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Teaching British Values


Alison Struthers

for further information about this project.

This project developed out of academic research carried out by Alison Struthers into the practice of Fundamental British Values (FBV) and Human Rights Education (HRE) in English primary schools. In this research, Alison explored the problems with the Government’s FBV agenda, and argued that because human rights values are rooted in universality, couching FBV in this broader framework would be likely to contribute to societal cohesion to a far greater extent than the potentially discriminatory FBV guidance. This project sought to action these findings by showing how teaching about FBV can be linked effectively to broader human rights values. The project was funded by the ESRC Impact Acceleration Account.

Further Information

On the 16th of June, Kathy Siddle and Julie Mansuy presented the findings from the Teaching British Values in Primary Schools project at the International Conference on Education for Democratic Citizenship at the UCL Institute of Education in London. The presentation was well received and sparked much interest in the report and teaching resources produced as part of the project. If you would like a copy of the Project Summary report, please contact Alison (