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John McEldowney

Photo of John McEldowney

Emeritus Professor

Constitutional Law; Law & Politics; Japanese Law; Regulation & Governance


John McEldowney was Professor of Law at the University of Warwick, and was Deputy Chair of the Study of Parliament Group. He delivered the 10th Hugh Fitzpatrick Lecture on "Biography and Bibliography" at Kings Inns Dublin Ireland in 2004. In 2001 he was elected the New Zealand Law Foundation Distinguished Visiting Fellow. He has held visiting appointments in universities in Japan and France. In 2000 he was the World Bank visiting Fellow in the Supreme Court in Venezuela. In 2004 he was awarded a medal of honour from the University of Lille. He has acted as external examiner for a number of universities, including the Open University. He has given evidence to a number of inquiries held by the House of Lords Select Committee on the Constitution specifically on the Draft European Constitution in 2002-3, Parliament and the Legislative Process in 2003/4 and on the use of the prerogative of war. He is currently working on a new book on environmental law for Edward Elgar.