Christian Twigg-Flesner

Professor of Contract and Consumer Law
Deputy Head of School
Director of Teaching and Learning
Co-Director of Academic Workload Allocation
Digital Technology and Contract, Consumer and Commercial Law; Contract Law; UK and EU Consumer Law; International Commercial Contracts Law.
School of Law
S2.15, Social Sciences Building
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
United Kingdom
024 761 51040
Office Hours (Spring Vacation 24/25)
Please email to check for my availability.
Christian Twigg-Flesner joined Warwick Law School in September 2017. He is Professor of Contract and Consumer Law.
He read law at the University of Sheffield (LLB in 1997 and PhD in 2002). He started his full-time academic career at Nottingham Trent University (1999-2002) before returning to Sheffield as Lecturer (2002-4). He joined the University of Hull in 2004 as Lecturer and was Professor of Commercial Law there from 2010 to 2017 and Head of the Law School from 2012-2014.
Professor Christian Twigg-Flesner's research interests are broadly in the fields of Contract Law, Consumer Law, and Commercial Law. This includes domestic aspects (English Contract Law, UK Consumer Law, and transactional aspects of Commercial Law), European aspects (especially EU and comparative Consumer Law), and international/transnational dimensions (both Transnational Commercial Law and International Consumer Law).
The focus of his current research is the impact of digitalisation on these fields. This includes specific topics (e.g., automation of transactions through algorithms and Artificial Intelligence; 3D-printing; online platforms; or data transactions) and overarching themes (analytical methodology for law and technological change; legal disruption; shifts in the role of contracts from transactions to networks and governance systems).
His most recent books are Foundations of International Commercial Law (Routledge, 2021) and the co-edited (with Hans Micklitz) The Transformation of Consumer Law and Policy in Europe (Hart, 2023). He has also published widely on European Consumer and Contract law, including Rethinking EU Consumer LawLink opens in a new window (with Geraint Howells and Thomas Wilhelmsson) and The Europeanisation of Contract Law (2nd ed, 2013), and the edited Research Handbook on EU Consumer and Contract Law (Elgar, 2016).
SSRN Author page:
External roles:
- Managing Editor and Law Editor for the Journal of Consumer Policy
- Series Editor for Elgar Studies in Contemporary Commercial Law
- Fellow of the European Law Institute (former Council Member (2019 to 2023))
- Member of the Innovation and Technology Law Laboratory