Sam Adelman

Library Liaison
Legal Theory; Development; Human Rights; Climate Change
School of Law
S2.23, Social Sciences Building
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
United Kingdom
024 765 23101
Consultation hours:
Term 1, Tuesday 12.00-14.00
Professor Adelman's primary areas of teaching and research are climate change and international development law and human rights.
Professor Adelman has degrees from the University of the Witwatersrand, Harvard University and Warwick University. He was banned, detained and exiled during the struggle against apartheid. He is a visiting professor at North-West University and Nelson Mandela University in South Africa. He is a member of the senior editorial board of the Journal of Human Rights and the Environment. He has been a Fulbright scholar and was awarded a British Academy/Leverhulme Senior Research Fellowship in 2020.
- Kotzé, Louis J., Mayer, Benoit, van Asselt, Harro, Setzer, Joana, Biermann, Frank, Celis, Nicolas, Adelman, Sam, Lewis, Bridget, Kennedy, Amanda, Arling, Helen, Peters, Birgit, 2024. Courts, climate litigation and the evolution of earth system law. Global Policy, 15 (1), pp. 5-22
- Kotze, Louis J., Adelman, Sam, 2023. Environmental law and the unsustainability of sustainable development : a tale of disenchantment and of hope. Law and Critique, 34, pp. 227-248
- Adelman, Sam, Kotzé, Louis J., 2021. Introduction : climate justice in the Anthropocene. Onati Socio-legal Series, 11 (1), pp. 30-43
- Adelman, Sam, 2021. A legal paradigm shift towards climate justice in the Anthropocene. Oñati Socio-Legal Series (OSLS), 11 (1), pp. 44-68
- Adelman, Sam, Lewis, Bridget, 2018. Symposium Foreword : Rights-based approaches to climate change. Transnational Environmental Law, 7 (1), pp. 9-15
- Adelman, Sam, Paliwala, Abdul, 2018. Voicing suffering and commitment of the intellectual. Jindal Global Law Review, 9, pp. 315-325
- Adelman, Sam, 2018. Editorial : Beyond the Paris Agreement ? ambitions, hopes, fears and flaws. Journal of Human Rights and the Environment, 9 (1), pp. 1-5
- Adelman, Sam, 2017. Geoengineering : risks, rights and justice. Journal of Human Rights and the Environment, 8 (1), pp. 119-138
- Adelman, Sam, 2016. Climate justice, loss and damage and compensation for small island developing states. Journal of Human Rights and the Environment, 7 (1), pp. 32-53
- Adelman, Sam, 2015. The Marikana Massacre, the rule of law and South Africa's violent democracy. Hague Journal on the Rule of Law, 7 (2), pp. 243-262
- Adelman, Sam, 2015. Tropical forests and climate change : a critique of green governmentality. International Journal of Law in Context, 11 (Special Issue 2), pp. 195-212
- Adelman, Sam, 2013. Rio+20 : sustainable injustice in a time of crises. Journal of Human Rights and the Environment, 4 (1), pp. 6-31
- Adelman, Sam, 2008. Between the Scylla of sovereignty and the Charybdis of human rights : the pitfalls of development in pursuit of justice. Human Rights and International Legal Discourse, 2 (1), pp. 17-35
- 'Adelman, Sam, 2021. 'Planetary boundaries, planetary ethics and climate justice in the anthropocene. French, Duncan; Kotz?, Louis (eds.), Research Handbook on Law, Governance and Planetary Boundaries, Cheltenham, UK ; Northampton, MA, USA, Edward Elgar Publishing
- Adelman, Sam, Paliwala, Abdul, 2020. Introduction. Adelman, Sam; Paliwala, Abdul (eds.), The limits of law and development : neoliberalism, governance and social justice, Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY, Routledge
- Adelman, Sam, Paliwala, Abdul, 2020. The limits of law and development : neoliberalism, governance and social justice. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY, Routledge
- Adelman, Sam, 2020. Beyond development : towards sustainability and climate justice in the Anthropocene. Adelman, Sam; Paliwala, Abdul (eds.), The Limits of Law and Development: Neoliberalism, Governance and Social Justice, Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY, Routledge
- Adelman, Sam, 2020. Modernity, anthropocene, capitalocene and the climate crisis. Grear, Anna; Bollier, David (eds.), The great awakening : new modes of life amidst capitalist ruins, California, Punctum Books
- 'Adelman, Sam, 'Paliwala, Abdul, 2020. 'Rethinking development and social justice : beyond law and development?. In Adelman, Sam; Paliwala, Abdul (eds.), The limits of law and development : neoliberalism, governance and social justice, Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY, Routledge, pp. 15-37
- Adelman, Sam, 2019. Justice, development and sustainability in the anthropocene. Cullet, Philippe; Koonan, Sujith (eds.), Research Handbook on Law, Environment and the Global South, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar
- Adelman, Sam, 2019. Sovereignty or sustainability in the anthropocene. May, James R.; Daly, Erin (eds.), Human Rights and the Environment Legality, Indivisibility, Dignity and Geography, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing
- Adelman , Sam, 2018. The sustainable development goals, anthropocentrism and neoliberalism. In French, Duncan; Kotzé, Louis J. (eds.), Sustainable Development Goals Law, Theory and Implementation, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 15-40
- Adelman, Sam, 2018. The sustainable development goals, anthropocentrism and neoliberalism. In French, Duncan; Kotzé, Louis (eds.), Sustainable Development Goals : Law, Theory and Implementation, Cheltenham, Glos ; Northampton, Massachusetts, Edward Elgar, pp. 15-40
- Adelman, Sam, 2017. Rethinking global environmental governance. In Daly, E.; Kotzé, L.; May, J.; Soyapi, C. (eds.), New Frontiers in Global Environmental Constitutionalism, Nairobi, Kenya, United Nations Environment Programme (UN Environment), pp. 296-397
- Adelman, Sam, 2017. Tropical forests, climate change and neoliberal environmental governmentality. In Tan, C.; Faundez, J. (eds.), Natural Resources and Sustainable Development: International Economic Law Perspectives, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, pp. 186-207
- Adelman, Sam, 2017. Rethinking global environmental governance. In Daly, E.; May, J.; Kotzé, L. (eds.), New Frontiers in Global Environmental Constitutionalism, United Nations Environment Programme, pp. 296-307
- Adelman, Sam, 2016. Human rights and climate change. In DiGiacomo, Gordon (ed.), Human rights : current issues and controversies, Toronto : University of Toronto Press, pp. 411-435
- Adelman, Sam, 2015. Epistemologies of mastery. Grear, Anna; Kotze, Louis J. (eds.), Research Handbook on Human Rights and the Environment, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar
- Adelman, Sam, 2011. Cosmopolitan sovereignty. In Bailliet , Cecilia M.; Aas, Katja Franko (eds.), Cosmopolitan justice and its discontents, Abingdon ; New York, Routledge, pp. 11-28
- Adelman, Sam, 2010. Rethinking human rights : the impact of climate change on the dominant discourse. In Humphreys , Stephen (ed.), Human rights and climate change, Cambridge ; New York, Cambridge University Press, pp. 159-179
- Adelman, Sam, 2014. Human rights and climate change. University of Warwick
- Adelman, Sam, 2014. REDD : Tropical forests, climate change and green governmentality. University of Warwick
- Adelman, Sam, 2010. The unexceptional exception : sovereignty, human rights and biopolitics. Department of Law, University of Warwick
Title | Funder | Award Start | Award End |
The role of rights in achieving climate justice and sustainable development |
British Academy | 1 Sept 2020 | 31 Dec 2021 |
Beyond Development: New Imaginaries in Social Justice | Kuwait International Law School | 01 Apr 2016 | 30 Apr 2016 |
Legal & Economic Aspects of Sovereign Debt Default: The Argentina Case | ESRC | 01 Oct 2006 | 31 Jan 2009 |
Contextual Diversity: Word Processing As Memory Retrieval | ESRC | 01 Dec 2005 | 30 Nov 2006 |
I welcome enquiries from prospective PhD supervisees. However, please ensure that you have a research proposal which corresponds with the University of Warwick School of Law requirements.