Interviewed about class action law suit by retailers against Amazon ‘Buy-box’, by Joel Khalili, Wired.com (13 June 2024)
Interviewed about competition in mobile ecosystems by James O’Malley, freelance journalist for a feature in PC Pro Magazine (4 January 2023 and 16 May 2023).
Ambassador, Value of Competition Programme, Oxford pro-bono programme to support competition culture in developed and developing countries. Established by Oxford Centre for Competition Law and Policy (CCLP):
‘Expert Comment’ on the decision by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) to fine BGL £17.9 million, the owner of the comparison price website for breach of competition law: November 20th, 2020:
‘Competition Law Expert’, Comparative Competition Law (CCL) project based at the University of Columbia Law School (Professor Anu Bradford) and the University of Chicago Law School which ‘generates novel data on competition regimes across time and countries. Using these data, the project studies competition law and enforcement around the world, including exploring the diffusion of these laws and the effects they have on market outcomes.’ (August 2016):
‘Expert comment’ for Globelynx, on the US Government intention to investigate the tech giants Google, Amazon, Facebook and Apple for breach of competition law (June 2019)
Contributed to a study conducted by Legal Tech Lab, Helsinki University on the use of AI in public decision-making (August, 2018)
‘Expert comment’ on a fine imposed on Google (Andriod case), July, 2018
Invited commentator, EU-funded workshop on Challenges Faced by Judges in Enforcing Competition Law; EU and National Perspectives in April 2013.
Participated in a workshop for judges of Eastern Europe and new accession countries, at the Florence School of Regulation, European University Institute, Florence.
Lecturer, EU and UK competition law workshop Office of Water Regulator (OFWAT)Link opens in a new window.