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WCF Writeshop 2.0

Warwick Critical Finance:

Manuscript Development Workshop 2.0

cyberspace, 18 February 2021


For Early Career Researchers, writing and publishing journal papers is an essential, yet often daunting, task. How to set up your original research and speak to existing debates? How to tailor your writing to specific journals? Especially when it comes to journal submissions, these are real challenges. At the same time, pressures to publish have never been greater. For individual scholars, this can be a difficult, often frustrating task. This Warwick Critical Finance manuscript development workshop is an attempt to tackle these issues head-on by providing detailed feedback on manuscripts through a mock peer-review process as well as additional discussions about the journal submission.

After receiving great feedback for our Writeshop in 2018, we decided to further develop this format: into a workshop dedicated to readying manuscripts for submission and to work with manuscripts that are close to submission and – plainly speaking – “make them publishable”. The idea is therefore to create a virtual space of collaboration and mutual support where people are expected to interact, share ideas and feedback, and really engage with each other’s work in what we hope will be an intellectually stimulating, productive, and supportive discussion.

The aim is to work in small review groups to provide feedback on the submitted pieces. Participants are expected to read and give detailed written feedback on two dedicated papers prior to the workshop, and to then discuss them with the authors during the workshop.



The WCF Workshop will be a one-day virtual event with the following activities:

  • Pitching-to-peers: a five-minute presentation of the article in front of the group.
  • Author meets critics: written and oral feedback on paper by peers.
  • Informal breakout-session: everything around publishing.


We invite papers that are close to submission or have been submitted before but have not been accepted. Paper proposals should be submitted to in form of an extended abstract (400-500 words) addressing the following elements:

  • Outline of the research question
  • A summary of the key findings and contribution to the literature
  • A brief description of the methodological/theoretical framework
  • Indication of the empirical data used
  • In addition, a one-page list of key references and indicate the targeted journal(s)



  • Application deadline: 18 December 2020
  • Notification of acceptance: 15 January 2021
  • Papers due: 5 February 2021
  • Written feedback/comments due: 15 February 2021
  • Workshop: 18 February 2021


See the Call for PapersLink opens in a new window here.