Dalvinder Singh

Bank & Financial Regulation; Financial Sector Reform; Bank Insolvency & Deposit Insurance; Corporate Insolvency
School of Law
S2.19, Social Sciences Building
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
United Kingdom
024 761 50675
Dr Dalvinder Singh was Professor of Law and Adjunct Professor, University of Bologna, Department of Management (2018-2021). He is the editor of the Journal of Banking Regulation (Springer) and Financial Regulation International (Informa); He is also a member of the Advisory Panel of the International Association of Deposit Insurers (IADI), c/o Bank for International Settlements, Basel, Switzerland. In 2017, he was invited on to the technical committee to prepare the IADI guidance paper ‘Deposit Insurers’ Role in Contingency Planning and System-wide Crisis Preparedness and Management’, published in May 2019. He has been on the Butterworths LexisNexis, Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, team since 2012. He was Fernand Braudel Fellow, European University Institute, Department of Law, 2016. In 2016, he was invited by the World Bank FINSAC team to work on a project about the European banking reforms. He regularly participates in professional training for Central Banking Publications.
- Singh, Dalvinder. The UK Banking Act 2009, pre-insolvency and early intervention : policy and practice. The Journal of Business Law, Vol.2011 (No.1), pp. 20-42
- 'Nieto, María J., 'Singh, Dalvinder, 2022. 'Incentive-compatible relationship between ERM II and close co-operation in the banking union : the cases of Bulgaria and Croatia. European Law Review, 47 (2), pp. 200-221
- Binder, Jens-Hinrich, Krimminger, Michael, Nieto, María J., Singh, Dalvinder, 2019. The choice between judicial and administrative sanctioned procedures to manage liquidation of banks : a transatlantic perspective. Capital Markets Law Journal, 14 (2), pp. 178-216
- Singh, Dalvinder, 2013. The role of external auditors in bank supervision : a supervisory gatekeeper?. The International Lawyer, 47 (3)
- LaBrosse, John Raymond, Singh, Dalvinder, 2011. Developing a framework for effective financial crisis management. Financial Market Trends
- Singh, Dalvinder, 2011. UK's approach at financial crisis management. Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems, Vol.19 (No.2), pp. 868-922
- Singh, Dalvinder, LaBrosse, J. R., 2010. Northern rock, depositors and deposit insurance coverage : some critical reflections. Journal of Business Law, Vol.2010 (No.2), pp. 55-85
- Campbell, Andrew, LaBrosse, John Raymond, Mayes, David G., Singh, Dalvinder, 2009. A new standard for deposit insurance and government guarantees after the crisis. Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance, 17 (3), pp. 210-239
- Singh, Dalvinder, 2007. The role of the IMF and World Bank in financial sector reform and compliance : an outline. European Business Law Review, 18 (6), pp. 1395-1421
- Singh, Dalvinder, 2005. Basel Committee on banking supervision : compliance and the compliance function in banks. Journal of Banking Regulation, 6 (4), pp. 298-300
- Singh, Dalvinder, 2003. The role of third parties in banking regulation and supervision. Journal of Banking Regulation, 4 (3), pp. 275-292
- Singh, Dalvinder, 2003. Enforcement decisions in banking regulation and supervision. Journal of Banking Regulation, 4 (4), pp. 301-319
- Singh, Dalvinder, 2003. Banking the right to seek disclosure from a non-party. The Company Lawyer, 24 (10), pp. 311-313
- Singh, Dalvinder, 2002. Enforcement methods and sanctions in banking regulation and supervision. International and Comparative Corporate Law Journal, 4 (4), pp. 307-343
- 'Singh, Dalvinder, 2022. 'The ECB guide to internal liquidity adequacy : a principles-based approach. In Joosen, Bart P. M.; Lamandini, Marco; Tröger, Tobias H. (eds.), Capital and Liquidity Requirements for European Banks, Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 503-525
- 'Olivares-Caminal, Rodrigo, 'Guynn, Randall, 'Kornberg, Alan W., 'McLaughlin, Eric, 'Paterson, Sarah, 'Singh, Dalvinder, 2022. 'Debt restructuring.
- Singh, Dalvinder, 2020. European cross-border banking and banking supervision. Oxford, UK, Oxford University Press
- Singh, Dalvinder, 2019. Should non-participating member states join the banking union? A legal perspective. In Grundmann, Stefan; Micklitz, Hans-W. (eds.), The European banking union and constitution : beacon for advanced integration or death-knell for democracy?, Oxford, UK, Hart Publishing, pp. 294-308
- Singh, Dalvinder, 2016. Legal aspects of banking regulation in the UK and USA. Olivares-Caminal, Rodrigo; Kornberg, Alan; Paterson, Sarah; Douglas, John; Guynn, Randall; Singh, Dalvinder (eds.), Debt restructuring, Oxford, Oxford University Press
- Singh, Dalvinder, 2016. Recovery and resolution planning : reconfiguring financial regulation and supervision. Binder, Jens-Hinrich; Singh, Dalvinder (eds.), Bank Resolution: The European Regime, Oxford, Oxford University Press
- Singh, Dalvinder, 2016. Bank in distress. Olivares-Caminal, Rodrigo; Kornberg, Alan; Paterson, Sarah; Douglas, John; Guynn, Randall; Singh, Dalvinder (eds.), Debt restructuring, Oxford, Oxford University Press
- Olivares-Caminal, Rodrigo, Kornberg, Alan, Paterson, Sarah, Douglas, John, Guynn, Randall, Singh, Dalvinder, 2016. Debt restructuring. Oxford, Oxford University Press
- Singh, Dalvinder, 2016. Safeguarding ?critical social functions' post the global financial crisis. In Ferreira, Nuno; Kostakopoulou, Dora (eds.), The Human Face of the European Union: Are EU Law and Policy Humane Enough?, Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 48-73
- Singh, Dalvinder, 2016. Banking act restructuring and insolvency procedures. Olivares-Caminal, Rodrigo; Kornberg, Alan; Paterson, Sarah; Douglas, John; Guynn, Randall; Singh, Dalvinder (eds.), Debt restructuring, Oxford, Oxford University Press
- Singh, Dalvinder, 2016. European bank resolution regime. Olivares-Caminal, Rodrigo; Kornberg, Alan; Paterson, Sarah; Douglas, John; Guynn, Randall; Singh, Dalvinder (eds.), Debt restructuring, Oxford, Oxford University Press
- LaBrosse, John Raymond, Olivares-Caminal, Rodrigo, Singh, Dalvinder, 2013. Financial Crisis Containment and Government Guarantees. Cheltenham, UK, Edward Elgar
- LaBrosse, John Raymond, Singh, Dalvinder, 2013. Improving the decision-making framework for financial crisis management. In LaBrosse, John Raymond; Olivares-Caminal, Rodrigo; Singh, Dalvinder (eds.), Financial Crisis Containment and Government Guarantees, Cheltenham, UK, Edward Elgar, pp. 13-28
- Singh, Dalvinder, 2011. The US architecture of bank regulation and supervision : recent reforms in their historical context. In LaBrosse, John Raymond; Olivares-Caminal, Rodrigo; Singh, Dalvinder, 1970- (eds.), Managing risk in the financial system, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, pp. 399-415
- Olivares-Caminal, Rodrigo, Douglas, John, Guynn, Randall, Kornberg, Alan, Paterson, Sarah, Singh, Dalvinder, Stonefrost, Hilary, 2011. Debt restructuring. Oxford, Oxford University Press
- Singh, Dalvinder, 2009. Legal aspects of UK bank corporate governance. In Arun, Thankom; Turner, John (eds.), Corporate Governance and Development: Reform, Financial Systems and Legal Frameworks, Cheltenham, UK, Edward Elgar, pp. 176-199
- Singh, Dalvinder, 2009. The European deposit guarantee directive : an appraisal of the reform. In Labrosse, John Raymond; Olivares-Caminal, Rodrigo; Singh, Dalvinder, 1970- (eds.), Financial crisis management and bank resolution, London, Informa Law, pp. 155-175
- Singh, Dalvinder, 2008. The role of the IMF and World Bank in financial sector reform and compliance. In Shan, Wenhua; Simons, Penelope, 1963-; Singh, Dalvinder, 1970- (eds.), Redefining sovereignty in international economic law, Oxford, Hart, pp. 331-362
- Singh, Dalvinder, 2007. Banking regulation of UK and US financial markets. Aldershot, Ashgate
- Campbell, Andrew, Singh, Dalvinder, 2007. Legal aspects of the interests of depositor creditors : the case for deposit protection systems. Campbell, Andrew; La Brosse, John Raymond; Mayes, David; Singh, Dalvinder (eds.), Deposit insurance, Basingstoke, Palgrave
- Singh, Dalvinder, 2006. Corporate governance and banking supervision. Norton, Joseph J.; Rickford, Jonathan; Kleinema, Jan (eds.), Corporate governance post-enron : comparative and international perspectives, London, British Institute of International and Comparative Law
- 'Gulija, Bozena, 'Singh, Dalvinder, 2020. 'European Banking Union : challenges and opportunities arising from its inception, architecture and environment. Jean Monnet Module International Scientific Conference on ?EU Financial Regulation and Markets: Beyond Fragmentation and Differentiation? (the EUFRM conference), Zagreb, Croatia ; Online, 26-27 Nov 2020, Published in EU Financial Regulation and Markets : Beyond Fragmentation and Differentiation : Conference Proceedings
- Singh, Dalvinder, 2008. International financial sector reform and compliance. Public Seminar Series, Leeds, 5 Mar 2008
- 'Gulija, Bozena, 'Russo, Costanza, 'Singh, Dalvinder, 2022. 'ECB significant - bank risk profile and COVID-19 crisis containment : what approach in the transition phase?. International Association of Deposit Insurers (IADI)
- Singh, Dalvinder, 2013. The role of external auditors in bank supervision : a supervisory gatekeeper?. University of Warwick
- Singh, Dalvinder, 2012. The role of external auditors in bank supervision : a supervisory gatekeeper?. University of Warwick
- Singh, Dalvinder, LaBrosse, John Raymond, 2012. Developing a framework for effective financial crisis management. University of Warwick
- Singh, Dalvinder, 2012. Cross-border bank insolvency. Journal of Banking Regulation, Palgrave Macmillan Ltd, pp. 86-88
- Singh, Dalvinder, 2010. U.K. approach to financial crisis management. University of Warwick
- Singh, Dalvinder, 2010. The UK banking act 2009, pre-insolvency and early intervention : policy and practice. University of Warwick
- Singh, Dalvinder, 2005. Outsourcing in financial services. Journal of Banking Regulation, Palgrave Macmillan Ltd, pp. 202-204
- Singh, Dalvinder, 2005. Basel committee on banking supervision : compliance and the compliance function in banks. Journal of Banking Regulation, Palgrave Macmillan Ltd, pp. 298-300
- Singh, Dalvinder, 2004. Accountability at law of regulatory decisions. Journal of Banking Regulation, Palgrave Macmillan Ltd, pp. 198-200
- Singh, Dalvinder, 2004. The enlargement of the European Union and financial services. Journal of Banking Regulation, Palgrave Macmillan Ltd, pp. 294-296
UG Modules
Adrian Dumitrescu Pasecinic, Dalvinder Singh and Oana Ștefan, Limits for the ECB when adopting soft law instruments in the field of banking supervision, ECB Legal Papers Series, 2021, forthcoming
The European Central Bank publishes a variety of soft law to explain and interpret the ambit of its mandate for banking supervision. As expressed by the literature and judicial practice, the legal effects of such instruments in the absence of legally binding force are unclear and can be similar to those of hard law. The consequence would be that soft law instruments are powerful tools through which the ECB can expand its powers illegitimately. We argue that this is a simplistic view of the reality, which fails to take account of the important regulatory functions that soft law plays in orchestrating complex relationships between the ECB and its addressees: within the single supervisory mechanism, significant and less significant banks, and national authorities. Placing these relationships at the core of our analysis, we explore the limits of the ECB when issuing soft law in banking supervision. We adopt a pragmatic approach that recognises both the value of soft law within the EU set-up and acknowledges the crucial importance of monitoring its deployment. Endorsing the position that soft law is a tool turning ‘EU policy into practical reality’, this paper takes the extra step in exploring the avenues through which ECB soft law can achieve its full potential without frustrating fundamental rule of law values. Drawing on Diver's work, the paper argues soft law serves an important purpose to improve rule transparency, rule congruence and rule accessibility. It is suggested soft law aids the understanding and application of technical rules and provide context to ensure they serve the public interest concerns that technical rules are designed to achieve. We argue that the unique relationship between the ECB and significant banks in banking supervision serves as a space where non-binding instruments give rise to supervisory effects.
Bozena Gulija, Costanza Russo and Dalvinder Singh, ECB Significant-Bank Risk Profile and COVID-19 Crisis Containment: What Approach in the Transitioning Phase? IADI Sponsored Paper Series, No. 2, July 2022.
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused an unprecedented degree of public and private intervention to avert a social, economic and financial crisis. EU member states, and especially participating member states of the European Banking Union (EBU), introduced a broad set of measures, including public guarantees, moratoria and amendments to the European Commission State Aid framework, to contain the negative effects of the pandemic on the economy. The EU suspended its fiscal rules and the European Central Bank increased its monetary operations. The paper uses an empirical analysis to review the impact of public support on the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) banks and the acutely exposed participating EBU member states because of their significant increase in government debt levels. We argue that the containment of the crisis creates a major uncertainty, namely a possible insolvency lag once the benefits of the public support subside and insolvencies start to materialise. This uncertainty is associated with non-financial corporates, the safety and soundness of the SSM significant banks and sovereign debt sustainability, forming a new ‘doom loop’. We suggest the design of a ‘transition phase’ as a mechanism of accountability to improve the understanding of those uncertainties to ensure financial stability.
I am on the International Advisory Panel of the International Association of Deposit Insurers (IAD), Bank for International Settlements. Since 2008, the Advisory Panel has been involved in providing expert opinions and feedback on IADI’s core work on deposit insurance and financial stability. I have also collaborated with the World Bank (2016) and the IMF (2003).
I collaborated with the OECD on Public Guarantees by organising an event ‘Financial crisis management and the use of government guarantees’ which coincided with the OECD’s 50th Anniversary, 2011. [Insert Link 1] My joint paper was selected for publication in the OECD Journal on Financial Market Trends. The joint paper titled ‘Developing a Framework for Effective Financial Crisis Management’ [Insert Link 2] provides a unique stakeholder approach to crisis management; and a crisis management decision tree that we designed to assist a Financial Safety Net to execute their responsibilities across the stages of managing a financial crisis.
The paper has directly influenced the shape of the Philippine’s systemic risk crisis management framework, published in June 2022. It clearly indicates the ‘[FSCC] adopt the earlier work of Singh and LaBrosse (OECD, 2012) and refine their framework to generate the following decision tree,’ at p. 6: [Insert Link 3]
The FSCC later show their Protocols draw on the work to build its crisis management framework: ‘…the unique challenge that crisis management bears upon various financial authorities, we quote from the Singh and LaBrosse (OECD, 2012), which undertook its seminal study on crisis management frameworks in response to the Global Financial Crisis (GFC)….at p.11’ [Insert Link 4]
The publication of the paper by numerous press agencies explains how the Philippines adopts a stakeholder approach which is a strong theme in the paper. In the OECD 2012 paper, we emphasize the stakeholder approach by highlighting the importance of both private and public ‘actors’ interests and responsibilities are reflected in the crisis decision making process.
The OECD 2012 paper has also influenced the decision-making process in Zimbabwe. The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe published its ‘Framework for Contingency planning and Systemic Crisis Management’ in July 2014. [Insert Link 5] The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe directly incorporates our crisis management decision tree (Figure 3) into their decision-making process (Appendix III).
The OECD 2012 paper has also been cited in other domestic and international policy forums on crisis prevention frameworks and country reviews of such measures: The US Office of Inspector General of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (OIG), in its evaluation of the FDIC’s Readiness for Crises, April 2020, directly quote the paper to highlight the importance of looking at coordination and collaboration between Financial Safety Net Players:
The OIG explain “According to an article in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Journal, Developing a Framework for Effective Financial Crisis Management, “[d]eposit protection has become an important feature of modern banking systems” and part of the official financial system safety net along with a lender of last resort, prudential banking regulator, and a government treasury department. The article further states: In normal times the regulation and supervision of banks, . . . explicit deposit protection and an effective bank closure mechanism all help to reduce the adverse consequences of a financial crisis emanating from bank failures . . . . However, when problems become systematic, governments tend to play a much more active role and call upon the agencies that make up the [financial system safety net] to undertake extraordinary measures. . . . As such, there is a clear need for officials to undertake coherent contingency planning. . . .. [Emphasis added.]” at pp. 2-3 [Insert Link 6]
The paper is also referred to by the New Zealand review of the New Zealand Reserve Bank Act, 2019. [Insert Link 7] The consultation document refers to the importance of putting the different components of the Financial Safety Net together to ensure an effective policy response, which is a central tenet of the paper. At p. 91
In 2017, I was invited to join the IADI Technical Committee to prepare the Guidance paper on ‘Deposit Insurers’ Role in Contingency Planning and System-wide Crisis Preparedness and Management’. The Committee prepared the guidance paper to operationalize Core Principle 6 of the IADI Core Principles for Effective Deposit Insurance 2014. The final guidance paper also cites the OECD 2012 paper. I assisted with writing the guidance paper. The paper is also cited by the Association of Supervisors of the Banks of the Americas (ASBA) in the ASBA Working Group paper ‘Effective Cooperation for Resolution of Financial Institutions in the Americas’, May 2018. The ASBA paper also emphasizes the importance of coordination and cooperation between the Financial Safety Net.
Executive Programme: Warwick Business School-Bank of England, Executive Postgraduate Programme, MSc Central Banking and Financial Regulation: Co-teach on: Module 2 Financial Stability & Approaches to Financial Regulation and Supervision; and Module 3 Financial Regulation & Supervision in Practice; Dissertation Supervisor, 2015-2019.
Training: Co-ordinating regulatory and supervisory policies and Session (2) Overcoming the home-host dilemma in cross-border regulation and supervision; Basel III: Implementing the Global Regulatory Framework, London, 25th – 26th September 2019.
Training: Overcoming the home-host dilemma in cross-border regulation and supervision, Financial Regulation and Supervision: Design and Implementation, 10th – 13th September 2019, Downing College, University of Cambridge. The Role of Independent Fiscal Agencies in Government Debt Management, Government Debt Management: New Trends and Challenges, Date: Friday 16th September, 2016, Christ’s College, Cambridge.
Training: Cross-border and foreign banks regulation and supervision: the home-host dilemma: Financial Regulation and Supervision: Design and Implementation, 15th September, 2016, Christ’s College, University of Cambridge.
Executive Seminar: European Stability Mechanism, Executive Seminar on Bank Resolution - 14/15 July 2016, EUI, Florence.
Training: Bank of America – MBNA, Chester UK Regulations US and UK Masterclass, Institute of Credit Management, Two Day Training Session 10th – 12th March 2015.
Training: Bank of America – MBNA, Chester UK, Three Day Training Workshop, UK and US Regulation of Consumer Credit, Bank of America – MBNA, Chester, UK, Masterclass, Institute of Credit Management, 9, 10 and 11th June, 2014.
Executive Seminar: International Financial Sector Reform and Compliance with the Basel Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision: The East Asia Experience, ACCA HK Conrad Hotel, Hong Kong, 26-Oct-2007.
Advisory Panel Member 2008-present: The International Association of Deposit Insurers (IADI), Basel Switzerland (Expert Opinions on Guidance Papers) http://www.iadi.org/en/core-principles-and research/advisory-panel/
Sub-Committee Member of Crisis Management and Contingency Planning: Guidance Paper to operationalise core principle 6 of the IADI Core Principles of Deposit Insurance: Panel of International Association of Deposit Insurers, BIS, Basel, Switzerland
World Bank (FINSAC) participated in the research of the Small Host project, part of the Vienna Initiative. http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/469031468198232774/pdf/105607-AR-PUBLIC-FinSAC-Annual-Report-2015.pdf, at p, 36-37
IMF: Review of draft microfinance legislation 2003; and Invited participant to the ‘Policy and Practice Conference, Bank Insolvency in the Caribbean – Law and Best Practice (Detecting and Managing Banking Crises: Assessment of the Global Financial Crisis of 2007–2009) Principal Sponsor CARTAC, Rose Hall Resort, Montego Bay, Jamaica, 24-26th March 2010
High Level Policy Seminars
Adrian Dumitrescu, Dalvinder Singh, Oana Stefan, Limits for the ECB when Adopting Soft Law Instruments
in the Field of Banking Supervision, ECB Legal Research Programme (Senior Scholars Group), ECB, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 27th March 2021.
The Choice between Judicial and Administrative Sanctioned Procedures to Manage Liquidation of Banks, International Conference Deposit Insurance and Bank Liquidation: Standards, Best Practices and Innovations, Saint Petersburg, Russia, IADI Asia Pacific Regional Committee (APRC) 2019 Annual Conference, Thursday 27 June 2019
The choice between judicial and administrative sanctioned procedures to manage liquidation of banks: a transatlantic perspective: Towards building a more resilient financial system – Challenges in Deposit Insurance and Bank Resolution, Bank for International Settlements, Basel, Switzerland, 23 – 24 May 2019
Keynote: Minimising the Asymmetry of Information in Banks in Distress – Lessons for Deposit Guarantee Schemes: Resolution and Deposit Guarantee Scheme in Europe: Incomplete Processes and Uncertain Outcomes, IADI – European Regional Committee, International Conference, Castel dell’Ovo - Via Eldorado, 3 Naples, Italy, 23 March 2018
Addressing the Information Asymmetry between Banks and Regulators: The Role of Peer Monitoring, Designing an Optimal Deposit Insurance System – Theory and Practice, IADI, Bank for International Settlements, Basel, Switzerland, 1 – 2 June 2017
Cross-Border Bank Supervision and Resolution: The Home-Host Dilemma for Significant-Material Subsidiaries from a ‘Small’ Host State Perspective, Dalvinder Singh, School of Law, University of Warwick, at Financial Sector Advisory Center (FinSAC) Conference on EU Bank Resolution and Workshop on Bail-in December 12-13, 2016, Vienna, Austria. See: https://www.worldbank.org/en/events/2016/12/12/finsac-conference-on-eu-bank-resolution-and-workshop-on-bail-in#3.
The Role of the External Auditor in Bank Supervision: A Contextual – Policy Approach, World Bank - FinSAC Regional Seminar on the Single Supervisory Mechanism, InterContinental Hotel, Frankfurt, Germany, November 3-4, 2015.
with JR LaBrosse, “Crisis Management Recent Experience and Effective Practices” Symposium on financial crisis management and the use of government guarantees, OECD Paris, France, 3-4 October 2011 - Paris, France.
Conference Paper: The UK Banking Act 2009, Pre-Insolvency and Early Intervention: Policy and Practice Conference, Bank Insolvency in the Caribbean – Law and Best Practice (Detecting and Managing Banking Crises: Assessment of the Global Financial Crisis of 2007–2009) Principal Sponsor IMF-CARTAC, Rose Hall Resort, Montego Bay, Jamaica, 24-26th March 2010.
Conference Paper[s]: 1) Deposit Insurance, UK Experience and 2) Corporate Governance and Banks, ‘Banking Reforms in Nigeria: What Next After CBN’s Intervention’, Lagos, Nigeria, 11 February 2010, Business Day, Sponsored by Central Bank of Nigeria and Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation.
Conference Paper: with JR LaBrosse, Deposit Insurance and Public Awareness: Northern Rock, Deposit insurance and Consumer Protection, 6th International Association of Deposit Insurance Conference 31-Oct-2007, The Westin, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
International Consultation Process: Title of Conference Paper, ‘The Balance between Legal Responsibility and Protection’ presented at the 5th International Association of Deposit Insurance Conference, 13-17th November (2006), Copacabana Palace Hotel, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.
I welcome enquiries from prospective PhD supervisees. However, please ensure that you have a research proposal which corresponds with the University of Warwick School of Law requirements.
I am very keen to hear from prospective PhD students interested in the area of banking and financial law and regulation.
Current PhD students:
- Abdulrahman Alshami
- Beshair Alzeer
- Sharon Kun-Amornpong
- Daniel Osei Agyekumhene
Interviewed for:
- Sanjeev Gupta draws scrutiny over Wyelands Bank loans, February 24 2020, Financial Times.
- Extensive ties found between Sanjeev Gupta bank and business empire, July 23 2019, Financial Times
- Texas Lender Details His Reluctant Move to Shadow Banking, American Banker Magazine, MAR 10, 2015
- Will Britain's HSBC move back to its original home? BBC News, 5 May 2015.