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Kathryn McMahon

Photo of Kathryn McMahon


Director of Postgraduate Studies

EU, Comparative & International Competition Law; Economic Regulation; Regulation of Digital Markets

School of Law
S2.13, Social Sciences Building
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
United Kingdom

Office hours (Term2 - 2024-25)

Mondays 12-1pm (weeks 3 & 5 only)

Wednesdays 9-11am (every week but for week 5: Monday 12-1pm and Wednesday 9-10am. No in person office hours in UG Reading Week: week 6)

(The above times are in person in Room S2.13, no need for an appointment, just drop by. If you can not make these times please email for another in person or online appointment)

Kathryn McMahon LLB (UNSW), BEc, LLM, PhD (Syd) researches and publishes in the areas of EU, comparative and international competition law with particular interests in the theory of economic regulation, the intersection of competition law with sector-specific regulation and the regulation of digital markets.