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Victor Tadros

Photo of Victor Tadros


Public Lectures Coordinator

Criminal Law; Terrorism Law; Philosophy of Criminal Law; Just War Theory

School of Law
S1.05, Social Sciences Building
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
United Kingdom
024 761 50409

Check out Victor's personal website. His research interests are in criminal law, especially the philosophy of criminal law, terrorism law, the philosophy of criminal trials and the philosophy of punishment, at the domestic level, but also internationally. He also works on just war theory, and a range of fundamental issues in moral and political philosophy. His books include Criminal Responsibility (OUP, 2005), The Trial on Trial vol.3 (with Antony Duff, Lindsay Farmer and Sandra Marshall) (Hart, 2007) and The Ends of Harm: The Moral Foundations of Criminal Law (OUP, 2011), Wrongs and Crimes (OUP, 2016) and To Do, To Die, To Reason Why (OUP, 2020).