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WCF Publications


Dutta, Sahil Jai, Fabian Pape, Ruben Kremers & Johannes Petry (2020) Special Forum on 'Critical macro-finance'. Finance & Society, 6(1) (open access).

Dutta, Sahil Jai, Fabian Pape, Ruben Kremers & Johannes Petry (2020) Critical macro-finance: An introduction. Finance & Society, 6(1), 34-44 (open access).

Andreu, Marco (2020) International Political Economy (IPE): Towards a contested ethics of globalization. In: Birgit Schippers (ed.) The Routledge Handbook to Rethinking Ethics in International Relations. London: Routledge, 208-221, with James Brassett.

Dutta, Sahil Jai (2020) The myth of shareholder primacy. IPPR Progressive Review, 26(4), 328-334, with Samuel Knafo.

Pape, Fabian (2020) Rethinking liquidity: A critical macro-finance view. Finance & Society, 6(1), 67-75 (open access).

Petry, Johannes (2020) Financialization with Chinese characteristics: Exchanges, control and capital markets in authoritarian capitalism. Economy & Society (open access).

Petry, Johannes (2020) From national marketplaces to global providers of financial infrastructures: Exchanges, infrastructure and power in global finance. New Political Economy (open access).

Petry, Johannes (2020) Securities exchanges: Subjects & agents of financialization. In: Philip Mader, Daniel Mertens & Natasha van der Zwan (eds.) The Routledge International Handbook of Financialization. London: Routledge, 253-264 (pre-printLink opens in a new window).

Petry, Johannes (2020) Index funds might sound boring. But who decides which countries and companies to include? Washington Post, 8 January, with Jan Fichtner & Eelke Heemskerk.

Petry, Johannes (2020) Three financial firms could change the direction of the climate crisis – and few people have any idea. The Conversation, 24 February, with Jan Fichtner & Eelke Heemskerk.

Petry, Johannes (2020) Financializing state capitalism: Exchanges, financial infrastructures & the active management of capital markets in China. Developing Economics, 10 June.

Petry, Johannes (2020) Wall Street beyond the Chinese Wall: Market infrastructures and the slow opening of China's capital markets. ETF Stream, 25 June.


Dutta, Sahil Jai (2019). Sovereign debt management and the transformation from Keynesian to neoliberal monetary governance in Britain. New Political Economy (pre-print).

Dutta, Sahil Jai (2019). The myth of the shareholder revolution and the financialization of the firm. Review of International Political Economy (pre-print), with Samuel Knafo.

Dutta, Sahil Jai (2019). The managerial lineages of neoliberalism. New Political Economy, 24(2), 235-251 (pre-print), with Samuel Knafo, Richard Lane & Steffan Wyn-Jones.

Petry, Johannes (2019). Steering capital: The growing private authority of index providers in the age of passive asset management. Review of International Political Economy (open access), with Jan Fichtner & Eelke Heemskerk.


Andreu, Marco (2018). A responsibility to profit? Social impact bonds as a form of ‘humanitarian financeLink opens in a new window. New Political Science, 40(4), 708-726. 

Dutta, Sahil Jai (2018). Sovereign debt management and the globalization of finance: Recasting the City of London’s ‘Big Bang’. Competition & Change, 22(1), 3-22.

Petry, Johannes (2018). Investor trust, uncertainty and markets: Progress and challenges in the internationalisation of China’s capital markets. China Watch, 28 (3/2018), 31-35.

Petry, Johannes (2018). 投资者信任、不确定与市场:中国资本市场国际化国家化进程中的发展与挑战. 中国观 , 78期(3), 25-27.


Kremers, Ruben (2017). Mobile payments, social money: Everyday politics of the consumer subject. New Political Economy, 22(6), 645-660 (free article), with James Brassett.