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Charlotte Woodhead

Photo of Charlotte Woodhead

Associate Professor

Art Law; Cultural Heritage Law; Restitution; Repatriation; Cultural Property Law; Personal Property Law

School of Law
S1.25, Social Sciences Building
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
United Kingdom

Office hours (in S1.25)

Mondays: 2.30pm-3.30pm (except Reading Week)

Fridays: 11am-12pm (except Reading Week)
024 765 24162

Charlotte's research interests lie in cultural heritage law. She has written articles on the restitution and repatriation of objects from museum collections with a particular focus on the work of the UK's Spoliation Advisory Panel. Her work explores the legal and self-imposed moral obligations under which museums act in their dealings with their collections and with the people they serve. Her recent project Caring for Cultural Heritage: An Integrated Approach to Legal and Ethical Initiatives in the United Kingdom (2024, Law in Context Series, Cambridge University Press) focused on how the UK cares for cultural heritage through legal instruments, guidance, codes and civil society initiatives using the ethics of care as a framework of analysis. She is currently working on the use of narratives in museum labels as a response to claims for cultural heritage objects.