List of Publications and Research Presentations
Books, Monographs and Collections
Authored Books
Shaun Breslin, China Risen? Studying Chinese Global Power (Bristol: Bristol University Press, 2021).
Shaun Breslin, China and the Global Political Economy (Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2007; Paperback edition 2009).
Shaun Breslin, Mao (Harlow: Longman, 2000, first edition 1998).
(Estonian edition Olion: Tallin, 2001; Latvian edition Jumava: Riga, 2006; Vietnamese edition Alpha: Hanoi 2009)
Shaun Breslin, China in the 1980s: Centre-Province Relations in a Reforming Socialist State (Basingstoke: Macmillan and New York: St Martins, 1996).
Rod Hague, Martin Harrop and Shaun Breslin, Comparative Government and Politics: An Introduction (4th Edition) (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1998).
Monographs and Major Research Reports
Mikael Mattlin, Shaun Breslin, Elina Sinkkonen, Liisa Kauppila, Björn Cappelin, Ines Söderström & Matt Ferchen, Enhancing Small State Preparedness Risks of Foreign Ownership, Supply Disruptions and Technological DependenciesLink opens in a new window (Helsinki: Finnish Institute of International Affairs Report No. 74, August 2023).
Shaun Breslin, Final Report Summary - GREEN (Global Re-ordering: Evolution through European Networks), European Commission Community and Development Information Service, 12th January 2017.
Sonya Sceats with Shaun Breslin (2012) China and the International Human Rights System (London: Chatham House).
Edited Works: Books, Special Issues and Collections
Shaun Breslin and Kaewkamol Pitakdumrongkit (eds) Economic Statecraft in East and Southeast Asia, Special Issue of The Pacific Review, 36 (5), 2023.
Shaun Breslin and Pan Zhongqi (eds) A Xi Change in Chinese Foreign Policy? Special Issue of The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 23 (2), 2021.
Shaun Breslin and Ren Xiao (eds) China Debates its Global Role, Special Issue of The Pacific Review, 33 (3&4), 2020.
Reprinted as Shaun Breslin and Ren Xiao (eds) China Debates its Global Role (London: Routledge, 2021).
Shaun Breslin (ed) The Normative Basis of Global Governance, Special Issue of the Fudan Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 13 (1), 2020.
Shaun Breslin and Helen Nesadurai (eds) Who Governs and How? Non-State Actors and Transnational Governance in Southeast Asia, Special Issue of the Journal of Contemporary Asia, 48 (2), 2018.
Reprinted as Shaun Breslin and Helen Nesadurai (eds) Who Governs and How?Non-State Actors and Transnational Governance in Southeast Asia
(London: Routledge, 2019).
Shaun Breslin and Christopher Hughes (eds), East Asia and Food (In)Security (Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2015).
Shaun Breslin and George Christou (eds) Has the Human Security Agenda Come of Age?, Special Issue of Contemporary Politics, 21 (1), 2015.
Shaun Breslin, Carla Freeman and Simon Shen (eds) International Relations of China (London: Sage, 2014) Eight Volumes:
Volume One: Theoretical Perspectives
Volume Two: Making Foreign Policy
Volume Three: China and “Traditional” Partners – the Developed World and (South)East Asia
Volume Four: China and the Developing World
Volume Five: National Security and Territorial Issues
Volume Six: China and the Global Economy
Volume Seven: Global Governance
Volume Eight: China Challenges and Global Issues
Nicola Horsburgh, Astrid Nordin and Shaun Breslin (eds) Chinese Politics and International Relations: Innovation and Invention (London: Routledge, 2013).
Shaun Breslin and Stuart Croft (eds) Comparative Regional Security Governance (London: Routledge, 2012).
Lorraine Elliott and Shaun Breslin (eds) Comparative Environmental Regionalism (London: Routledge, 2011).
Shaun Breslin (ed) Asia and the global crisis, Special Issue of Contemporary Politics 17 (2), 2011.
Reprinted as Shaun Breslin (ed) East Asia and the Global Crisis (London, Routledge, 2012).
Shaun Breslin (ed) The Handbook of China’s International Relations (London: Europa/Routledge, 2010).
Shaun Breslin and Richard Higgott (eds) The International Relations of the Asia-Pacific (London: Sage, 2010). Four Volumes:
Volume I: Theorizing International Relations: Asia Views the World and the World Views Asia
Volume II: International Relations in Practice: Securities Old and New
Volume III: The International Political Economy of Development in East Asia
Volume IV: Regions and Regionalism
Shaun Breslin (ed) EU and East Asia within an Evolving Global Order: Ideas, Actors and Processes, Special Issue of East Asia: An International Journal, 27 (1), 2010.
Simon Shen and Shaun Breslin (eds) Online Chinese Nationalism and Chinese Bilateral Relations (Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 2010).
Shaun Breslin, Christopher Hughes, Nicola Phillips and Ben Rosamond New Regionalisms in the Global Political Economy: Theories and Cases (London: Routledge, 2002).
Shaun Breslin and Glenn Hook, Microregionalism and World Order (Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2002)
Shaun Breslin and Richard Higgott (eds) Studying Regions, Special Issue of New Political Economy, 5 (3), 2000.
Journal Articles
Shaun Breslin and Mikael Mattlin, “Perceiving and Predicting: Why Dominant Perceptions of China Changed in Europe”, Chinese Journal of International Politics, 18 (2): 196-219.
Shaun Breslin and Helen E S Nesadurai, “Economic Statecraft, Geoeconomics and Regional Political Economies”, The Pacific Review, 36 (5), 2023: 927-948.
Shaun Breslin and Peter Burnham, “International Order Transition and the UK’s Tilt to the `Indo-Pacific’Link opens in a new window”, The Pacific Review, 36 (2), 2023: 406-432.
Shaun Breslin e Giuseppe Gabusi, "'Whatever It Takes': La Political Economy del Partito Comunista Cinese",Link opens in a new windowOrizzonteCina, 12 (1), 2021: 45-73.
Shaun Breslin and Pan Zhongqi, “Introduction: A Xi change in policy?”Link opens in a new window, British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 23 (2), 2021: 197–209.
Shaun Breslin, “Divided but not Poles Apart: Europe, the US and the Rise of China”, Asian Perspectives, 45 (1), 2021: 177-190.
Shaun Breslin and Ren Xiao, "Introduction: China Debates its Global Role", (Open Access) The Pacific Review, 33 (3&4), 2020: 357-361.
Introduction to special issue cited above.
Shaun Breslin, “China in 2019: Party for the Party”, Asian Survey, 60 (1): 21-33.
Shaun Breslin, “The Normative Basis of Global Governance", (Open Access) Fudan Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 13 (1), 2020: 1-5 (Open Access)
Introduction of the special issue cited above
Shaun Breslin, “China in 2018: Presidents, Politics and Power”, Asian Survey, 59 (1), 2019: 21-34.
Shaun Breslin and Helen Nesadurai, “Who Governs and How? Non-State Actors and Transnational Governance in Southeast Asia”, Journal of Contemporary Asia, 48 (2), 2018: 187-203 (Open Access).
Shaun Breslin, “Global Reordering and China’s Rise: Adoption, Adaption and Reform”, International Spectator: Italian Journal of International Affairs, 53 (1), 2018: 57-75.
Shaun Breslin, “Leadership and Followership in post-unipolar World: Towards Selective Global Leadership and a New Functionalism?”, Chinese Political Science Review, 2 (4), 2017: 494-511.
Shaun Breslin, “UK-China Relations in the Context of BREXIT: Economics Still in Command?”, China International Studies, (6), 2017: 20-32.
Shaun Breslin, “Still Rising or Risen (or both)? Why and How China Matters”, The Pacific Review, 30 (6), 2017: 870-884.
Jinghan Zeng and Shaun Breslin, “China’s “New Type of Great Power Relations”: A G2 with Chinese Characteristics?”, International Affairs, 92 (4), 2016: 773-794.
Shaun Breslin, “China’s Global Goals And Roles: Changing The World From Second Place?”, Asian Affairs, XLVII (1), 2016: 59-70.
Jinghan Zeng, Yuefan Xiao and Shaun Breslin, “Securing China’s Core Interests: The State of the Debate in China”, International Affairs, 91 (2): 2015
Shaun Breslin, “Chinese Discourses of Human Security: Discursive Power and Defining the Terms of the Debate”, Journal of Contemporary Asia, 45 (2) 2015: 243-265
Shaun Breslin and Jeffrey Wilson, “Towards Asian Regional Functional Futures: Bringing Mitrany Back In?”, The Australian Journal of International Affairs, 69 (2), 2015: 126-143.
Shaun Breslin and George Christou, “Has the Human Security Agenda Come of Age? Definitions, Discourses and Debates”, Contemporary Politics, 21 (1), 2015: 1-10.
Shaun Breslin, “Financial Transitions in The PRC: Banking On The State?”, Third World Quarterly, 35 (6), 2014: 996-1013.
Shaun Breslin, “China and the South: Objectives, Actors and Interactions”, Development and Change, 44 (6), 2013: 1273–1294.
Shaun Breslin, “China and the Global Order: Signalling Threat or Friendship?”, International Affairs, 89 (3) 2013: 615–634.
Shaun Breslin, “The ‘China Model’ and the Global Crisis: From Friedrich List to a Chinese Mode of Governance?” in International Affairs, 87 (6) 2011: 1323-1343.
Shaun Breslin, “East Asia and the Global/Transatlantic/Western Crisis” in Contemporary Politics, 17 (2) 2011: 109–117.
Shaun Breslin, “China and the Crisis: Global Power, Domestic Caution and Local Initiative” in Contemporary Politics, 17 (2) 2011: 185–200.
Shaun Breslin, “China’s Emerging Global Role: Dissatisfied Responsible Great Power” in Politics, 30 (s1) 2010: 52-62.
Shaun Breslin, “Comparative Theory, China, and the Future of East Asian Regionalism(s)” in Review of International Studies, 36 (3) July 2010: 709-730.
Shaun Breslin, “The EU and Asia Within an Evolving Global Order: What is Europe? Where is Asia?” in East Asia: An International Journal, 27 (1) 2010.
Shaun Breslin, “The End of the World as we Know It? Li Minqi, China and the Death of Capitalism” in Journal of Contemporary Asia, 40 (1) 2010: 145-155.
Shaun Breslin, “Understanding China’s Regional Rise: Interpretations, Identities and Implications” in International Affairs, 85 (4) 2009: 779-813.
Shaun Breslin, "Do Leaders Matter? Chinese Politics, Leadership Transition and the 17th Party Congress", Contemporary Politics, 14 (2) 2008: 215-231.
Shaun Breslin and Ian Taylor, “Explaining the rise of ‘Human Rights’ in Analyses of Sino-African Relations”, Review of African Political Economy, (115) 2008: 59-71.
Shaun Breslin, “Why Growth Equals Power and Why it Shouldn’t: The Case of China’s Global Economic Role”, Journal of East Asian Public Policy, 1 (1) 2008: 3-17.
Shaun Breslin, “Supplying Demand or Demanding Supply? An Alternative Look at the Forces Driving East Asian Community Building”, Stanley Foundation Policy Analysis Brief, Stanley Foundation, Washington
Shaun Breslin, “The Political Economy of Development in China: Political Agendas and Economic Realities”, Development, 50 (3) 2007: 3–10.
Shaun Breslin, “Foreign Direct Investment in the People’s Republic of China: Preferences, Policies and Performance”, Policy and Society 25 (1) 2006: 9-38.
Shaun Breslin, “Trends of Scholarship in The Study of The Politics and International Relations of Contemporary China”, China Aktuell - Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, June 2006: 61-73.
Shaun Breslin, “Power and Production: Rethinking China’s Global Economic Role” in Review of International Studies31 (4) 2005: 735–753.
Shaun Breslin, “Greater China and the Political Economy of Regionalisation” in East Asia: An International Journal Vol 21 No 1 2004: 7-23.
Shaun Breslin, “Globalization, International Coalitions, and Domestic Reform” in Critical Asian Studies 36 (4) 2004: 657-675.
Shaun Breslin, “Beyond Diplomacy? UK Relations With China Since 1997” in British Journal of Politics and International Relations 6 (3) 2004: 409-425.
Shaun Breslin, “Reforming China’s Embedded Socialist Compromise: China and the WTO” in Global Change (Pacifica Review) 15 (3) 2003: 213-229
Shaun Breslin and Richard Higgott, “New Regionalism in Historical Perspective” in Asia Europe Journal, 1 (2) May 2003: 167-182
Shaun Breslin, “Paradigm Shifts and Time-Lags? The Politics of Financial Reform in the People’s Republic of China” in Asian Business and Management 1 (2), April 2003:143-166
Shaun Breslin, “guoji guanxi xue, quyu yanjiu yu guoji zhengzhi jingji xu (International Relations, Area Studies and International Political Economy)” in Shijie Jingji yu Zhengzhi (World Economics and Politics) No3, 2003: 62-
Shaun Breslin and Richard Higgott, “Studying Regions: Assessing the New, Learning from the Old” in New Political Economy 5 (3) November 2000: 333-353.
Shaun Breslin, “Wachstum auf Kosten der Entwicklung? Kritische Bestandsaufnahme des Exportorientierten Wachstums in China (Growth at the Expense of Development? Critical Reflections of Export Oriented Growth in China” in Prokla No. 119 June 2000: 211-228.
Shaun Breslin, “Decentralisation, Globalisation and China’s Partial Re-engagement with the Global Economy” in New Political Economy 5 (2), 2000: 205-226.
Shaun Breslin, “The Politics of Chinese Trade and the Asian Financial Crises: Questioning the Wisdom of Export Led Growth” in Third World Quarterly 20 (6) Dec 1999: 1179-1199.
Shaun Breslin, “Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea: Marketisation, Globalisation and the State Owned Sector in the PRChina” in Japon in Extenso (France) No 47&48, March-June 1998: 2-12.
Shaun Breslin, “The China Challenge? Environment, Development and National Security” Security Dialogue 28 (4) Dec 1997: 497-508.
Shaun Breslin, “China in East Asia: The Process and Implications of Regionalisation” in Pacific Review 9 (4) 1996: 463-487.
Shaun Breslin, “China: Developmental State or Dysfunctional Development” in Third World Quarterly 17 (4) 1996: 689-707.
Shaun Breslin, “Sustainable Development in China and the Local Competition State” in Sustainable Development 4 (2), Aug 1996: 103-8.
Shaun Breslin, “China’s Environmental Crisis In a Global Context” in Global Society 1 (2) 1996: 125-144
Shaun Breslin, “Difangzhuyi de Xingqi: Zhongguo Difangfenquan de Luoji (The Logic and Illogic of China’s Economic Reforms: The Development of Regionalism)” in Zhongguo Shehui Kexue Jikan (Chinese Social Sciences Quarterly) (Hong Kong University Press) May 1996: 126-137. Published in English in Lucie Borotová (ed) Selected Papers of the 10th Biannual Conference of the European Association of Chinese Studies (Charles University: Prague, 1996).
Shaun Breslin, “China in the East Asian Regional Economy” in Japon in Extenso (France) No 38, Dec 1995.
Shaun Breslin, “China’s Interrupted Evolution” in The Journal Of Communist Studies Vol 8, No 1, March 1992: 63-83. Reprinted in Ronald Hill (ed.) Beyond Stalinism (London: Cass, 1992).
Chapters in Edited Collections
Shaun Breslin & Giuseppe Gabusi, “‘Whatever It Takes’: The Political Economy of the Chinese Communist Party”, in Chloé Froissart & Jérôme Doyon (eds) The Chinese Communist Party at 100 Years (Canberra: ANU Press, 2024): 207-232.
Shaun Breslin, “L’Economic Statecraft della Cina: Un attorre illiberale in un’economia globale (piu) liberale” in Giuseppe Gabusi (ed) L’Asia Al Centro Del Cambiamento: Politica, economia, sicurezza (Rome: Treccani, 2023): 39-48.
Shaun Breslin, “China Goes Out”, in Lowell Dittmer (ed), China's Political Economy in the Xi Jinping Epoch: Domestic and Global Dimensions (Singapore: World Scientific, 2021): 191-221.
Shaun Breslin, “China’s Global Cultural Interactions”, in David Shambaugh (ed) China and the World (New York: Oxford University Press, 2020): 137-155.
Shaun Breslin and Ren Xiao, “China and Global Governance”, in Thomas Weiss and Rorden Wilkinson (eds) International Organization and Global Governance (Abingdon: Routledge, 2018): 325-335.
Shaun Breslin and Silvia Menegazzi, “The Chinese Perspective on Global Order” in Sergio Fabbrini and Raffaele Marchetti (eds) Still a Western World? Continuity and Change in Global Order (Abingdon: Routledge, 2016): 71-84.
Hongsong Liu and Shaun Breslin, “Shaping the Agenda Jointly? China and the EU in the G20”, in Jianwei Wang and Weiqin Song (eds) China, The European Union, and the International Politics of Global Governance (Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2016): 75-94.
Shaun Breslin, “Zhu Rongji”, in Kerry Brown (ed) Berkshire Dictionary of Chinese Biography (1979-2015) (Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire).
Shaun Breslin, “China on the World Stage” in David S G Goodman (ed) Handbook of the Politics of China Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2015): 263-380.
Shaun Breslin, “China as a Global Power”, in Jae Ho Chung (ed) Assessing Chinese Power (Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2015): 231-250.
Catherine Jones and Shaun Breslin, “China in East Asia: Confusion on the Horizon?” in Jamie Gaskarth (eds) Rising Powers, Global Governance and Global Ethics (London: Routledge, 2015): 115-132.
Shaun Breslin, “Chinese Financial Statecraft and the Response to the Global Financial Crisis,” in Carol Wise, Leslie Armijo, and Saori Katada (eds) Unexpected Outcomes: How Emerging Markets Survived the Global Financial Crisis (Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2015): 25-47.
Mark Beeson and Shaun Breslin, “Regional and global forces in East Asia’s economic engagement with international society”, in Barry Buzan and Zhang Yongjin (eds.) Contesting International Society in East Asia (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014): 93-118.
Shaun Breslin, Nicola Horsburgh and Astrid Nordin (2013) “China Innovates: Concepts, Contexts and Cases” in Nicola Horsburgh, Astrid Nordin and Shaun Breslin (eds) Chinese Politics and International Relations: Innovation and Invention (London: Routledge, 2013): 1-21.
Shaun Breslin, “Regions and Regionalism in World Politics” in Mark Beeson and Nick Beesley (eds) Issues in Twenty-first Century World Politics (second edition)” (Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2013): 60-79.
Revised version of first edition, 2010, pp: 33-51.
Shaun Breslin, “Government-industry Relations in China: A Review of the Art of the State”, in Andrew Walter and Xiaoke Zhang (eds) East Asian Capitalism: Diversity, Change, and Continuity (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012): 29-45.
Shaun Breslin, “Paradigm(s) Shifting? Responding to China’s Response to the Global Financial Crisis” in Wyn Grant and Graham Wilson (eds) The Consequences of the Global Financial Crisis: The Rhetoric of Reform and Regulation (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012: 226-46.
Shaun Breslin and Stuart Croft, “Researching Regional Security Governance: Dimensions, Debates and Discourses” in Shaun Breslin and Stuart Croft (eds) Comparative Regional Security Governance (London: Routeldge, in press for 2012).
Shaun Breslin, “Government-industry Relations in China: A Review of the Art of the State”, in Walter and Xiaoke Zhang (eds) East Asian Capitalism: Diversity, Change, and Continuity (Oxford: Oxford University Press, in press for 2012).
Shaun Breslin, “Paradigm(s) Shifting? Responding to China’s Response to the Global Financial Crisis” in Wyn Grant and Graham Wilson (eds) The Consequences of the Global Financial Crisis: The Rhetoric of Reform and Regulation (Oxford: Oxford University Press, in press for 2012).
Shaun Breslin, “Paradigm(s) Shifting? Responding to China’s Response to the Global Financial Crisis” in Wyn Grant and Graham Wilson (eds) The Consequences of the Global Financial Crisis: The Rhetoric of Reform and Regulation (Oxford: Oxford University Press), in press for 2012.
Lorraine Elliott and Shaun Breslin, “Researching Comparative Regional Environmental Governance: Causes, Cases and Consequences”, in Lorraine Elliott and Shaun Breslin (eds) Comparative Regional Environmental Governance (London: Routledge, 2011): 1-18.
Shaun Breslin, “Entendendo a ascensão regional chinesa: interpretações, identidades e implicações” in Dani Nedal and Matias Spektor (eds) O que a China quer? (Rio: FGV, 2010) Portuguese translation of International Affairs article cited above.
Zha Daojiong and Shaun Breslin, “Oiling the Wheels of Foreign Policy? Energy Security and China’s International Relations” in Shaun Breslin (ed) The Handbook of China’s International Relations (London: Europa/Routledge, 2010): 64-75.
Shaun Breslin (2010) “Great Expectations: (Competing) Domestic Drivers of Chinese Policy Deliberations” in Simon Evenett (ed.) The US-Sino Currency Dispute: New Insights from Economics, Politics and Law (London: Centre for Economic Policy Research): 201-7.
Shaun Breslin, "Regions and Regionalism in World Politics" in Mark Beeson and Nick Beesley (eds) Issues in Twenty-first Century World Politics, (Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2010): 33-51.
Simon Shen and Shaun Breslin “When China Plugged In: Structural Origins of Online Chinese Nationalism” in Simon Shen and Shaun Breslin (eds) Online Chinese Nationalism and Chinese Bilateral Relations (Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 2010): 3-12.
Shaun Breslin and Simon Shen “Online Chinese nationalism(s): Comparisons and Findings” in Simon Shen and Shaun Breslin (eds) Online Chinese Nationalism and Chinese Bilateral Relations (Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 2010): 263-282.
Shaun Breslin and Richard Higgott (2010) “Studying the International Relations of the Asia Pacific: What is the Region? What are the Issues?” in Shaun Breslin and Richard Higgott (eds) The International Relations of the Asia-Pacific (London: Sage, 2010): xix-xxxix.
Shaun Breslin “Democratizing one-party rule in China” in Peter Burnell and Richard Youngs (eds) New Challenges to Democratization (London: Routledge, 2009): 136-154.
Shaun Breslin, “Towards a Sinocentric regional order? Empowering China and Constructing Regional Order(s)” in Chris Dent (ed) China, Japan and Regional Leadership in East Asia, (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2008): 131-155.
Shaun Breslin, “Beyond the Disciplinary Heartlands: Studying China’s International Political Economy” in David Zweig and Chen Zhimin (eds) China’s Reforms and International Political Economy (London: Routledge, 2007): 21-41.
Shaun Breslin, “Global Governance and the United Nations" in Glenn Hook and Hugo Dobson (eds) Global Governance and Japan (London: Routledge, 2007): 194-214.
Shaun Breslin “Theorising East Asian Regionalism(s): New Regionalism and Asia’s Future(s)” in Melissa Curley and Nick Thomas (eds) Advancing East Asian Regionalism (London: Routledge, 2006): 26-51
Shaun Breslin, “diqu yanjiu, guoji guanxi he guoji zhengzhi jingji xue – zhongguo guoji guanxi yanjiu zai sikao (Area Studies, International Relations and International Political Economy: Rethinking the Study of China’s International Relations” in Chen Zhimin and David Zweig (eds) Guoji Zhengzhi Jingji Xue yu Zhongguo de Quanqiuhua (International Political Economy and China’s Globalisation) (Shanghai: Sanlian Publishers, 2006): 45-73.
Shaun Breslin, “China and Southeast Asia: The Political Economy of Production” in Garry Rodan, Kevin Hewison and Richard Robson (eds) The Political Economy of South-East Asia: Conflict, Crises and Change (3rd Edition) (Sydney: Oxford University Press, 2006): 303-323.
Shaun Breslin, “Serving the Market or Serving the Party: Illiberal Liberalism in China” in Richard Robison (ed) The Neoliberal Revolution (Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2006): 114-131.
Shaun Breslin, “Globalization, International Coalitions and Domestic Reform in China” in Garry Rodan and Kevin Hewison (eds) Neoliberalism and Conflict in Asia After 9/11 (London: Routledge, 2006): 123-140. (reprint of Critical Asian Studies Article cited above).
Shaun Breslin, “China and the Political Economy of Global Engagement” in Richard Stubbs and Geoffrey Underhill (eds) Political Economy And The Changing Global Order 3rd Edition (Ontario: Oxford University Press, 2005): 265-477.
Shaun Breslin “China’s Trade Policy” in Dominic Kelly and Wyn Grant (eds) The Politics of International Trade in the 21st Century: Actors, Issues and Regional Dynamics?(Basingstoke: Palgrave/Macmillan, 2005): 346-66.
Shaun Breslin, “Análisis de China en una época de globalización: valores, epistemologies y economicia politica internacional” in Sean Golden (ed) Multilateralismo versus Unilateralismo en Asia: El Pseo Internacional de los Valores Asiáticos (Barcelona: CIDOB, 2004): 71-102.
Shaun Breslin, “Northeast Asia” in Anthony Payne (ed) The New Regional Politics of Development, (Basingstoke: Palgrave/Macmillan, 2004): 89-117.
Shaun Breslin, “China in the Asian Economy” in Barry Buzan and Rosemary Foot (eds) Does China Matter? A Reassessment (London: Routledge, 2004): 107-123.
Shaun Breslin, “East Asia” in Peter Burnell (ed) Democratisation through the Looking Glass (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2003):169-187.
Shaun Breslin, “Learning to Live Without the Plan: Financial Reform in China” in Geoffrey Underhill and Xiaoke Zhang (eds) International Financial Governance under Stress: Global Structures versus National Imperatives (Cambridge: CUP, 2003): 203-222.
Shaun Breslin, Richard Higgott and Ben Rosamond, “Regions in Comparative Perspective” in Breslin, Hughes, Phillips and Rosamond (eds) New Regionalisms in the Global Political Economy: Theories and Cases (London: Routledge, 2002)
Shaun Breslin and Glenn Hook, “Micro-regionalism and World Order: Concepts, Approaches and Implications” in Breslin and Hook (eds) Microregionalism and World Order (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 2002): 1-22.
Shaun Breslin and Glenn Hook, “Researching Microregional Integration: Towards New Frameworks of Analysis” in Breslin and Hook (eds) Microregionalism and World Order (Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2002): 215-236.
Shaun Breslin, “China: Geopolitics and the Political Economy of Hesitant Integration” in Richard Stubbs and Geoffrey Underhill (eds) Political Economy And The Changing Global Order (Ontario: Oxford University Press, 1999): 392-405.
Shaun Breslin, “Made in China: La Crescita del Commercio Cinese” in Marta Dassu (ed) Oriente in Rosso: La Cina e la Crisi Asiatica (Rome: Guerini, 1999): 81-106.
Shaun Breslin, “China: The Challenge of Reform, Region-Building and Globalisation” in Grugel, J. and Hout, W. (eds) Regionalism Across the North-South Divide (London: Routledge, 1998): 95-112.
Shaun Breslin, “quanqiu beijing xia zhongguode huanjing weiji (The Global Background To China’s Environmental Crisis)” in Song Xinning and Zhang Xiaojin (eds) Zouxiang Ershiyi Shiji de Zhongguo yu Ouzhou (China and Europe Towards the Twenty First Century (Hong Kong: Hong Kong Social Science Publishers, 1997): 217-257.
Shaun Breslin, “China’s Integration into the Regional Economy” in Sam Dzever and Jacques Jassaud (eds) Perspectives on Economic Integration and Business Strategy in The Asia-Pacific Region (London: Macmillan, 1997): 92-120.
Shaun Breslin, “The Changing Centre/Provinces Paradigm and the Policy Making Process in Post-Mao China” in Henri Claude de Bettignies (ed.) Business Transformation in China (London: International Thomson Business Press, 1996): 3-24.
Shaun Breslin, “Centre and Province in China” in Bob Benewick and Paul Wingrove (eds.) China In the 1990s (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1995): 63-73.
Shaun Breslin, “China’s Political Economy in the Post Cold War Era: From Plan to What?” in Lovenduski and Stanyer (eds.) Contemporary Political Studies 1995 (York: PSA, 1995).
Shaun Breslin, “The Foreign Policy Bureaucracy” in Gerry Segal (ed.) Chinese Politics and Foreign Policy Reform (London: Routledge, 1990).
“Shanxi: China’s Powerhouse” in David Goodman (ed.) China’s Regional Development (London: Routledge, 1989).
Miscellaneous non-refereed Publications (policy briefs, working papers etc)
Shaun Breslin, “The Two Integrations and the (Increasing) Chineseness of Chinese Marxism”, a Eurohub4Sino Long Read, available at, 25th March 2024.
Shaun Breslin, “Do we need a new vocabulary for talking about European strategy?”, in Michiel Foulon and Jack Thompson (eds) The Future of European Strategy in a Changing Geopolitical Environment: Challenges and Prospect (Zurich: ETH Center for Security Studies) available at
Shaun Breslin, “Chinese Economic Statecraft. An Illiberal Actor in a (more) Liberal Global Economy: Who is Changing Who?”, in Giuseppe Gabusi (ed) Drivers of Global Change: Responding to East Asian Economic and Institutional Innovation (Torino: T-Wai): 5-9.
Shaun Breslin, “Complementary Scenarios for China's Post Pandemic Economy”, ISPI Dossier, China After Covid-19: Great Challenges Under Heaven, 16th July, available at
Shaun Breslin, “Non Traditional Security for Who/What? Between the International, the National and the Human”, in Ines Sieckmann and Odila Triebel (eds) A New Responsible Power China? China’s Public Diplomacy for Global Public Goods (Stuttgart: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, 2018): 23-29.
Shaun Breslin, “Cina, un nuovo modello di grande Potenza”, in Alessandro Colombo and Paolo Magri (eds) Sempre più un gioco per grandi. E l’Europa? Scenari globali e l’Italia (Milan: ISPI, 2018): 63-75.
Reprinted as “China, A New Model of Great Power” in Alessandro Colombo and Paolo Magri (eds) Big Powers Are Back: What About Europe? (Milan: ISPI, 2018): 61-73.
Shaun Breslin, “Definire il Sud-est asiatico per governarlo”, RISE (TWAI Turin), 3 (2): 2018.
Shaun Breslin, “China’s Local Governments and Small Enterprises as Overseas Investors”, East West Center Asia Pacific Bulletin, No. 431, 11 July 2018.
Shaun Breslin, “Global Leadership 2018: China’s Turn?”, ISPI Commentary, 1 January 2018. Also published as “Trend to Watch 2018 - Cina vs USA: L’Anno Del Sorpasso?” in Il Mondo Che Verrà: 10 Domande Per Il 2018 (Milan: ISPI, 2018): 15-16.
Shaun Breslin, “China and the World: How to Become (and Stay) a Great Power”, ISPIonline, 18 October 2017.
Shaun Breslin, “President Xi puts faith in four-point plan”, The Times, 14th October 2017: 44.
Shaun Breslin, “Revisiting the developmental state 3: Fitting China into the debate”, SPERI.comment: The Political Economy Blog, University of Sheffield, 10 October 2017.
Shaun Breslin, “Xi Furthers China’s Great Power Case at UN”, Chatham House Expert Comment, 28 September 2015.
Shaun Breslin, “Afghan overtures show China getting comfortable with life as a US deputy”, The Conversation, 12 February 2015.
Shaun Breslin, “APEC summit shows how hard it is to define the Asian ‘region’”, The Conversation, 11 November 2014, available at
Shaun Breslin, “Why Russia and China are United by More than Pipeline Politics,” Euractiv, June 2014 available at
Shaun Breslin, “APEC summit shows how hard it is to define the Asian ‘region’”, The Conversation, 11 November 2014.
Shaun Breslin, “Why Russia and China are United by More than Pipeline Politics,” Euractiv, June 2014.
Shaun Breslin, “China plays politics with debt while the West holds its breath”, The Conversation, 13 February 2014.
Shaun Breslin, “Xi Jinping is Believing: Political and Economic Reforms under China’s New Leadership” ISPI Analysis No.2010, November 2013.
Shaun Breslin, “Fighting vested interests will provide real challenge for incoming leaders”, Global Times, 10 March 2013,
Shaun Breslin, “Still friends, but China will be peeved by North Korea's aggression”, The Independent, 8 March 2013.
Shaun Breslin. “Does function matter? Researching comparative regional governance ” GR:EEN Working Paper No. 33, March 2013, available at
Shaun Breslin, “China and the Arab Awakening”, ISPI Analysis, No 140, October 2012, available at
Shaun Breslin. “Das harte Ringen um „sanfte“ Macht”, in Helmut K. Anheier and Bernhard Lorentz (eds) Wege der Verständigung: Wie Kulturdiplomatie mehr Vertrauen zwischen China und dem Westen schaffen kann (Essen: Stiftung Mercator, 2012): 69-77. English version published as Shaun Breslin, “A Hard Bitten Pursuit of Soft Power” in Helmut K. Anheier and Bernhard Lorentz (eds) Bridging the Trust Divide: Cultural Diplomacy and Fostering Understanding Between China and the West (Essen: Stiftung Mercator, 2012): 60-7.
Shaun Breslin, “China’s Resource Foreign Policy” in N. Kitchen (ed) China’s Geoeconomic Strategy, (London: LSE IDEAS Special Report No.12, 2012): 19-24.
Shaun Breslin (2011) “(Not) Reconciling International Security With Non-Traditional Security Studies: Westphalia, The ‘West’ and the Long Shadow of 1944”, Asia Security Initiative Policy Series, Working Paper No.17, Center for Non-Traditional Security Studies, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, August.
Shaun Breslin (2011) “The Soft Notion of China’s Soft Power” a Chatham House Programme paper.
Shaun Breslin and Simon Shen (2010) “Online Chinese Nationalism” a Chatham House Programme paper.
Shaun Breslin, “China Engages Asia: The Soft Notion of China’s Soft Power” in Ethos, 8, 2010:5-11.
Shaun Breslin, “State-led Development in Historical Perspective: From Freidrich List to a Chinese Mode of Governance?” in the conference proceedings of The Global Financial Crisis: International Impacts and Responses (Beijing: Beijing Forum/Beijing University, 2009): 78-109.
Shaun Breslin, “Participation and Democratisation” in China Review, Autumn 2009: 4-7.
Shaun Breslin “China and Developing Countries: Identities and Actors” background briefing paper for Oxfam Australia, June 2009.
Shaun Breslin, “China: Democratising One Party Rule?”, Fundación para las Relaciones Internacionales y el Diálogo Exterior Working Paper, September 2008.
Shaun Breslin, “Global Perspectives 2008: China” part of on-line Roundtable debate for International Affairs Forum.
Shaun Breslin, “Supplying Demand or Demanding Supply? An Alternative Look at the Forces Driving East Asian Community Building”, Stanley Foundation Policy Analysis Brief, Stanley Foundation, Washington D.C., November 2007. Available at
Shaun Breslin, “Supplying Demand or Demanding Supply? An Alternative Look at the Forces Driving East Asian Community Building”, Stanley Foundation Policy Analysis Brief, Stanley Foundation, Washington D.C., November 2007.
Shaun Breslin, “Other Actors Get Lion's Share from China Trade” in Shanghai Daily 26 September 2006: A6.
Shaun Breslin, “Report on ‘Institute of industrial strategies and policies’ Doi Moi Review Paper on Industrial Reform in Vietnam” Written paper for UNDP project on industrial reform in Vietnam in conjunction with the Ministry of Industry, March 2006.
Shaun Breslin, “Industrial Reform in Vietnam: Any Lessons from China?” Written paper for UNDP project on industrial reform in Vietnam in conjunction with the Ministry of Industry, January 2006
Shaun Breslin, “Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics: the Public, the Private and the International” Murdoch University Asia Research Centre Working Paper 104, 2004.
Shaun Breslin, “Japan and Greater China” short review article in Journal of Japanese Studies 29 (2) 2003: 484-488.
Shaun Breslin “Growth without Delvelopment: Imagining China's Political Economy” BISA IPEG Working Paper No 6, 2002.
Shaun Breslin, “Beyond Bilateralism: Rethinking the Study of China's International Relations” ANU National Europe Centre Working PaperNo.36, 2002.
Shaun Breslin, “Beyond Diplomacy ?” in China Review 19, Summer 2001: 23-26
Shaun Breslin, “Growth at the Expense of Development? Chinese Trade and Export-Led Growth Reconsidered” Business Institute Berlin an der Fachhochschule für Wirtschaft Berlin Working Paper 11, 2000.
Shaun Breslin, “The Virtual Market” in China Review 17, Autumn/Winter 2000: 22-24.
Shaun Breslin, “China’s Response to Democratisation in Taiwan” in Global Dialogue 5 (2) September 2000: 27-8.
Shaun Breslin, “Implications of China's admission to the WTO” in Global Dialogue 5 (1) May 2000.
Shaun Breslin, “Tug of War” in China Review 13, Summer 1999: 17-19.
Shaun Breslin, “The Limits of Economic Reform” in New Political Economy Vol 3, No 3, 1998: 439-441
Shaun Breslin, “Reform, Rhetoric and Reaction in China” in The Pacific Review Vol 5, No 4, 1992: 409-411.
Shaun Breslin, “The Future of China” in Third World Quarterly Vol 9, No 4, 1987: 1341-1344.
Shaun Breslin, “China Crisis Management” in Times Higher Education Supplement 25 Nov 1994, p.29.
Shaun Breslin, “Maoism: An Assessment” in Deckers (ed) Mao Zedong in the Scales of History (London: Richmond College, 1992).
Shaun Breslin, “China in Crisis?” in The Pacific Review 2 (3), 1989: 252-255.
Shaun Breslin, “A Provincial Perspective on Reform: Shanxi in 1989” in Bulletin of the British Association of Chinese Studies 1989: 40-48.
Shaun Breslin, From Mao to Markets private paper for Lloyds of London, 1987.
Academic conferences/Research seminars
As organiser
With Kaewkamol Pitakdumrongkit (RSIS, NTU), Comparative Economic Statecraft in East and Southeast Asia, S Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, June 2022.
With Pan Zhongqi (Fudan University), Chinese foreign Policy in the New Era, School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Fudan University, Shanghai, July 2019.
With Ren Xiao (Fudan University), Chinese Perceptions of China’s Place in the World, Fudan University, Shanghai, July 2019.
At the 2019 International Studies Association annual Conference, Toronto, March 2019
Panel Organiser and Chair, China and the Caribbean: Tax Havens, Comrades and South-South (Economic) Diplomacy
Panel Organiser and Chair, A Xi Change in Chinese Foreign Policy? “New Directions in China’s Global Role
With Guo Sujian (Fudan University), The Normative Basis of Global Governance, Fudan University Institute of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences, Fudan University, Shanghai, September 2018.
With Carol Wise (University of Southern California), China's Slowing Growth: What Does this Mean for the Emerging Economies, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, February 2016.
With Helen Nesadurai (Monash KL), Governance in Southeast Asia: Investigating the Possibilities and Limitations for “Progressive” Governance, a Warwick-Monash Strategic Alliance Workshop, Kuala Lumpur, December 2014.
With Frederik Ponjaert (ULB Brussels) GR:EEN – Towards the Next Generation of Scholarship, Brussels, November 2014.
With Chris Browning, The Power of Attraction: Competitive Identity in World Politics, University of Warwick, November 2014.
With Carol Wise (USC), Sophal Ear and Sanjeev Khagram (both Occidental College), organiser of China and the World, University of Southern California and Occidental College, Los Angeles, September 2014.
Global Re-Ordering: A Mid-Term Report, Third Annual GR:EE Conference, UNU CRIS, Bruges, September 2013.
East Asia and Food (In)security, Beijing University, Beijing, June 2012.
With Wang Yong (Beijing University), organiser of Comparative Regional Economic Governance: Learning from Crises?, Beijing University, Beijing, forthcoming in June 2010.
Comparative Regional Governance: Economics, Security, Environment, Garnet Network of Excellence Conference, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, March 2009.
With Chris Hughes (Warwick) and Martin Gainsborough (Bristol) Responses to China’s Regional Rise, Political Studies Association Pacific Asia Specialist Group Annual Workshop, Warwick, January 2009.
With Mario Telo (ULB, Belgium) and David Camroux (CERI, Paris) organiser of The EU and EAST ASIA within an Evolving Global Order: Ideas, Actors and Processes, Egmontinstitute/Egmont Palace, Brussels, November 2008.
With Simon Shen, convenor of two panels on “Internet Nationalism in China”, Chinese Political Studies Association Annual Conference, Hong Kong, July 2008.
Great Britain-China Centre seminar series, 2001, on UK Relations with China
The Crowd in China Annual Conference of the British Association of Chinese Studies, University of Warwick, September 2001.
Beyond Bilateralism: Rethinking Sino-Japanese Relations for Chatham House/Warwick Asia Programme, Royal Institute of International Affairs, London, September 2000.
After the Global Crises: What Next for Regionalism? CSGR, University of Warwick. September 1999.
As paper presenter
“When do Economic Interactions become Economic Statecraft? Shifting Perceptions of China’s Political Economy in Europe”, The Tianjin Forum, Nankai University, Tianjin, October 2023.
“China, The US and the Nature of the Global Order: An Occidentalist Agenda?” at The Current Sino-American Relationship and its Global Implications, University of Edinburgh Department of Asian Studies, Edinburgh, February 2023.
“The Rise and Fall and Rise of Security Considerations in Framing European Perspectives of China”, Keynote presentation at China and Europe in Times of Global Disruption, China-Europe Research Network, Inalco, Paris, September 2022.
“The State, The Future, and the State of the Field”, at China in the Social Sciences, Emerging Research in the Social Sciences, White Rose Centre, University of Sheffield (online), June 2022.
Presentations at at Kyoto Peace Conference, Kyoto (online), October 2021.
(a) Roundtable on “Drivers of Global Change: Responding to East Asian Institutional and Economic Innovation”
(b) “Chinese Economic Statecraft. An Illiberal Actor in a (more) Liberal Global Economy: Who is Changing Who?”
With Peter Burnham, “Global” Britain views the Indo Pacific: Commerce, Competitors and Colleagues”, at Navigating International Order Transition, Griffith University Centre for Governance and Public Policy (online), September 2021.
With Giuseppe Gabusi, “Whatever It Takes: The Political Economy of the Chinese Communist Party”, at The CCP’s 100-year trajectory through the prism of its founding principles: Organization, ideology, social bases, modernization and nation-building agenda, Inalco, French Research Institute on East Asia, the European Institute for Chinese Studies, and the Oxford School of Global and Area Studies (online), June 2021.
“More than Occidentalism? The Search for Coherence in New Chinese IR Concepts”, presentations at 2019 International Studies Association annual Conference, Toronto, March 2019
“Changing our minds? Changing Perceptions of China”, at China and Europe on the
40th Anniversary of the Beginning of China’s Reform and Opening: Achievements, Challenges and Prospects, Shanghai International Studies University and the College of Europe EU-China Research Centre, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, October 2018.
“The Belt and Road as ‘Strategic Signalling’”, at Understanding the Belt and Road Initiative: Dynamics, Prospects and Implications, School of International Studies, Renmin University, Beijing, October 2018.
“Global Reordering and China’s Rise: Adoption, Adaptation and Reform”, keynote presentation at opening public session, Steady as She Goes? The European Union Navigating Today’s Complex World, ULB, Brussels, June 2018.
“China and the Global Liberal Order”, at China and Global Norms, S Rajaratam Institute for International Studies, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, November 2017.
“Does China have a Grand Strategy?”, at Comparative Grand Strategy, University of Namur, US Naval War College and Rutgers University, Namur, June 2017.
“Leadership and Followership in post-unipolar World: Towards a New Functionalism?”, at International Leadership in the New World, Fudan University, Copenhagen University and The Chinese Political Science Review, Shanghai, June 2017.
“China and the Grey Zone” at Power Transition in the Asia-Pacific: Managing Perceptions and Trust in the ‘Grey Zone’, Institute for Conflict, Cooperation and Security, University of Birmingham, 10th May 2017
Presentations at 2017 International Studies Association annual Conference, Baltimore, February 2016
(a) “Does China have a Grand Strategy?”
(b) "Discounting the Future ? (Imagining) Chinese Global Power”
“China’s rise, Global order, and IR theory”, at IR Theory and Practice in Asia: where are we and where are we headed?, Hanyang University, Seoul, August 2016.
Presentations at 2016 International Studies Association Asia-Pacific Conference, City University, Hong Kong, June 2016
(a) “Global Reordering and Multipolarity: The EU and China and Global Governance Reform”
(b) “China’s ‘New Type of Great Power Relations’”
(a) “What is Global Power and in What Ways Does China Have it?”
(b) with Wang Zhengyi “Governing the Chinese Market”
(c) Roundtable on “Rising Powers and International Society: who is responsible for upholding global norms?”
Shaun Breslin, ““China Debates its Global Role: Changing the World from Second Place”, Keynote Opening Public Presentation at China's Slowing Growth: What Does this Mean for the Emerging Economies, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, February 2016.
Shaun Breslin, “The changing nature of China’s financial system: from bank to market-based finance? Implications for monetary policy”, Keynote presentation at China’s Economy at a Crossroads, Danish Institute of International Studies, Copenhagen, January 2016.
Shaun Breslin, “International Relations: Towards Conflict or Cooperation in the Asia Pacific”, at Quo Vadis, Asia Pacific, London Asia Pacific Centre for Social Sciences Launch Event, Kings College, London, November 2015.
Shaun Breslin and Wang Zhengyi, “Governing the Chinese Market”, at The Harmony of Civilizations and Prosperity for All – Different Paths with Common Responsibilities, The Beijing Forum, Peking University, November 2015.
Roundtable on “Governing the Chinese Socialist Market Economy”, at ThinkINChina public seminar, Wudaokou, Beijing, November 2015.
Shaun Breslin, “Chinese Responses to the Trans Pacific Partnership”, Japan and Geo-Economics in Asia: The Rise of the TPP and AIIB, Chatham House on behalf of the Japanese Cabinet Office, London, November 2015.
Shaun Breslin, “Living with China as No.2”, Keynote presentation at Awakening to China’s Dream: Domestic Realities, Global Ramifications, Finnish Institute of International Affairs China Research Days 2015, Helsinki, October 2015.
Roundtable on “Awakenings and Realities”, at Awakening to China’s Dream: Domestic Realities, Global Ramifications, Finnish Institute of International Affairs China Research Days 2015, Helsinki, October 2015.
Roundtable on “End of the East Asian Economic Miracle”, at Battle of Ideas, The Institute of Ideas, The Barbican, London, October 2015.
Shaun Breslin “Creativity, Innovation and International Political Marketing” at Transforming ‘Made in China’ to ‘Created in China’”, China Design Week Conference, China Britain Business Council/British Chamber of Commerce in China, Compressor House, London, October 2015.
Shaun Breslin, “China, Korea and Asian Regionalism” at Korea-Europe Next Generation Policy Expert Forum, Korea Foundation and Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House, London, October 2015.
Shaun Breslin, “Non-Traditional Security for Who/What? Between the International, the National and the Human” at Public Diplomacy for Public Goods, The Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, Clingandael and Chahar Institute 4th International Conference on Public Diplomacy in China-Europe Relations, The Robert Bosch Foundation, Berlin, October 2015.
Shaun Breslin, “A Macro Level Analysis of China-UK Relations”, at The State Visit: A “Golden Era” for the UK-China Relationship?, All Party Parliamentary China Group, House of Commons, London, September 2015.
Shaun Breslin, “China’s Response to TTIP” at Taking Stock of TTIP Negotiations – What Comes Next?, European Union Directorate General for External Policies Policy Department Policy Hub, European Parliament, Brussels, July 2015.
Shaun Breslin, “China Views the Transatlantic Relationship” at European and Transatlantic Relations from an Asian Perspective, European Union Directorate General for External Policies Policy Department Policy Hub, European Parliament, Brussels, July 2015.
Shaun Breslin, “UK-China Relations” at UK Trade and the Chinese Economy, Industry and Parliament Trust, House of Commons, London, June 2015. “
Shaun Breslin, China’s ‘One Belt One Road’ Initiative”, Cross Whitehall China Experts’ Group, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, London, June 2015.
Shaun Breslin, “The International Politics of Chinese Energy (In)Security” at The Challenge of Energy in China: From Technology to Policy, Warwick University 50th Anniversary Global Research Priority Public Seminar, Beijing, May 2015.
Roundtable on “China’s Reform Prospects”, at The EU-Asia Centre, Brussels, March 2015.
Roundtable on “What Role for the EU in North East Asian security?”, at The EU-Asia Centre, Brussels, March 2015.
Shaun Breslin, “China’s Role in Regional and Global Economic Development”, at The Rise of China and Changing World Order, Oxford-HKUST Leadership and Public Policy Programme, Hong Kong, December 2014.
Shaun Breslin and George Christou, “The Human Security Agenda Two Decades On: Definitions, Discourses and Debates” at Europe and the New Security Agenda – Human Security and Energy Security, Central European University, Budapest, October 2014.
Shaun Breslin, “China and Europe” at China and the World, University of Southern California and Occidental College, Los Angeles, September 2014.
Shaun Breslin, “Imagining China's future role in Global Governance”, Keynote lecture at annual Global Governance Global Research Priority Symposium, University of Warwick, July 2014.
“Chinese Power from a Global Perspective”, at Assessing Chinese Power, The ASAN Institute for Policy Studies, Seoul, April 2014.
“Financial Transitions in the PRC: Banking on the State”, keynote presentation at Transitions: State, Society and Culture in China, Department of East Asian Studies Delhi University, Indian Council of World Affairs, and Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi, January 2014.
“The Chinese Approach to Human Security” at Debating Human Security in Europe and Key Strategic Partners, FRIDE/Waseda University, Tokyo, December 2013.
“China and the WTO”, at research seminar on Economic Reform in China and Vietnam: Does Accession to International Trade Agreements Help or Hinder?, Global Economic Governance Programme, University of Oxford, October 2013.
“Bringing Mitrany Back In? Towards Asian Regional Functional Futures” at Regionalisation, Regionalism, and the Rescaling of Economic Governance in Asia, Asia Research Centre, Murdoch University, Perth, October 2013.
“Low Profile No More? Resource (In) Security and Chinese World Views”, Keynote opening presentation at Australian Political Studies Association Annual Conference, Perth, September 2013.
“China and the Global Order”, keynote presentation at Rising Powers in the New Global Political Economy, University of Nottingham Postgraduate and Early Career Scholar Conference, Nottingham, July 2013.
“Global Reordering: What is a Multipolar World?”, keynote speech at Cooperation, Integration and Alliances: Regional and Global Perspectives, Challenges and Solutions, International Studies Association Comparative Interdisciplinary Studies Section Annual Conference, UNU CRIS, Bruges, June 2013
With Zha Daojiong, “A Chineseness about Energy Security?”, at China, Europe and Global Energy Governance, NUPI/Beijing University, Beijing, May 2013.
“China’s Soft Power”, at Sino-US struggles over Asia, AHRC Obama Research Network Symposium, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, London, April 2013.
“International Security, Human Security and International Political Economy”, at Political Economy, State Transformation and the New Security Agenda, Centre for the Study of Global Security and Development, Queen Mary University of London, London, March 2013.
“Does function matter? Researching comparative regional governance”, at Regional Leadership, Norms and Diversity: Comparing the Asia-Pacific with Europe, Waseda University, Tokyo, January 2013.
“The State of Chinese Banking/Banking on the State in China”, at The China Model: A Challenge to the European Varieties of Capitalism, German Institute of Global and Area Studies, Hamburg, December 2012.
“China and the Arab Awakening” at The Arab Awakening: What Role For The International Players?, Instito per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale, Milan, October 2012.
“Global Economic Governance and the Rise of China”, keynote presentation at the annual IPEG Conference on The Future of Global Economic Governance, University of Birmingham, September 2012.
“China: signalling threat or friendship?” at Negotiating the rise of new powers, International Affairs Study Group, Chatham House, London, September 2012.
“Stating the Obvious? State Directed Capitalism and China’s Response to the Global Financial Crisis”, Joint Workshops on The Quick Rebound from the Financial Crisis/Financial Statecraft, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, July 2012.
“Challenges Arising from Social and Economic Change in China” at China-EU Economic Relations in the Coming Decade: Partnership, Rivalry or Indifference, European Studies Centre, Oxford University, May 2012.
“China and the Global Crisis”, keynote presentation at Global Hierarchy and Ascendant Powers, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, April 2012.
Presentations at 2012 International Studies Association annual Conference, San Diego, April 2012
(a) “Online Chinese Nationalism”
(b) “(Not) Reconciling International Security with Non Traditional Security Studies: Westphalia, the “West” and the Long Shadow of 1944”
(c) “Rebounding from Whose Crisis? Debating the Chinese “model” in and after the GFC (aka intellectual schizophrenia in the study of China’s IPE)”
“The China Model and the Global Crisis”, keynote lecture at Liberty and Security in a Time of Global Re-ordering, Boston University, Boston, March 2012.
“China and South-South Relations: In Search of a Diverse Set of
Relationships”, at Chinese Foreign Policy: Grand Strategy in a Changing
International Order, LSE IDEAS/Kings College London joint conference, London, January 2012.
“China and the South: Who is China, What is the South?” at China Rising: Towards a Global-Asian Era?, Universities of Bristol, Hong Kong, and UC Santa Barbara, Bristol, December 2011.
“China and Cultural Diplomacy” opening paper at “Cultural Diplomacy, China and the Roles of Foundations” Stiftung Mercator, Berlin, October 2011.
“The ‘China Model’ and the Global Crisis: From Friedrich List to a Chinese Mode of Governance?”, keynote presentation at Innovation and Invention: China and Global Influences, British Inter-University China Centre/BISA Postgraduate Fund, University of Oxford, September 2011.
“China’s Response to the Global Crisis” at Unexpected Outcomes Across the Pacific Rim: The Quick Rebound of Emerging Markets from the 2008-2009 Global Crisis, organised by the University of Southern California, Montreal, March 2011.
“China and the Global Crisis: Global Responsibility Meets Domestic Vulnerability” at Business and Government After the Crash, Joint Boston-Warwick Universities Workshop, Boston, September 2010.
“China and ‘the South’: Material and “non-hard” Drivers of Chinese Policy” at The Future of South-South Economic Relations, The Frederick S Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer Ranger Future, Boston, September 2010.
“Online Chinese Nationalism” Keynote speech at Second BRIDGE Conference on Challenges for East Asia: The Past, Present and Future, University of Bristol, July 2010.
“Government-Industry Relations in China: A Review of the Art of the State” at East Asian Capitalism: Diversity Change and Continuity, London School of Economics and Nottingham University, London, June 2010.
“China’s Emerging Global Role: Dissatisfied Responsible Great Power?” at PSA 60th Anniversary Workshop, Perspectives on the Changing Global Balance of Power, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, March 2010.
“State Led Development in Historical Perspective: From Friedrich List to a Chinese Mode of Governance?” at The Beijing Forum, Beijing University, Beijing, November 2009.
“Responding to Non-Traditional Security Challenges: The Westphalian State, The ‘West’ and the Long Shadow of 1944” at Non Traditional Security, Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, November 2009.
“Attraction, Alternatives and Alliances: The Construction of a Chinese ‘Soft Power’ Debate” at The Rise of China and Japanese Responses: Towards a New Regional Order in Asia?, Warwick-Waseda Workshop, Tokyo, October 2009.
“China’s Regional Rise: Objectives and Strategies” at Responses to China’s Regional Rise, Political Studies Association Pacific Asia Specialist Group Annual Workshop, Warwick, January 2009.
“EU-Asia Relations: What (or where) is Europe?” at The EU and EAST ASIA within an Evolving Global Order: Ideas, Actors and Processes, Egmontinstitute/Egmont Palace, Brussels, November 2008.
Shaun Breslin, ‘Dimensions of Chinese Power in the Twenty-First Century: Hard, Soft and Imagined’, at Still the Asian Century?, University of Birmingham, September 2008
“China’s (Contested) Rise to Regional Leadership: Ideas, Initiatives and Implications” East-West Dialogue 2008, Casa Asia, Barcelona, October 2008.
“On Democratisation in China (and the lack of it)” at Democracy’s International Challenges, Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels, June 2008.
Roundtable on “Where is Japan Heading: Views from Inside and Outside the Region” Institute of Asian Studies, Waseda University, Tokyo, April 2008.
“Comparative Theory, China, and the Future of East Asian Regionalism(s)” at Comparative Regionalism: Europe and East Asia, organised by the Centre for European Studies, Renmin University, Centre for Northeast Asia Regional Integration, Beijing University, and Comparative Regional Integration Studies, United Nations University, Beijing, February 2008.
“China and East Asian Regional Leadership” at China, Japan and Regional Leadership in East Asia, White Rose East Asia Centre, University of Leeds, July 2007.
“China as the World’s Workshop and Geographies of Power” Keynote talk at the Launch Conference of the British Inter-University China Centre, London, June 2007.
“Globalisation and State Capacity in China” at State Capacity of China in the 21st Century, City University of Hong Kong, April 2007.
“Towards a Sino-European Strategic Partnership? Defining ‘Strategy’ and ‘Europe’” at The EU As Global Actor – The Political and Cultural Identity of EU and Its Role in EU – Asian Relations, Institute of European Studies, Macao, December 2006.
“China’s Rise to Leadership in Asia – Strategies, Obstacles and Achievements” at Regional Powers in Asia, Africa, Latin America, the Near and Middle East, German Institute of Global and Area Studies, Hamburg, December 2006.
Shaun Breslin, “Studying Regionalism: Comparative Perspectives”, a Garnet Network of Excellence Research Seminar, Science Po, Université Montesquieu, Bordeaux, October 2006.
“Constructing Visions of China: Theories and Purposes”, at Second World Forum on China Studies, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, September 2006.
“China-Europe Relations: What is ‘Europe’?” at the EU-China Roundtable, Fudan University, Shanghai, September 2006.
“Why growth equals power - and why it shouldn't: The case of China's global economic role” Keynote presentation at GDPism and Risk: Challenges for Social Development and Governance in East Asia, University of Bristol, July 2006.
“East Asia and China’s Regional Futures” Hong Kong Forum, February 2006.
“Theorising East Asian Regionalism(s): New Regionalism(s) and China’s Role(s) in Asia’s Future(s)” at Regionalisation and the Taming of Globalisation? Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation, University of Warwick, October 2005.
"Studying Regionalism(s): Eurocentricism and Comparitivism" at Joint LSE, Sciences Po and Fudan University Conference on China and East Asian Regionalism, Fudan University, Shanghai, January 2005.
“Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics: Creating the Market to Control the Market” at Neoliberalism After Three Decades: The End of an Epoch?, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, September 2004.
“Regionalism versus Regionalisation in the Global Political Economy” Keynote Presentation at Asia Pacific Economies: Multilateral vs Bilateral Relationships, Boomberg/City University APEC Study Centre, Hong Kong, May 2004.
“Foreign Direct Investment in China: What the Figures Don’t Tell Us” at Regional Governance: Greater China in the Twenty First Century, Joint Conference of the University of Durham, Renmin University of China and the Free University of Brussels, Durham, October 2003.
“Globalisation, international coalitions, and domestic reform: China and the WTO” at Globalisation, Conflict and Political Regimes in East and Southeast Asia, Asia Research Centre, Murdoch University, Perth WA, August 2003.
“Studying China in an era of Globalisation: Values, Epistemologies and International Political Economy” at Multilateralisme versus Unilateralisme a Àsia: el pes Internacional dels “Valors Asiàtics”, Consorci Universitat Internacional Menéndez-Pelayo de Barcelona Centre Ernest Lluch, Barcelona, July 2003.
“Chinese Economic Reform in the Contemporary Context: Growth Without Development?” at The British Association of International Studies annual conference, London, December 2002.
“Beyond Bilateralism: Rethinking the Study of China’s International Relations” at Asia Pacific Studies in Australia and Europe: A Research Agenda for the Future Australian National University, Canberra, July 2002.
“Area Studies, IR and IPE: Rethinking the Study of China’s International Relations” at Globalisation and China’s Reforms: An IPE Perspective Fudan University School of International Relations and Public Administration, Shanghai, May 2002.
“Globalization, the State and The Local” at Globalization and Development EU Public Sector Management Conference, Universidad Catolica Madre y Meastra, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, December 2001.
“Growth, Development and Politics: Is the Chinese ‘Model’ Sustainable ?” at Zukunftsmisik Nachtaligkeit und Endtwicklung im Duett: Erfahrungen und Perspecktiven in Asien und in Europe Asianhaus/Arbeitnehmerzentrum, Königswinter, November 2001.
“China and the WTO” at Reshaping Globalization Central European University Tenth Anniversary Conference, Budapest, October 2001.
“Political Dimensions” at Ditchley/Southern Centre for International Studies Conference on China’s External Relations Atlanta, June 2001.
“The Politics of Optimism: Constructing Visions of China” City University, Hong Kong Jan 2001
“Beyond Bilateralism? The Local, the Regional and the Global in Sino-Japanese Economic Relations” Japan and China: Economic Relations in Transition German Institute for Japanese Studies, Tokyo, Jan 2001
“Adjustment or Reform? Towards a Systemic Interpretation of China’s Current Economic Situation” at Expanding Domestic Demand and Boosting Economic Development of Guangdong, Guangdong Research Centre, Guangzhou, April 2000.
“Transparency and Interest in the People’s Republic of China” at Transparency and the Global Political Economy IPEG Annual Workshop, University of Warwick, February 2000.
“(Still) Learning to Live Without the Plan: The Politics of Financial Reform in the People’s Republic of China” at What is To Be Done? University of Amsterdam, February 2000.
“On Regional Integration and National Fragmentation: The Implications of China’s Partial Engagement with the Global Economy” Globalisation, Regionalisation and Governance University of Kobe/Sheffield University, Sheffield, 7-8 January 00.
“Europe-China Relations: Levels of Analysis and Levels of Relationships” The Euro and EU-China Relations Renmin University/PEC, Beijing, March 1999.
“Chinese Responses to the Asian Financial Crises” IPEG Annual Workshop, University of Hull, Feb 1999.
“Export Led Growth, The Asian Financial Crises and the Debate over Liberalisation in the People’s Republic of China”, INSEAD Euro-Asia Centre, Fontainebleau, Feb 1999.
“Decentralisation, Globalisation and Sub-National Cross-National Regions in the PRChina”, Japan, Asia Pacific, and Regionalism: Global and Regional Dynamics into the 21st Century University of Sheffield, September 1998.
“Chinese Perceptions of Japan’s Role in Asia Pacific Regionalism” ECPR/ISA, Vienna, September 1998.
“China’s WTO Entry Bid” EU-China Academic Programme Shenzhen City Government/Shenzhen Statistical Bureau, Shenzhen, China, July 1998
“The Growth of Chinese Trade and China-EU Relations” China-EU Relations in the Global Political Economy EU-China Higher Education Cooperation Programme/Shenzhen City Government, Shenzhen, China, July 1998.
“Feeling the Riles: The Financial Crises in East Asia and Economic Reform in the PRChina” Assessing the Asian Financial Crisis, University of Manchester, April 1998.
“Asian Investment in China: Understanding ‘Region’ From a Political Economy Perspective” Asian Investment in Asia, INSEAD Euro-Asia Centre, Fontainebleau, Feb 1998.
“Between the Devil and the Deep-Blue Sea: Marketisation, Globalisation and the State-Owned Sector in the PRChina” Organisational Structures, Business Strategies and Competitiveness in Asia, Group Esc-Nantes Atlantique/IAE Poitiers, Poitiers, Nov 1997.
“Globalisation and State Agency in the People’s Republic of China”, ECPR, Bern, Feb-Mar 1997.
“Globalisation and East Asia: The Role and Significance of the PR China” MoD/Cranfield University, Royal College of Military Science, Shrivenham, Swindon, Dec 1996.
“Japan and China: Conflict or Collaboration?” Japan and the Global Economy Coventry Business School, Dec 1995.
“China in the East Asian Regional Economy” Economic Integration and Corporate Strategies in Asian Countries, Group Esc-Nantes Atlantique/IAE Poitiers, Poitiers, Nov 1995.
“China’s Environmental Crisis in a Global Context” China and Europe Towards the Twenty-First Century Beijing, July 1995.
“China’s Political Economy in the Post Cold War Era: From Plan to What?” The Political Studies Association Annual Conference, York, April 1995.
“China in East Asia: Regionalisation, Regionalism and Regional Hegemons” The Future of Regionalism: Theoretical And Empirical Issues Centre for Japanese Studies/Political Economy Research Centre, University of Sheffield, Feb 1995.
“The Growth of Chinese Regionalism: The Logic (and Illogic) of Decentralisation” The European Association of Chinese Studies Biannual Conference, Prague, Aug 1994.
“The Changing Centre-Provinces Paradigm And Policy Making Process In Post-Mao-China” LMVH/INSEAD Annual Conference, Fontainebleau, Feb 1994.
“Maoism: An Assessment” Mao Zedong in the Scales of History, Richmond College, London, Nov 1992.
“Changing Centre-Province Relations In The PR China” Political Studies Association Annual Conference, Durham, April 1990.
“China’s Foreign Policy Bureaucracy” China Study Group, Royal Institute of International Relations, Chatham House, London, May 1989.
“Shanxi in the 1980s” China Study Group, Royal Institute of International Relations, Chatham House, 1987.
Public Lectures and Seminars
“Making the past serve the Future: The Chineseness of Chinese Communism”, The Athenæum, London, February 2024.
“China's worldview: the international system from China's perspective”, public lecture in the Global Dynamics Lecture Series, Trevelyan College, Durham University, January 2024.
Roundtable, “Enhancing Small State Preparedness: Where Do We Go From Here?”, Finnish Institute of International Affairs, Helsinki, September 2023.
“China Risen”, IPE Book Talk, Nankai University, Tianjin, October 2023.
“Perceptions of risks: Shifting European views of China”, Enhancing Small State Preparedness: Risks of Foreign Ownership, Supply Disruptions and Technological Dependencies, University of Turku/Finnish Institute of International Affairs, Helsinki, September 2023.
“Tilting at Windmills? The UK and the Indo-Pacific”, public lecture for In-East Indo Pacific Lecture Series, University of Duisburg-Essen (online), January 2023.
Kellog’s Global Politics Podcast, “Determining the National Security Threats from China”, released November 2022, available at
University of Warwick Politics Society Podcast, “Third Term for Xi: The Future of China”, released November 2022, available at
“Managing the Chinese Economy: Markets as Means”, Public Lecture, Duke University, Kunshan (online and recorded), October 2022.
Round Table, Decoding the Twentieth Party Congress, Institute of East Asian Studies, University of Duisburg (online and recorded), October 2022.
“Constructing Understandings of China: Chinese ‘Economic Statecraft’ from a BRI(tish) Perspective”, UVA East Asia Center, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, September 2022 (also live streamed and recorded).
“Changing our Minds? Shifting European Narratives of China’s Rise”, Sidney Asia Centre China Seminar (Online), June 2022.
“Chinese Wisdom for the World: Stress Testing China's New Normative Agenda for Global Ordering”, Public Lecture followed by roundtable discussion, Stockholm Centre for Asian Studies, University of Stockholm, May 2022.
“What is (Chinese) Foreign Policy”, at launch of Chatham House briefing paper on Deconstructing China, Chatham House (online), November 2021.
“China Risen?”, Politics in the End Time Podcast with Daryll Jarvis and Toby Carroll, available at , posted October 2021.
D2 BRI Dialogues, Conversation with Ali Borhani and Anoush Ehteshami, available at, posted September 2021.
“Why we should look at China in shades of Grey”, Departures Podcast with Robert Amsterdam, released 18th August 2021, available at
With Pan Suyan and Rana Mitter, Does China See itself as a Great Power? Asia Matters podcast, released 8th June 2021, available at
“The Micro and the Macro”, at China Insights: The Five Year Plan, Great Britain China Centre, April 2021.
Roundtable Webinar, “Editors’ Perspectives for Success in Political Science”, Euraxess for the European Commission, September 2020.
With Chen Dingding, China’s Two Sessions, Interview for Asia Matters podcast, released 3rd June 2020, available at
“China and the Coronavirus Crisis”, Facebook Live Webinar on “Global Governance and Covid-19: Implications for Europe and its Relations with China”, Luiss University Pre-Summer Talks, 29th May 2020, available at
“The UK Views China: Policy Preferences and Academic Agendas”, at National Narratives and the Rise of China: The US, Europe and the Future International Order, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung/Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House, London, December 2019.
“China’s obsession of control in Xinjiang and foreign relations: Insecurity masked by confidence”, presentation at the Finnish Institute of International Affairs, Helsinki, May 2019.
“Regionalism and Governance in East Asia”, presentation at Development of Regional Cooperation in Asia, VUB Confucius Institute Asia Week public conference, European Institute for Asian Studies, Brussels, April 2019.
Presentation at roundtable on “After Brexit: Scaling up EU-Asia Trade and Investments”, at Asia & Europe Initiative Enhancing Cooperation Beyond Brexit, ISPI, Milan, March 2019.
“Brexit and Asia”, at Brexit: A Game Changer for Europe and Asia?, Public Presentation, ISPI, Milan, February 2019.
“New Norms for the World? Selling the ‘China Solution’’, Public Lecture, Department of Politics and Public Admin, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong, February 2019.
“The Power to Change Minds? China's rise and ideational alternatives”, The Chun-Tu Hsueh Distinguished Lecture, St Antony’s College, University of Oxford, February 2019.
“Changing our Minds? The Ideational Consequences of China’s Rise”, Public Lecture, Helsinki University Confucius Institute, Helsinki, November 2018.
“The UK, Europe, and China’s Rise: New Issue and Old Priorities”, Public Lecture at the Institute of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences, Fudan University, Shanghai, October 2018.
“Studying China's Rise From the UK: The (Dis)Connection between Politics and International Relations 从英国视角研究中国崛起:政治与国际关系之间的区别与联系”, Institute of Chinese Studies, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai, October 2018.
“Constructing Images of China: Signalling, Perceptions and Credibility”, public seminar at RSIS, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, August 2018.
“Assessing Asian regionalism: between functional cooperation and geostrategic competition”, Public Lecture, Assessing Asian Regionalism Seminar Series, Istituto Affari Internazionali and Torino World Affairs Institute, Turin, April 2018.
“Coordination and Competition in European Relations With China: The Brexit Complication”, public lecture at SAIS, Washington DC, March 2018.
“China and the Challenge to Liberal Universalism”, public seminar at S Rajaratam Institute for International Studies, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, November 2017.
“As Xi Jinping ends his first term, where is China heading?” and “China as Global No.2? Changing the World from Second Place”, public lectures at The University of Bologna, Forli, October 2017.
“Belt and Road as ‘Strategic Signalling’”, at Symposium on Belt and Road Initiative: Global Impacts and Local Leverage, Sir David Greenaway Distinguished Marine Lecture Series, University of Nottingham Ningbo Campus, Ningbo, September 2017.
“’One Belt One Road’ and the Changing Dynamics of UK-China Relations”, at China-UK Roundtable - Belt and Road Initiative: Remapping World Political Economy, Pangoal Institute, Beijing, September 2017.
“UK China Relations in the Context of EU China Relations and Brexit”, China Institute of International Studies, Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Beijing, September 2017.
“China’s Global Economic Power: Towards a New Era?”, Warwick Graduates’ Association Hong Kong, Hong Kong, June 2017.
Expert exchange on “Brexit: The End of the Sino-British ‘Golden Era’?”, European Institute for Asian Studies, Brussels, May 2017.
“As Xi Jinping comes to the end of his first term, Where is China heading?”, Royal College of Defence Studies, London, April 2017.
“China as Global No.2? Changing the World from Second Place”, Torino World Affairs Institute, Turin, April 2017.
“China as Number 2?”, Public Lecture organised by the Transatlantic Seminar Series, University of Edinburgh, January 2017.
Talk at “The Rule of Law in China and Foreign Direct Investment”, The Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law, Hogan Lovells, London, November 2016.
“Where is China Heading? Domestic Uncertainties and Global Ambitions”, The Sir John Monash Lecture, Monash University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, November 2016.
“Brexit, Leadership Change, and Shifting Dynamics in the UK-China Relationship”, Institute of European Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, August 2016.
“The Thirteenth Five Year Plan and the ‘New Normal’: What Does it Mean for China?”, Keynote Plenary Presentation at the Fourth China Britain Business Council Business Conference, QE2 Conference Centre, London, March 2016.
Roundtable, China: Rise, Fall, and Re-Emergence as a Global Power, Kings Think Tank, Kings College London, March 2016.
“The Political Context of Economic Reform in China”, The Bank of England, London, March 2016.
“Xi Jinping’s Challenges”, The Royal College of Defence Studies, London, March 2016.
“Chinese Responses to the Trans Pacific Partnership”, Japan and Geo-Economics in Asia: The Rise of the TPP and AIIB, Chatham House on behalf of the Japanese Cabinet Office, London, November 2015.
Roundtable on “Governing the Chinese Socialist Market Economy”, at ThinkINChina public seminar, Wudaokou, Beijing, November 2015.
“Non-Traditional Security for Who/What? Between the International, the National and the Human” at Public Diplomacy for Public Goods, The Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, Clingandael and Chahar Institute 4th International Conference on Public Diplomacy in China-Europe Relations, The Robert Bosch Foundation, Berlin, October 2015.
“Living with China as No.2”, Keynote presentation at Awakening to China’s Dream: Domestic Realities, Global Ramifications, Finnish Institute of International Affairs China Research Days 2015, Helsinki, October 2015.
“Creativity, Innovation and International Political Marketing” at Transforming ‘Made in China’ to ‘Created in China’”, China Design Week Conference, China Britain Business Council/British Chamber of Commerce in China, Compressor House, London, October 2015.
Roundtable on “End of the East Asian Economic Miracle”, at Battle of Ideas, The Institute of Ideas, The Barbican, London, October 2015.
“A Macro Level Analysis of China-UK Relations”, at The State Visit: A “Golden Era” for the UK-China Relationship?, All Party Parliamentary China Group, House of Commons, London, September 2015.
“China’s Response to TTIP” at Taking Stock of TTIP Negotiations – What Comes Next?, European Union Directorate General for External Policies Policy Department Policy Hub, European Parliament, Brussels, July 2015.
“China Views the Transatlantic Relationship” at European and Transatlantic Relations from an Asian Perspective, European Union Directorate General for External Policies Policy Department Policy Hub, European Parliament, Brussels, July 2015.
“UK-China Relations” at UK Trade and the Chinese Economy, Industry and Parliament Trust, House of Commons, London, June 2015.
“The International Politics of Chinese Energy (In)Security” at The Challenge of Energy in China: From Technology to Policy, Warwick University 50th Anniversary Global Research Priority Public Seminar, Beijing, May 2015.
“China’s Domestic Challenges”, Royal College of Defence Studies, London, May 2015.
Research Seminar, International Governance Seminar, Open Society Foundation, Chatham House, London, May 2015.
Roundtable on “China’s Reform Prospects”, at The EU-Asia Centre, Brussels, March 2015.
Roundtable on “What Role for the EU in North East Asian security?”, at The EU-Asia Centre, Brussels, March 2015.
Research Seminar, Does Britain Matter in East Asia?, Royal Institute of International Studies, Chatham House, London, January 2015. Podcast of discussion available at
“China and the Middle East”, at The EU and the MENA Region: Lost in Transition, FRIDE, Brussels, November 2014.
“Sources of China’s Global Power”, at FOI - Swedish Defence Research Agency, Stockholm, October 2014.
“On Global Imbalances” at The Europe-Asia Meeting: Making Plans for a Pacific Century, Asia Europe Meeting Think Tank Summit, ISPI, Milan, October 2014.
Roundtable on “China as a New Development Actor” at International Development Cooperation: The State of the Debate in China, India and Brazil, Royal Institute of International Affairs and Institute of Development Studies, Chatham House, London, October 2014.
“Understanding China’s Rise: Is China (Uniquely) Unique?”, at Prince’s Teaching Institute Schools Programme Day, London, July 2014.
“Global Reordering: The EU as a global actor in a multipolar world”, at Research meets diplomacy: Europe as a Global Actor Insights from the Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities for EU External Action, Flash-It/European Commission, Brussels, June 2014.
Roundtable on Asia-Pacific Security: How is the Role of the United States Changing?, Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House, London, May 2014.
“China’s Challenges”, Royal College of Defence Studies, London, May 2014.
“Does China have a Debt Crisis?”, at Intelligent Investment: Securing Pensions for the Long Term, The National Association of Pension Funds Annual Investment Conference, Edinburgh, March 2014.
“Does China Have a Debt Crisis”, Danish Institute for International Studies, Copenhagen, February 2014.
“Financial Reform in China”, at China’s Third Plenum: A New Turning Point?, Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House, London, January 2014.
“China, Regionalism and Globalization: Implications for India”, Indian Council of World Affairs, New Delhi, January 2014.
“Does China Have a Debt Crisis?”, Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations”, New Delhi, January 2014.
“Is there a ‘China Model’”, Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi, January 2014.
“Sino-European Relations: Key Issues and Impact on US-China Relations”, China Luncheon, School of Advanced International Studies, Washington DC, April 2013.
“China and South-South Cooperation and the Notion of ‘Shared Growth’, presentation to partnership workshop on Rethinking Development Assistance in a Changing Global Order: China’s Growing Presence in Africa, organised by the Ambassadors of Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone to China, China National Convention Centre, Beijing, January 2013.
“Political Economy Challenges for the New Leadership”, presentation to an International Forum on Beyond the Headlines of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, The British Academy, December 2012.
With Sonja Sceats, “China and the International Human Rights System”, Chatham House policy briefing, House of Parliament, October 2012.
“China’s Policy towards the Middle East”, at Executive Briefing conference on The Arab Awakening: Challenges and Opportunities in a Transforming Region, ISPI/Promos/Milan Chamber of Commerce/Intesa San Paolo, Palazzo Dei Giueconsulti, Milan, October 2012.
“The Geopolitics of EU-China Relations”, presentation to policy seminar on The EU and China: The Balance Sheet, Europe-China Research and Advice Network/The Royal Institute of International Affairs, London, September 2012.
“China’s Soft Power”, lecture to Politics and Security in the Post-Communist World, MoD training course, University of Bradford, May 2012.
“The Current Financial Situation in China”, presentation to Industry-Parliament Trust/All Party Parliamentary China Group, House of Commons, London, April 2012.
“The Transatlantic Relationship in a Multipolar World”, presentation to The West and the BRICS: The Challenge of Global Governance, public workshop organised by the Italian Instituto Affari Internazionali, Transworld, and the Luiss University School of Government, Rome, April 2012.
“What works when engaging China on international human rights issues?”, Introduction to roundtable on Engaging China on international human rights issues – what works?, Chatham House, Royal Institute of International Affairs, London, November 2011.
“The Global Crisis and the China Model”, United Nations University, Centre for Regional Integration Studies, Bruges, November 2011.
“China and the South: Who is China, What is the South”, presentation at ISPI (Instito per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale), Milan, November 2011.
“China and Cultural Diplomacy” opening paper at “Cultural Diplomacy, China and the Roles of Foundations” Stiftung Mercator, Berlin, October 2011.
“China’s International Relations and the 12th Five Year Plan”, Bertelsmann Asia Briefing: The Eu and China’s 12th Five Year Programme, Deutsche Industrie-und Handelskammertag, Berlin, June 2011.
Roundtable presentation at Sino-Japanese Relations: Perspective, Policies and Projections, Chatham House Asia Programme, Royal Institute of International Affairs, London, February 2011.
“Domestic Drivers of China's Global Role” at the Director’s Nominees Breakfast, Chatham House, October 2010.
“The Chinese Model” at the English Speaking Union International Relations Conference, Oxford, August 2010.
“The Chinese Model and the Global Crisis” Global Citizenship Public Lecture, Hong Kong University, April 2010.
“China's Engagement Strategy in East Asia”, presentation at the Singapore Ministry of Foreign Affairs”, April 2010.
“The Development of Democracy in China” presentation to All-Party Parliamentary China Group, Portcullis House, London, March 2010.
Roundtable on China and the Global Crisis, Office of Ivan Lewis, Minister of State in Charge of China Affairs, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, London, July 2009.
Roundtable on EU-China relations at the invitation of the German Ambassador to the UK, German Embassy, London, June 2009.
“Democratising One-Party Rule? Political Reform, Nationalism and Legitimacy in the People’s Republic of China”, public lecture at Murdoch University, Perth, April 2009
“China’s (Contested) Rise to Regional Leadership: Ideas, Initiatives and Implications” East-West Dialogue 2008, Casa Asia, Barcelona, October 2008.
With Chris Hughes, “China, Japan and Asian Regionalism(s): Which Region? Whose Regional Order?” Warwick/Chatham House Policy Brief, Royal Institute of International Affairs, London, May 2008.
“China’s Search for Economic Security: Underlying Issues and Global Implications” briefing seminar for MPs organised by the Industry and Parliament Trust, London, July 2007.
“China and the World Economy” at China as a Rising Global Power, Birmingham University Joint Research Group Workshop for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Birmingham, February 2007.
“Political Trends in China and Implications for the Environment”, Department for Farming, the Environment and Rural Affairs Directors’ Globalisation Seminar, London, March 2006.
“East Asia and China’s Regional Futures” Hong Kong Forum, Hong Kong, February 2006.
“Do Leaders Still Matter” British Chamber of Commerce, Hong Kong, February 2006.
“Who Will Rule the World in 2045?” University of Warwick, London Policy Seminars, London, April 2005.
“The China Challenge” Third Annual Hydro Aluminium Extrusion Management Conference, Rugby, November 2004.
“Model, Miracle or Mired ? The Chinese Economy and Globalisation” Warwick Hong Kong Seminar, Hong Kong, Jan 2002.
“Globalization, the State and The Local” at Globalization and Development EU Public Sector Management Conference, Universidad Catolica Madre y Meastra, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, December 2001.
“Security Implications of China’s Emerging Global Role” MoD/Cranfield University, Shrivenham, Swindon, Jan 2001.
Member of Peer Review Panel, China Programme, Department for International Development, 2001-2
Chinese Politics Advisor, Strategic Intelligence, Jingtai Tower Jianguomen, Beijing, PR China, 2000-02
“Major Issues in Contemporary China” Foreign Affairs Committee, House of Parliament, London, May 2000.
“The Politics of China’s Partial Re-Engagement With the Global Economy” Warwick in Westminster Policy Briefing, London, May 2000.
“Is There a China Challenge?” MoD/Cranfield University, Shrivenham, Swindon, Mar 2000.
“Human Rights in China: A Chinese Perspective” Scottish Amnesty Glasgow, May 1996.
“The Role of FDI in Chinese Development” MoD/Cranfield University, Shrivenham, Swindon, May 1996.
“Beijing Rules?” Times Higher Education Conference on Britain And Hong Kong: Beyond 1997 Wylam, March 1995.
“The Coming Crisis of the Chinese State” Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce, Dec 1993.