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Daniel Matthews

Photo of Daniel Matthews


Director of PGR Studies

Legal Theory; Political Theory; Law and the Humanities; Constitutional Theory; Climate Change; Political Ecology

School of Law
S2.16, Social Sciences Building
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
United Kingdom

024 765 23094

Daniel's primary interests lie in theories of sovereignty and political community. His most recent work examines how both orthodox and critical approaches to sovereignty are being challenged by planetary climatic change and the onset of the Anthropocene. Taking a transdisciplinary approach, his work draws on critical legal theory, political theory, literature, aesthetics and ecology. Daniel's first monograph – Earthbound: The Aesthetics of Sovereignty in the Anthropocene (EUP, 2021) – was awarded the Penny Pether Prize by The Law, Literature and the Humanities Association of Australasia.