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Henrique Carvalho

Photo of Henrique Carvalho


Co-Director of CJC

Criminal Law; Criminal Justice; Punishment; Aesthetics; Affect; Identity; Belonging; Boundary-work

School of Law
S1.23, Social Sciences Building
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
United Kingdom

024 765 74724

Henrique is a critical theorist of criminalisation, punishment, law and justice, examining these issues as cultural, socio-political phenomena which both reflect and condition matters of identity and belonging, authority and order. His broader research interests include criminal law and criminal justice, criminology, responsibility and punishment, aesthetics, and legal, social, cultural and political theory.

Henrique is the author of The Preventive Turn in Criminal Law (2017, OUP), which was shortlisted for the 2018 Hart-SLSA Theory and History Book Prize. He is also the co-author, together with Anastasia Chamberlen, of Questioning Punishment (2024, Routledge).

Henrique is an editorial board member, and book reviews co-editor, of Social & Legal Studies, and an editorial board member of the International Journal of Law in Context and of the Journal of Critical Realism.