, interdisciplinary recommendations for reform to current HRE practice in England.