Jonathan Garton

Director of Academic Practice
Charities; Equity & Trusts; Legal History
School of Law
S2.22, Social Sciences Building
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
United Kingdom
024 761 51754
Term 2 Office Hours: Mondays 11-1 [not week 1]
Jonathan's main research interests are in the law of trusts, particularly charities, and legal history. His books include The Regulation of Organised Civil Society (Hart 2009), Public Benefit in Charity Law (OUP 2013) and Moffat's Trusts Law (7th ed, CUP 2020).
Some forthcoming publications include "Charity and the Roots of Social Welfare in Early Modern England" in Helen Carr et al (eds), Research Handbook on Social Welfare Law (Edward Elgar 2024), "Property Disputes about Leper Houses, Pest Houses and Fever Hospitals" (with Charles Mitchell) in Emily Gordon et al (eds), Epidemics and the Law from Plague to the Present (Hart 2025), and "Charitable Trusts" in Mark Bennett et al (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Trust Laws (OUP 2025).
He is currently writing a monograph on commercial trusts for Edward Elgar’s Principles of Commercial Law series.