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Celine Tan

Photo of Celine Tan


Co-Director of GLOBE

Law and Governance of International Financial Architecture; Sovereign Debt; Climate Change and Sustainable Development; International Financial Institutions; Human Rights

School of Law
S1.34, Social Sciences Building
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
United Kingdom
024 765 73830

Office Hours (Term 2, 2024 - 25):
Tuesdays, 11am - 12pm (online only)
Thursdays, 1pm - 2pm

Please book a slot using this booking form.

Celine's research centres on exploring aspects of international economic law and regulation with a focus on international development financing law, policy and governance. She is also interested in the intersections between law and development, gender, human rights and the environment. Celine has published on issues relating to the law and governance of the international financial architecture, sovereign debt, climate change and sustainable development, the role of international financial institutions and human rights. She has worked with international organisations and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in Europe, Africa and Asia on issues relating to social and economic development and human rights.