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Solange Mouthaan

Photo of Solange Mouthaan

Associate Professor

Co-Director of UG International Programmes

Legal Protection of Minority Groups; Gendered Experiences of Armed Conflict; Children

School of Law
S2.29, Social Sciences Building
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
United Kingdom

024 765 23074

Office Hours
Thursday 11:30 - 12:30
Friday 11:30 - 12:30

Solange's research interests focus on two defined fields. Both are related to the protection of people under international law. First, the legal protection of minorities, and in particular linguistic minorities and second, the effective protection of individuals through the framework and mechanisms of International Criminal Law.

Solange's research explores understandings and translations of gendered experiences of armed conflict in the interpretation and application of international crimes by tribunals. Solange is particularly interested in what the law invisibilises, and she does so by using a feminist/female and decolonial lens. Solange examines the developments of International Criminal Law through the workings of the ICC with regards to the protection of, and voice and role given to victims and perpetrators of gender-based crimes during the trials and in judgments. Her recent project examined the gendered experiences of children affected by armed conflict and the restrictive interpretation of international criminal law in this area.

Solange's research therefore falls into the following general areas: minority groups, gender and international crimes and courts.