Celine Tan

Co-Director of GLOBE
Law and Governance of International Financial Architecture; Sovereign Debt; Climate Change and Sustainable Development; International Financial Institutions; Human Rights
School of Law
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Celine Tan is Professor of International Economic Law. She is also the Co-Director of the Centre for Law, Regulation and Governance of the Global Economy (GLOBE)Link opens in a new window based at Warwick Law School. Celine is a founding member of The IEL Collective, a community for scholars and practitioners interested in critical reflection of the interactions between law and the global economy.
Prior to Warwick, she was at the University of Birmingham. She completed her PhD at the University of Warwick where she held a Postgraduate Research Fellowship.
- Tan, Celine, 2022. Audit as accountability : technical authority and expertise in the governance of private financing for development. Social and Legal Studies, 31 (1), pp. 3-26
- Tan, Celine, 2022. Private investments, public goods : regulating markets for sustainable development. European Business Organization Law Review, 23, pp. 241-271
- Connelly, Stephen, Tan, Celine, Patricio, Karina, Lima, Ferreira, Tassis, Chris, 2020. The G20 debt service suspension initiative : what of commercial creditors?. Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law, 35 (11), pp. 741-743
- Tan, Celine, 2019. Beyond the ?moments' of law and development : critical reflections on the contributions and estrangements of law and development scholarship in a globalized economy. Law and Development Review, 12 (2), pp. 285-321
- Faundez, Julio, Tan, Celine, 2015. Introduction : international economic law, natural resources and sustainable development. International Journal of Law in Context, 11 (2), pp. 109-112
- Tan, Celine, 2015. Risky business : political risk insurance and the law and governance of natural resources. International Journal of Law in Context, 11 (2), pp. 174-194
- Tan, Celine, 2014. Reframing the debate : the debt relief initiative and new normative values in the governance of third world debt. International Journal of Law in Context, 10 (2), pp. 249-272
- Tan, Celine, 2011. The new biopower : poverty reduction strategy papers and the obfuscation of international collective responsibility. Third World Quarterly, 32 (6), pp. 1039-1056
- Tan, Celine, 2008. Mandating rights and limiting mission creep : holding the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund accountable for human rights violations. Human Rights and International Legal Discourse, Vol.2 (No.1), pp. 79-116
- Tan, Celine, 2005. Evolving aid modalities and their impact on the delivery of essential services in low-income countries. Law, Social Justice & Global Development Journal (LGD), 1
- Tan, Celine, 2005. Evolving aid modalities and their impact on the delivery of essential services in low-income countries. Law, Social Justice & Global Development Journal (LGD), 1
- Tan, Celine, Quintero-Godinez, Rafael, 2024. Financial complicity and human rights : exploring the legal and policy landscape of responsibility for sovereign debt. Leite, Marianna; Kohonen, Matti (eds.), Righting the Economy : Towards a People?s Recovery from Economic and Environmental Crisis, Newcastle upon Tyne, Agenda Publishing
- Aliverti, Ana J., Tan, Celine, 2020. Development aid and the externalization of border controls. In Blaustein, J.; Fitz-Gibbon, K.; Pino, N.; White, R. (eds.), The Emerald Handbook of Crime, Justice and Sustainable Development, Bingley, UK, Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 197-222
- Tan, Celine, 2016. Shifting sands : interrogating the problematic relationship between international public finance and international financial regulation. In Bungenberg, Marc; Hermann, Christoph; Krajewski, Markus; Terhechte, Jörg Philipp (eds.), European Yearbook of International Economic Law 2016: Critical Perspectives of International Economic Law, Springer, pp. 343-375
- Tan, Celine, 2015. Reviving the emperor's old clothes : the good governance agenda, development and international investment law. In Schill, Stephen; Tams, Christian J.; Hofmann, Rainer (eds.), International investment law and development : bridging the gap, Cheltenham, UK, Edward Elgar, pp. 147-179
- Tan, Celine, 2013. Life, debt and human rights : contextualising the international regime for sovereign debt relief. Schefer, Krista Nadakavukaren (ed.), Poverty and the International Economic Law System: Duties to the Poor, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press
- Tan, Celine, 2012. Navigating new landscapes : socio-legal mapping of plurality and power in international economic law. Perry-Kessaris, Amanda (ed.), Socio-Legal Approaches to International Economic Law, Routledge
- Tan, Celine, 2011. Governance through development : poverty reduction strategies, international law and the disciplining of third world states. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, Routledge
- Tan, Celine, 2010. The new disciplinary framework : conditionality, new aid architecture and global economic governance. Faundez, Julio; Tan, Celine (eds.), International Economic Law, Globalization and Developing Countries, Cheltenham, UK, Edward Elgar
- Tan, Celine, 2010. Challenges of development : asian perspectives. In Rubini, Luca; Bestagno, Francesco (eds.), Financing for sustainable development : the challenges ahead for asian economies, Milano, Vita e Pensiero, pp. 87-114
- Tan, Celine, 2010. Regulation and resource dependency : the legal and political aspects of structural adjustment programmes. Bradlow, Daniel D.; Hunter, David B. (eds.), International Financial Institutions and International Law, Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands, Kluwer Law International
- Tan, Celine, 2009. Regulation. In G Honor, Fagan; Munck, Ronaldo (eds.), Globalization and security : an encyclopedia, Santa Barbara, California, Praeger Security International, pp. 349-369
- Tan, Celine, 2009. Global civil society and budget participation. Kumar, Ashwani; Scholte, Jan Aart; Kaldor, Mary; Glasius, Marlies; Seckinelgin, Hakan; Anheier, Helmut (eds.), Global civil society 2009 : poverty and activism, Los Angeles, SAGE
- Tan, Celine, 2006. Reclaiming development : streamline the Bretton Woods institutions. In Remo Bissio, Roberto (ed.), Impossible architecture : why the financial structure is not working for the poor and how to redesign it for equity and development, Montevideo, pp. 23-25
- Tan, Celine, 2011. Poverty and the international economic legal system : duties to the World's Poor. Life, Debt and Human Rights: Contextualising the International Regime for Sovereign Debt Relief, 20-22 October 2011, Published in Poverty and the international economic legal system : duties to the world's poor
- Tan, Celine, 2011. Life, debt and human rights : contextualising the international regime for sovereign debt relief. Poverty and the International Economic Legal System: Duties to the World?s Poor, 20-22 Oct 2011
- Tan, Celine, 2011. Navigating new landscapes : the contribution of socio-legal scholarship in mapping the plurality of international economic law and locating power in international economic relations. Socio-Legal Studies Association (SLSA) Conference, University of Sussex, Brighton, 12-14 April 2011
- Tan, Celine, 2011. Life, debt and human rights : contextualising the international regime for sovereign debt relief. Warwick School of Law Research Paper
- Tan, Celine, 2011. Life, debt and human rights : contextualising the international regime for sovereign debt relief. University of Warwick
- Tan, Celine, 2010. Confronting climate change : towards a new international agenda for meeting the financial challenges of the climate crisis in least developed countries. UNCTAD
- Tan, Celine, 2008. No additionality, new conditionality : a critique of the world bank's climate investment funds. Third World Network
- Tan, Celine, 2007. Debt and conditionality : multilateral debt relief initiative andopportunities for expanding policy space. Third World Network
- Tan, Celine, 2007. Reclaiming development : reasserting the role of the un in finance and economic matters vis-à-vis the Bretton Woods institutions. Third World Network
- Tan, Celine, 2007. A new regulatory discipline : Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs) in the framework of postcolonial international law and global governance.
- Tan, Celine, 2006. Who's 'free riding'? A critique of the World Bank's approach to non-concessional borrowing in low income countries. University of Warwick. Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation
- Tan, Celine, 2006. Responsible financing or unwarranted interventions : fiduciary obligations in loan and aid contracts between donors, client states and citizens. EURODAD
- Tan, Celine, 2006. Debt-relief countries can make use of more policy space. Third World Network
- Tan, Celine, 2006. Reform or reinvent? The IMF at a crossroads. Global Governance: a review of multilateralism and international organizations, Lynne Rienner Publishers, pp. 507-522
- Tan, Celine, 2004. Editorial. Law, Social Justice and Global Development, Electronic Law Journals Project
- Tan, Celine, 2004. World Bank and IMF Spring Meetings 2004 Wrap-up. Law, Social Justice & Global Development Journal (LGD)
- Tan, Celine, 2004. Book review of "The age of consent : a manifesto for a New World Order by George Monbiot". Law, Social Justice & Global Development Journal (LGD)
- Tan, Celine, 2001. Paving the yellow brick road : the world bank's foray into trade capacity building and the world trade organisation?s agenda : a critique. Third World Network
Title | Funder | Award start | Award end |
Equity and the Global Climate Finance Architecture: An Evaluation of the Just Transition Partnership (JETP) Framework - ODA challenge | British Academy | 28 Jun 2024 | 24 Dec 2025 |
International Development and New Financial Frontiers | Independent Social Research Foundation | 01 Mar 2019 | 29 Feb 2020 |
Privatisation of Aid in International Development (PAID) Research Activities | Society of Legal Scholars | 01 Jun 2018 | 31 Oct 2019 |
SLSA Seminars Competition 2017-18 | SLSA | 01 Apr 2018 | 31 May 2019 |
International Economic Law in Context Workshop Series SLSA Seminar Competition Series. | SLSA | 01 Sep 2015 | 31 Dec 2016 |
International Economic Law in Context Workshop Series SLS Seminar Competition Series | Society of Legal Scholars | 01 Sep 2015 | 31 Dec 2016 |
The IEL Collective
The IEL Collective provides a space for critical reflection on the complex interactions in the growing field of international economic law and exploring how epistemological and methodological diversity in the discipline can contribute towards the development of a more holistic landscape of scholarship on law and the governance of the global economy.
More details are available athttps://go.warwick.ac.uk/ielcollective.
The New Frontiers in International Development Finance (NeF DeF) project brings together research and policy thinking on how the shifting landscape of international development finance impacts on law, regulation and governance.
More details are available athttps://go.warwick.ac.uk/nefdef.
Influencing Trade and Development in Climate Crisis: Celine Tan was commissioned by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) to write a background paper on climate finance, ‘Confronting Climate Change: Towards A New International Agenda for Meeting the Financial Challenges of the Climate Crisis in Least Developed Countries’ to feed into their Least Development Countries'(LDC) Report 2010.
I welcome enquiries from prospective PhD supervisees. However, please ensure that you have a research proposal which corresponds with the University of Warwick School of Law requirements. I will be interested in supervising research on international economic law, sustainable development, law and development, international financial regulation and sovereign financing and intersections between law, gender, human rights and the environment.