Victor Tadros

Public Lectures Coordinator
Criminal Law; Terrorism Law; Philosophy of Criminal Law; Just War Theory
School of Law
S1.05, Social Sciences Building
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
United Kingdom
024 761 50409
Check out Victor's personal website. His research interests are in criminal law, especially the philosophy of criminal law, terrorism law, the philosophy of criminal trials and the philosophy of punishment, at the domestic level, but also internationally. He also works on just war theory, and a range of fundamental issues in moral and political philosophy. His books include Criminal Responsibility (OUP, 2005), The Trial on Trial vol.3 (with Antony Duff, Lindsay Farmer and Sandra Marshall) (Hart, 2007) and The Ends of Harm: The Moral Foundations of Criminal Law (OUP, 2011), Wrongs and Crimes (OUP, 2016) and To Do, To Die, To Reason Why (OUP, 2020).
Professor Tadros was appointed to the School of Law in July 2006. Prior to that he held lectureships at the University of Edinburgh and the University of Aberdeen. He was educated at the Universities of Oxford (BA hons) and London (PhD). He was a Leverhulme Major Research Fellow from 2014-2018. He was elected Fellow of the British Academy in 2018.
- 'Tadros, Victor, 2022. 'The rights and wrongs of no?platforming. The Modern Law Review, 85 (4), pp. 968-996
- 'Tadros, Victor, 2022. 'Beyond the scope of consent. Philosophy and Public Affairs
- 'Tadros, Victor, 2022. 'Refuge and aid. Journal of Political Philosophy
- Tadros, Victor, 2021. Consent to sex in an unjust world. Ethics, 131 (2), pp. 293-318
- Tadros, Victor, 2021. Two grounds of liability. Philosophical Studies, 178, pp. 3503-3522
- Tadros, Victor, 2020. Appropriate normative powers. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 94 (1), pp. 301-326
- Tadros, Victor, 2020. Criminalization : in and out. Criminal Law and Philosophy, 14, pp. 365-380
- Tadros, Victor, 2020. Distributing responsibility. Philosophy and Public Affairs, 48 (3), pp. 223-261
- Tadros, Victor, 2018. Past killings and proportionality. Philosophy and Public Affairs, 46 (1), pp. 9-35
- Tadros, Victor, 2018. The moral distinction between combatants and noncombatants : vulnerable and defenceless. Law and Philosophy, 37 (3), pp. 289-312
- Tadros, Victor, 2018. Causal contributions and liability. Ethics, 128 (2), pp. 402-431
- Tadros, Victor, 2017. Permissibility in a world of wrongdoing. Philosophy and Public Affairs, 44 (2), pp. 101-132
- Tadros, Victor, 2015. Wrongful intentions without closeness. Philosophy & Public Affairs, 43 (1), pp. 52-74
- Tadros, Victor, 2015. Answers. Criminal Law and Philosophy, 9 (1), pp. 73-102
- Tadros, Victor, 2014. Orwell's battle with Brittain : vicarious liability for unjust aggression. Philosophy & Public Affairs, 42 (1), pp. 42-77
- Tadros, Victor, 2014. The ideal of the presumption of innocence. Criminal Law and Philosophy, 8 (2), pp. 449-467
- Tadros, Victor, 2013. Responses. Law and Philosophy, 32 (2-3), pp. 241-325
- Hodgson, Jacqueline, Tadros, Victor, 2013. The impossibility of defining terrorism. New Criminal Law Review: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal, 16 (3), pp. 494-526
- Tadros, Victor, 2013. Introduction : Political philosophy and criminal justice. Criminal Law and Philosophy, 7 (2), pp. 179-184
- Tadros, Victor, 2012. Duty and liability. Utilitas, 24 (2), pp. 259-277
- Tadros, Victor, 2011. Harm, sovereignty and prohibition. Legal Theory, Vol.17 (No.1), pp. 35-65
- Tadros, Victor, 2011. Independence without interests?. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 31 (1), pp. 193-213
- Tadros, Victor, 2011. Consent to harm. Current Legal Problems, Vol.64 (No.1), pp. 23-49
- Hodgson, Jacqueline, Tadros, Victor, 2009. How to make a terrorist out of nothing. Modern Law Review, Vol.72 (No.6), pp. 984-998
- Tadros, Victor, 2009. Law, strategy and democracy : a response to Duff. Journal of Applied Philosophy, Vol.26 (No.3), pp. 269-275
- Tadros, Victor, 2009. Poverty and criminal responsibility. Journal of Value Inquiry, Vol.43 (3 Sp. Iss. SI), pp. 391-413
- Tadros, Victor, 2008. The scope and the grounds of responsibility. New Criminal Law Review, 11 (1), pp. 91-118
- Tadros, Victor, 2008. Crimes and security. Modern Law Review, Vol.71 (No.6), pp. 940-970
- Tadros, Victor, 2007. Distinguishing general theory, doctrine and evidence in criminal responsibility : a response to Lacey. Criminal Law and Philosophy, 1 (3), pp. 259-265
- Tadros, Victor, 2007. Rethinking the presumption of innocence. Criminal Law and Philosophy, 1 (2), pp. 193-213
- Tadros, Victor, 2007. Justice and terrorism. New Criminal Law Review, 10 (4), pp. 658-689
- Tadros, Victor, 2006. The homicide ladder. The Modern Law Review, 69 (4), pp. 601-608
- Tadros, Victor, 2006. Rape without consent. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 26 (3), pp. 515-543
- Tadros, Victor, 2005. The distinctiveness of domestic abuse : a freedom based account. Louisiana Law Review, 65 (3), pp. 989-1014
- Tadros, Victor, Tierney, Stephen, 2004. The presumption of innocence and the human rights act. Modern Law Review, 67 (3), pp. 402-434
- Tadros, Victor, 2003. The structure of defences in Scots criminal law. Edinburgh Law Review, 7 (1), pp. 60-79
- Tadros, Victor, 2002. The system of the criminal law. Legal Studies, 22 (3), pp. 448-467
- Tadros, Victor, 2001. Insanity and the capacity for criminal responsibility. Edinburgh Law Review, 5 (3), pp. 325-354
- Tadros, Victor, 2001. Recklessness, consent and the transmission of HIV. Edinburgh Law Review, 5 (3), pp. 371-380
- Tadros, Victor, 2020. To do, to die, to reason why : individual ethics in war.
- Tadros, Victor, 2016. Wrongs and Crimes. Oxford, UK, Oxford University Press
- Tadros, Victor, 2015. Rights and security for human rights sceptics. Cruft, R.; Liao, M.; Renzo, M. (eds.), Philosophical foundations of human rights, Oxford, UK, Oxford University Press
- Duff, Antony, Farmer, Lindsay, Marshall, S. E., Renzo, Massimo, Tadros, Victor, 2014. Criminalization : the political morality of the criminal law. Oxford, UK, Oxford University Press
- Tadros, Victor, 2014. What might have been. Oberdiek, John (ed.), Philosophical foundations of the law of torts, Oxford, United Kingdom, Oxford University Press
- Tadros, Victor, 2014. Punitive war. Frowe, Helen; Lang, Gerald R. (eds.), How we fight : ethics in war, Oxford, Oxford University Press
- Tadros, Victor, 2014. Punishment. In Philosophy Bites Again, New York, Oxford University Press, pp. 152-163
- Tadros, Victor, 2013. Controlling risk. Ashworth, Andrew; Zedner, Lucia; Tomlin, Patrick (eds.), Prevention and the limits of the criminal law, Oxford, United Kingdom, Oxford University Press
- Tadros, Victor, 2012. Wrongness and criminalization. Marmor, Andrei (ed.), The Routledge companion to philosophy of law, New York, Routledge
- Tadros, Victor, 2012. Fair labelling and social solidarity. Zedner, Lucia; Roberts, Julian V. (eds.), Principles and values in criminal law and criminal justice : essays in honour of Andrew Ashworth, Oxford, United Kingdom, Oxford University Press
- Tadros, Victor, 2011. The ends of harm : the moral foundations of criminal law. New York, Oxford University Press
- Tadros, Victor, 2011. Obligations and outcomes. In Cruft, Rowan; Kramer, Matthew H.; Reiff, Mark R. (eds.), Crime, Punishment, and Responsibility, Oxford University Press, pp. 173-192
- Tadros, Victor, 2010. Criminalization and regulation. Duff, R. A.; Farmer, Lindsay; Marshall, S. E.; Renzo, Massimo; Tadros, Victor (eds.), The boundaries of the criminal law, Oxford, Oxford University Press
- Duff, R. A., Farmer, Lindsay, Marshall, S. E., Renzo, Massimo, Tadros, Victor, 2010. The boundaries of the criminal law. Duff, R. A.; Farmer, Lindsay; Marshall, S. E.; Renzo, Massimo; Tadros, Victor (eds.), The boundaries of the criminal law, Oxford, Oxford University Press
- Tadros, Victor, 2008. The limits of manslaughter. Clarkson, C. M. V.; Cunningham, Sally (eds.), Criminal Liability for Non-Aggressive Death, Aldershot, Ashgate
- Duff, R. A., Farmer, Lindsay, Marshall, Sandra, Tadros, Victor, 2007. The trial on trial. Volume 3, Towards a normative theory of the criminal trial. Oxford, UK, Hart
- Tadros, Victor, 2007. The Scots law of murder. Horder, Jeremy (ed.), Homicide law in comparative perspective, Oxford, Hart Publishing
- Tadros, Victor, 2006. Power and the value of privacy. Claes, Erik; Duff, Antony; Gutwirth, Serge (eds.), Privacy and the criminal law, Antwerp, Intersentia
- Tadros, Victor, 2006. Two particular truths : a response to Neil MacCormick's 'particulars and universals'. Bankowski, Zenon; MacLean, James (eds.), The universal and the particular in legal reasoning, Aldershot, Ashgate
- Tadros, Victor, 2005. The distinctiveness of domestic abuse : a freedom-based account. Duff, Antony; Green, Stuart P. (eds.), Defining crimes : essays on the special part of the criminal law, Oxford, Oxford University Press
- Tadros, Victor, 2005. Criminal responsibility. Oxford, Oxford University Press
- Tadros, Victor, 2002. Recklessness and the duty to take care. Shute, Stephen; Simester, A. P. (eds.), Criminal law theory : doctrines of the general part, Oxford, Oxford University Press
- Tadros, Victor, 2000. A comfortable inauthenticity. Oliver, Peter; Douglas-Scott, Sionaidh; Tadros, Victor (eds.), Faith in law : essays in legal theory, Oxford, Hart Publishing
- Tadros, Victor, 1998. A few thoughts on copyright law and the subject of writing. Maniatis, Spyros M.; Bently, Lionel (eds.), Intellectual property and ethics, London, Sweet & Maxwell
- Hodgson, Jacqueline, Tadros, Victor, 2013. The impossibility of defining terrorism. University of Warwick
- Tadros, Victor, 2012. Punishment and duty. University of Warwick
- Tadros, Victor, 2011. Duty and liability. University of Warwick
- Tadros, Victor, 2010. Punitive war. Department of Law, University of Warwick
- Tadros, Victor, 2009. A human right to a fair criminal law. University of Warwick, School of Law
- Tadros, Victor, 2009. Review of Answering for crime, by Duff, R. A.. Mind, Oxford University Press, pp. 465-469
- Tadros, Victor, 2009. Criminalization and regulation. Department of Law, University of Warwick
- Tadros, Victor, 2008. Crimes and security. University of Warwick, School of Law
- Tadros, Victor, 2008. The characters of excuse. University of Warwick, School of Law
- Tadros, Victor, 2002. Attribution, ethics and emotions in criminal esponsibility. Modern Law Review, Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd, pp. 322-338
UG Modules
PG Modules
- MP961 Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of Legal Research
Title | Funder | Award start | Award end |
Fellow of the British Academy | British Academy | 20 Jul 2018 | 19 Jul 2019 |
To Do, To Die, to Reason Why; The Ethical Lives of Combatants - Major Research Fellowship | Leverhulme Trust | 01 Jan 2016 | 15 Mar 2018 |
Additional Funding to 17707: Criminalization | AHRC | 25 Jan 2011 | 31 Jan 2012 |
Criminalization. | AHRC | 01 Feb 2008 | 31 Jan 2012 |
To Do, To Die, to Reason Why; The Ethical Lives of Combatants - Major Research Fellowship
Funded by: Leverhulme Trust, Project Start Date 01-01-2016 - Project End Date 15-03-2018.
I welcome enquiries from prospective PhD supervisees. However, please ensure that you have a research proposal which corresponds with the University of Warwick School of Law requirements.
I am particularly interested in supervising students in philosophy of criminal law, philosophy of war, and in moral, political and legal philosophy.
Current PhD students:
- Isabella Atencio
- Leonara Catuara