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Tara Mulqueen

Photo of Tara Mulqueen

Associate Professor

Warwick LinC Co-Director

Law & Politics; Legal History; Critical Legal Studies; Feminist Legal Theory; Political Theology; Public Legal Education

School of Law
S1.31, Social Sciences Building
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
United Kingdom

024 765 23099

Tara's current research is focused on two main areas, co-operatives and alternative economies, and public legal education.

Her research on co-operatives is concerned with the history of the co-operative movement in the United Kingdom and how processes of legal recognition shape the way that we imagine alternatives to capitalism. She is currently developing a book manuscript exploring these themes. Her work draws on approaches from critical legal studies and sociology of law.

Tara’s current research project on the history of public legal education in the UK explores its role in the law centres movement and its relationship to legal aid. Tara developed the innovative, experiential module, Public Legal Education, which partners students with local organisations to design and deliver projects that support understanding of and access to social welfare law.

As the Director of Warwick Law in the Community, Tara works very closely with the Central England Law Centre, leading with them on our new Strategic Public Law Clinic.