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PAIS awarded Athena Swan Silver

The Department of Politics and International Studies has achieved the Athena Swan Silver award, a prestigious UK charter mark that recognises the advancement of gender equality in higher education. This is an important acknowledgement of the ongoing dedication and progress of the department in promoting gender equality for staff and students.

Professor Matthew Clayton, Head of Department commented:

“I am delighted that we have received the Athena Swan Silver award. This award is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the staff and students in our department, who have tirelessly ensured that equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) are at the core of everything we do. However, we do not see this award as the end of our journey, rather as a catalyst for continued growth and enhancement of our commitments to EDI.”

PAIS attained an Athena Swan Bronze award in 2018. The assessment panel evaluating PAIS's eligibility for Silver recognition particularly commended the department's advancements in two areas. Firstly, with regard to the gender composition of PAIS staff, the department was lauded for the notable rise in female Professors, achieved through internal initiatives that have fostered and enhanced women's career progression. Additionally, the panel noted the reduction in the percentage of women employed on fixed-term contracts, accompanied by a corresponding rise in women holding open ended positions. Secondly, concerning the academic experience of PAIS students, the panel highlighted the closure of the gender awarding gap and commended the work that PAIS was doing in relation to rethinking the content and delivery of the curriculum.

Wed 27 Mar 2024, 09:37 | Tags: PhD Postgraduate Staff Undergraduate