Chris Clarke
Dr Chris Clarke is Reader in Political Economy. Previously he was a Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellow in PAIS, an Early Career Fellow at the Institute of Advanced Study, and an Economic and Social Research Council Visiting Fellow at Brown University, after formerly having studied at the University of Birmingham.
Chris has published on a range of topics associated with International Political Economy and Finance. His first book is entitled Ethics and Economic Governance: Using Adam Smith to Understand the Global Financial Crisis and was published in the Routledge RIPE Series in Global Political Economy. Chris is currently writing a monograph on platform lending based on his Leverhulme funded research.
Research Interests
Political Economy of Money and Finance
Ethics and Economic Governance (economic citizenship, market subjectivity)
Political Economy of Platform Lending (P2P, marketplace/online lending)
History of Economic Ideas (especially critical reinterpretations of Adam Smith)
- 'Global Finance and the Everyday', in Hannah, E. and Ravenhill, J. (eds) Global Political Economy (Oxford University Press), 2024, co-authored with Adrienne Roberts.
'The Legacy of Frank H. Knight for the Politics of Financial Governance', Journal of Institutional Economics, 17 (6), pp. 973-987, 2021.
- 'Platform Lending and the Politics of Financial Infrastructures', Review of International Political Economy, 26 (5), pp. 863-885, 2019.
- ‘The Ethics of Alternative Finance: Governing, Resisting, and Rethinking the Limits of Finance’ in Brent J. Steele and Eric A. Heinze (eds) Routledge Handbook of Ethics and International Relations, pp. 431-444, 2018.
- ‘Social Finance Meets Financial Innovation: Contemporary Experiments in Payments, Money and Debt’, Theory, Culture, and Society 35 (3), pp. 3-11, 2018, co-authored with Lauren Tooker.
- ‘Experiments in Relational Finance: Harnessing the Social in Everyday Debt and Credit’, Theory, Culture, and Society, 35 (3), pp. 57-76, 2018, co-authored with Lauren Tooker.
- 'Mainstreaming Social Finance: The Regulation of the Peer-to-Peer Lending Marketplace in the UK', British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 18 (4) pp. 930-945, 2016, co-authored with Chris Rogers.
- Ethics and Economic Governance: Using Adam Smith to Understand the Global Financial Crisis (Routledge RIPE Series in Global Political Economy), 2016.
- 'Mark Carney and the Gendered Political Economy of British Central Banking', British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 18 (1), pp. 49-71, 2016, co-authored with Adrienne Roberts.
- 'Learning to Fail: Resilience and the Empty Promise of Financial Literacy Education', Consumption, Markets and Culture, 18 (3), pp. 257-276, 2015.
- 'Popular Documentaries and the Global Financial Crisis' in Rens van Munster and Casper Sylvest (eds) Documenting World Politics: A Critical Companion to IR and Non-Fiction Film (New York: Popular Culture and World Politics Series), 2015, co-authored with James Brassett.
- ‘Financial Engineering, not Economic Photography: Popular Discourses of Finance and the Layered Performances of the Sub-Prime Crisis’, Journal of Cultural Economy, 5 (3), pp. 261-278, 2012.
- ‘Performing the Sub-Prime Crisis: Trauma and the Financial Event’, International Political Sociology, 6 (1), pp. 4-20, 2012, co-authored with James Brassett.
- ‘Paths between Positivism and Interpretivism: An Appraisal of Hay’s Via Media’, Politics, 29 (1), pp. 28-36, 2009.

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