Authored books
- Coaffee, Moritz, B., Nevez, A.V., Ilum, S., Gebbeken, N., Schröder, A., Schlüter, M., Warnstedt, P. and Stewart, M., Security by Design: Protection of public spaces from terrorist attacks, Larcher, M., Karlos, V., Schumacher, R., Strezova, D. and Caverzan, A. editor(s), Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2022, ISBN 978-92-76-41956-3, doi:10.2760/924520, JRC131172.
- Coaffee, J. (2021) The War on Terror and the Normalisation of Urban Security, Routledge, London
Coaffee, J. (2020) Security, Resilience and Planning: Planning’s role in Countering Terrorism, Lund Humpries
Coaffee, J. (2019) Futureproof: How To Build Resilience In An Uncertain World, Yale University Press
- Chandler, D and Coaffee, J (eds) (2016) The Routledge Handbook of International Resilience Handbook, Routledge,
- Coaffee, J. and Lee, P. (2016) Urban Resilience: planning for risk crisis and uncertainty, Palgrave Macmillan
- Fussey, P., Coaffee, J., Armstrong, G., and Hobbs, R. (2011) Sustaining and Securing the Olympic City: reconfiguring London for 2012 and beyond. Farnham: Ashgate.
- Coaffee, J. (2009) Terrorism, Risk and the Global City – towards urban resilience, Ashgate, Farnham)
- Coaffee, J., Murakami-Wood, D and Rogers, P. (2008) The Everyday Resilience of the City: How Cities Respond to Terrorism and Disaster, Palgrave/Macmillian
- Coaffee, J. (2003) Terrorism, Risk and the City, Ashgate, Aldershot
Academic Journal Papers (selected)
- Lewis, T. and Coaffee, J. (2024) Atmosphere, imminence and the Manchester Arena Inquiry: On the affective modalities of becoming situationally aware to urban terrorism, Critical Studies on Security:
- Pitidis, V, Coaffee, J. and Lima, F. (2024) Advancing equitable ‘resilience imaginaries’ in the Global South through dialogical participatory mapping: Experiences from informal communities in Brazil. Cities: The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning, DOI: 10.1016/j.cities.2024.105015
- Coaffee, J. (2024) Evolving security motifs, Olympic spectacle and urban planning legacy: From militarization to security-by design, Planning Perspectives:
- Ulbrich, P; Leal Sobral, A; Rivera-Flórez, L; Rodríguez-Gaviria, E; Porto de Albuquerque, J; Coaffee, J; Marchezini, V, (2023) Assessing equity in disaster risk governance in Brazil and Colombia, Disaster Prevention and Management, Vol 32 No. 4/5, pp. 461-476.
- Pitidis, V, Coaffee, J. & Bouikidis, A.(2022): Creating ‘resilience imaginaries’ for city-regional planning, Regional Studies, DOI: 10.1080/00343404.2022.2047916
- Pitidis, V., Porto de Albuquerque, J., Coaffee, J. & Lima, F. (2022). Enhancing Community Resilience through Dialogical Participatory Mapping. In Grace, R. & Baharmand, H. (Eds.), ISCRAM 2022 Conference Proceedings – 19th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (pp. 495–503). Tarbes, France
- Devlin, C. and Coaffee, J. (2021) Planning and technological innovation: the governance challenges faced by English local authorities in adopting planning technologies, International Journal of Urban Sciences, DOI: 10.1080/12265934.2021.1997632
- Porto de Albuquerque, J., Coaffee J. et al (2021) The role of data in transformations to sustainability: A critical research agenda, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability Vol. 49, 153-163
- Coaffee, J. (2021) Futureproofing against shock: Institutional responses to terrorist risk in London, 1990–2020, Applied Geography, 133,
- Pitidis, V. and Coaffee, J. (2020) Catalysing governance transformations through urban resilience implementation: The case of Thessaloniki, Greece, Cities: The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning, Vol 107,
- Coaffee, J. (2019) Discipline, morality and the façade of localism in action: The war on terror and the regulation of UK community resilience, International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice,org/10.1016/j.ijlcj.2019.100372
- Coaffee, J. de Vries, A., and Hadjimatheou, K. (2019) Enhancing public security through use of social media: the good, the bad and the ugly, European Law Enforcement Research Bulletin Nr. 18 (Winter 2019), pp. 1-14
- Ulbrich, P de Albuquerque, J., and Coaffee, J. (2019) The Impact of Urban Inequalities on Monitoring Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals: Methodological Considerations, International Journal of Geo-Information 8, 6; doi:10.3390/ijgi8010006
- Pitidis, V., Tapete, D., Coaffee, J. Kapetas, L and Porto de Albuquerque, J. (2018) Understanding the Implementation Challenges of Urban Resilience Policies: Investigating the Influence of Urban Geological Risk in Thessaloniki, Greece, Sustainability, 10, 3573; doi:10.3390/su10103573
- Coaffee, J., et al (2018) Urban resilience implementation: A policy challenge and research agenda for the 21st century, Journal of Contingencies and Crisis management, 26, 403-410 DOI: 10.1111/1468-5973.12233
- Linkov, I, Coaffee, J et al (2018) Tiered Approach to Resilience Assessment, Risk Analysis, DOI: 10.1111/risa.12991
- Coaffee, J. and Clarke, J. (2017) Resilient Urbanism 2.0: Designing for risk and uncertainty, LA+ (Interdisciplinary Journal of Landscape Architecture) Special Issue on Risk, Fall, 63-67
- Coaffee, J. and Clarke, J. (2016) Critical Infrastructure Lifelines and the Politics of Anthropocentric Resilience, Resilience: International Policies, Practices and Discourses, doi 10.1080/21693293.2016.1241475
- Coaffee, J., Clarke, J and Davis, P (2016) ‘A HARMONISE’d approach to building security-driven urban resilience: a call to arms’ Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, Vol. 21 No. 1, 73-80
- Coaffee, J. and Clarke, J. (2015) On securing the generational challenge of urban resilience, Town Planning Review, 86, 3, 249-55
- Coaffee, J and Fussey, P. (2015) Constructing resilience through security and surveillance: The politics, practices and tensions of security-driven resilience, Security Dialogue 46/1, 86-105
- Chmutina, K., Bosher, L., Coaffee, J., and Rowlands, R. (2014) Towards integrated security and resilience framework: a tool for decision-makers, Procedia Economics and Finance 18, 25 – 32
- Coaffee. J (2014) The uneven geographies of the Olympic carceral: from exceptionalism to normalisation, The Geographical Journal, Issue 181, Volume 3, pages 199-211, doi: 10.1111/geoj.12081
- Coaffee, J. (2013a) Rescaling and Responsibilising the Politics of Urban Resilience: From National Security to Local Place-Making, Politics, 33:4, 240–252
- Coaffee, J. (2013b) From Securitisation to Integrated Place Making: Towards Next Generation Urban Resilience in Planning Practice, Planning Practice and Research, 28:3, 323-339
- Coaffee, J. (2013) Policy transfer, legacy and major sporting events: lessons for London 2012 and beyond, International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, Vol 5 (2) 295-312
- Coaffee, J. and Fussey, P. (2012) Resilient planning for mega sporting events: designing and managing safe and secure urban places, URBE (Brazilian Journal of Urban Management) 3 (2), 165-77.
- Rogers C.D.F., Bouch C.J., Williams S., Barber A.R.G., Baker C.J., Bryson J.R., Chapman D.N., Chapman L., Coaffee J., Jefferson, I. and Quinn A.D. (2011) Resistance and Resilience – Paradigms for Critical Local Infrastructure – Proceedings of the Institute of Civil Engineers: Mechanical Engineering, Vol 165 (2), 73 –83.
- Coaffee, J., Fussey, P., and Moore, C. (2011) ‘Laminating security for London 2012: Enhancing security infrastructures to defend mega sporting events’, Urban Studies, 48 (15), 3311-3328
- Coaffee, J. and O’Hare, P. (2011) Co-Opting Urban Planners into the ‘‘War on Terror’’: A ‘‘Balanced Way’’ for Domestic Security, part of, Jacoby, T. et al (ed) The Forum: Dealing with the Aftermath of Political Violence, International Studies Review, 13, 2, 376-85
- Coaffee, J. Rowlands, R. & Trickett, L. (2010) Collective Memories of Place, Report for the Homes and Communities Agency (London, HCA)
- Coaffee, J. (2010) Protecting vulnerable cities: the UK resilience response to defending everyday urban infrastructure, International Affairs, 86 (4) 939-54
- O’Hare, P., Coaffee, J. and Hawkesworth, M. (2010) Managing sensitive relations in co-produced planning research, Public Money and Management, 30 (4) 243-251
- Coaffee, J. (2009) Protecting the Urban: the dangers of planning for terrorism Theory, Culture & Society 2009, Vol. 26(7–8): 343–355
- Coaffee, J., O'Hare, P., and Hawkesworth, M. (2009) The Visibility of (In)security: The Aesthetics of Planning Urban Defences Against Terrorism, Security Dialogue 2009; 40; 489-511
- Coaffee, J. (2009) How will regeneration be recast in economic recession? Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal, Vol. 2, 4, 301–303
- Coaffee, J. and O’Hare, P. (2008) Urban resilience and national security: the role for planners, Proceeding of the Institute of Civil Engineers: Urban Design and Planning, 161, Issue DP4, 171-182.
- Coaffee, J. (2008) Risk, resilience, and environmentally sustainable cities, Energy Policy, 36 (12) 4633-4638
- Coaffee, J. (2008) Sport, culture and the modern state; emerging themes in stimulating urban regeneration in the UK, International Journal of Cultural Policy, 14 (4), 377-397
- Coaffee, J. and Bosher, L. (2008) Urban resilience: an international perspective (Guest editorial), Proceeding of the Institute of Civil Engineers: Urban Design and Planning, Vol. 161, Issue DP4, 145-146.
- Coaffee, J. and Rogers, P. (2008) Reputational risk and resiliency: The branding of security in place-making, Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 4 (3) 205-17
- Coaffee, J. and Van Ham, P. (2008) ‘Security branding’: The role of security in marketing the city, region and state (Guest Editorial) Place Branding and public Diplomacy, 4 (3) 191-94,
- Coaffee, J., Moore, C., Fletcher, D. and Bosher, L. (2008) Resilient design for community safety & terror-resistant cities, Proceedings of the Institute of Civil Engineers: Municipal Engineer, Vol 161, Issue ME2, 103-110.
- Coaffee, J. and Bosher, L. (2008) Integrating counter-terrorist resilience into sustainability, Proceeding of the Institute of Civil Engineers: Urban Design and Planning, Vol 161, Issue DP”, 75-84
- Winner of the Institute of Civil Engineers Reed and Malik medal for best ICE Urban design-related paper of 2008-9)
- Coaffee, J., Diamond, J., and Liddle, J. (2008) The Evaluation of Regeneration: Concept, Practice and Process, Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal, Vol. 2, No.1, pp.5-6
- Coaffee, J., Diamond, J., (2008) Reflections on the role of the evaluator: Recognising value for money and creative learning within regeneration evaluation, Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal, Vol. 2, No.1, pp. 86-99
- Coaffee, J. and Deas, I. (2008) The search for policy innovative in urban governance: Lessons from community-led regeneration partnerships, Public Policy and Administration, 23, 1, 167-188
- Coaffee, J. and Rogers, P. (2008) Rebordering the city for new security challenges: From Counter Terrorism to Community Resilience, Space and Polity, 12, 2, 101-118
- Coaffee, J. and Headlam, N. (2008) Pragmatic localism uncovered: experiences from English urban policy reform, Geoforum 39 (4) 1585–1599
- Baker, M., Coaffee, J., and Sheriff, G. (2006) Achieving Successful participation in the new spatial planning system, Planning Practice and Research, 22:1, 79-93
- Coaffee, J. and Wood, D (2006) ‘Security is coming home – Rethinking scale and constructing resilience in the global urban response to terrorist risk, International Relations 20(4) 503-17
- Coaffee, J. (2006) ‘From counter-terrorism to resilience’, European Legacy - Journal of the International Society for the study of European Ideas (ISSEI) 11.4, 389-403
- Coaffee, J. (2006) ‘New security challenges and urban resilience – planning out terrorism and risk in central London (Stedelijke veiligheid en veerkracht), AGORA – Tijdschrift Voor social-Ruimtelijke Vraagstukken (Dutch Social Science Journal), 22 (1), 16-19
- Coaffee, J. (2005) Urban renaissance in the age of terrorism – revanchism, social control or the end of reflection? International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Vol. 29 (2) 447-54
- Coaffee, J. (2005) ‘Shock of the new’ – complexity and emerging rationales for Partnership working, Public Policy and Administration, 20 (3), Autumn 2005, 23-41
- Rogers, P. and Coaffee, J. and. (2005) Moral Panics and Urban Renaissance: Policy, Tactics and Lived Experiences in Public Space, City, 9 (3), 321-40
- Coaffee, J. and Shaw. T. (2005) The liveability agenda: new regionalism, liveability and the untapped potential of sport and recreation, Town Planning Review, 76 (2) i-v
- Cameron, S. and Coaffee, J. (2005) Art, Gentrification and Regeneration – from artist as pioneer to Public arts, European Journal of Housing Studies, 5 (1) 39-58.
- Coaffee, J. (2005) New Localism and the management of regeneration, International Journal of Public Sector Management, 18(2) 108-113
- Coaffee, J. and Johnston, L. (2005) The management of local government modernisation – area decentralisation and pragmatic localism, International Journal of Public Sector Management, 18(3) 164-177
- Coaffee, J. (2004) Re-scaling regeneration – experiences of merging area-based and city-wide partnerships in urban policy, The International Journal of Public Sector Management. Vol. 17,(5 ) 443-61 (This paper was awarded a Citation of Excellence by Emerald Management Reviews as one of the top papers (out of 20,000) of 2004)
- Coaffee, J. (2004) Rings of steel, rings of concrete and rings of confidence: designing out terrorism in central London pre and post 9/11, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Vol. 28.1, 201-11.
- Coaffee, J. (2003) Morphing the counter-terrorist response – Beating the bombers in London’s financial heart, Knowledge, Technology and Power (US Journal), Vol.16 (2), 63-83.
- Coaffee, J. and Healey P. (2003) My Voice My Place: Tracking Transformations in Urban Governance, Urban Studies, 40(10), 1960-1978.
- Coaffee, J. and Shaw, T. (2003) Regional Experiences of Sport Led Regeneration, Northern Economic Review 33/334, Spring, 45-64.
- Coaffee, J. (2012) Resilience through lockdown: Reflections on ‘total security’ preparations for London 2012, British Society of Criminology Newsletter, No. 70, Summer, 7-10
- Fussey, P. and Coaffee, J. (2012) Balancing Local and Global Security Leitmotifs: Counter-Terrorism and the Spectacle of Mega-Sport Events, International Review of Sociology of Sport, 47(3), 268–285
- Fussey, P, Coaffee, J., Hobbs, D. and Armstrong, G. (2012) The Late-modern Olympics and the suburban theme park, British Journal of Sociology, 63 (2) 260-84
- Evans, B; Crooks, L. and Coaffee, J. (2012) Fatness/obesity and the city: critical urban geographies, Geography Compass, 6(2), 100–110,
Book chapters (selected)
- Coaffee, J., Porto de Albuquerque, J., and Pitidis, V. (2020) Risk and resilience management in co-production, in Elke Loeffler, E. and Bovaird, T., Palgrave Handbook on Co-Production of Public Services and Outcomes
- Coaffee, J. (2020) Policing Place, in Ednesor et al (eds) Routledge Handbook of Place
- Coaffee, J. (2019) Complexity, uncertainty and resilience in Davoudi, S. et al (eds) The Routledge Companion to Environmental Planning, pp.93-102
- Coaffee, J. (2019) Terrorism, risk and the quest for urban resilience, in Schwanen, T. and van Kempen, R. (eds) Handbook of Urban Geography, Elgar, pp.225-241
- Coaffee, J. and Clarke, J. (2017) Realising Critical Infrastructure Resilience, in Linkov, I and Palma-Oliveira, J. Resilience and Risk Methods and Application in Environment, Cyber and Social Domains, Springer in Published in Cooperation with NATO Emerging Security Challenges Division, pp. 359-382
- Coaffee, J. (2017) Protecting vulnerable cities from terrorism: Enhancing the resilience of everyday urban infrastructure in Simpson,D. Jensen, V. and Rubing, A. The City between Freedom and Security, Birkhäuser Verlag.
- Coaffee, J. (2016) Normalising exceptional public space security: The spatial fix of the Olympic Carceral in De Backer et al (eds) Order and Conflict in Public Space, London, Routeldge, pp.15-36
- Coaffee, J. and Fussey, P. (2016) ‘Olympic Security’, in J. Gold and M. Gold (eds.) Olympic Cities: City Agendas, Planning, and the World’s Games, 1896 to 2016, 3rd Edition, London: Routledge, pp.203-216
- Coaffee, J. (2013) Epilogue: From polarisation to shared spaces: the influence of the built environment in contested societies, in Brand, R. and Fregonese, S., The Radicals’ city; Urban environment, polarisation, Cohesion.(Ashgate, Farnham)
- Coaffee, J. and Fussey, P. (2012) Securing the Games, in Girginov, V. (Ed) Bidding, Delivering and Engaging with the Olympics (London: Routledge), 99-113
- Fussey, P. and Coaffee, J, (2012) Urban Spaces of Surveillance, International Handbook of Surveillance Studies, Ball, K, et al Eds, London: Routledge, pp.201-08
- Fussey, P., and Coaffee, J. (2011) ‘Olympic Rings of Steel: Constructing security for 2012 and beyond’, in C. Bennett and K. Haggerty (eds.) The Security Games; surveillance and control at mega events (London: Routledge), 36-54
- Coaffee, J. (2011) Strategic security planning and the resilient design of Olympic sites, in Richards, A. et al Terrorism and the Olympics: Major event security and lessons for the future, Routledge, London. 118-132
- O’Hare, P, Coaffee, J. and Hawkesworth, M. (2010) Managing Sensitive Social Relations in Planning Policy Research: Co-Production and Critical Friendship in the Enterprising University in Allen, C and Imrie, R. The Knowledge Business: The Commodification of Urban and Housing Research, Ashgate, Farnham, 149-168
- Coaffee, J. and Fussey, P. (2010) ‘Olympic Security’, in J. Gold and M. Gold (eds.) Olympic Cities: City Agendas, Planning, and the World’s Games, 1896 to 2016, 2nd Edition, London: Routledge, 167-179
- Coaffee, J. (2010) Urban Regeneration and Renewal at the Olympics’, in Gold, J.R and Gold, M. (eds) Olympic Cities: Urban Planning, City Agendas and the World’s Games, 1896 to the present, Routledge, London (second Edition)., 180-193
- Coaffee, J. (2010) A New Deal for Communities in Newcastle: innovating neighbourhood regeneration policy in the context of a strong central government, UK, Moulaert, F. et al, Can Neighbourhoods Save the City?, Routledge Abingdon, pp. 141-152
- Coaffee, J. (2009) The resilient response to economic terrorist targeting in the UK, in Richardson, H. et al, Global Business and the terrorist threat Edward Elgar, Cheltenham , pp. 92-118
- Coaffee. J. and Rogers, P. (2009) Rebordering the city for new security challenges: From Counter Terrorism to Community Resilience, in Rumford, C. (ed) Citizens and Borderwork in Contemporary Europe, Routeldge, 101-118
- Coaffee, J. (2008) Security planning in the resilient city, in Bosher, L (ed) Hazards and the Built Environment: addressing Disaster, Risk Reduction in Construction, Taylor and Francis, pp.300-317
- Coaffee, J. and Murakami Wood, D. (2008) Terrorism and Surveillance, in Hall, T, et al, The SAGE Companion to the city, Sage, London pp.352-372.
- Murakami Wood, D. and Coaffee, J. (2007) ‘Lockdown! Resilience, Resurgence and the Stage-set City’, in R. Atkinson and G. Helms (ed.) Securing the Urban Renaissance, Bristol: Policy Press, pp.91-106
- Johnston, L. and Coaffee, J. and (2007) Managing involvement, in Diamond, J. et al Regeneration Management, Routledge, London, pp. 73-86
- Coaffee, J. (2007) Urban Regeneration and the Olympic Experience, in Gold, J.R and Gold, M. (eds) Olympic Cities: Urban Planning, City Agendas and the World’s Games, 1896 to the present, Routledge, London, pp.150-164.
- Coaffee, J. and Johnston, L. (2007) Accommodating the spectacle, in Gold, J.R and Gold, M. (eds) Olympic Cities: Urban Planning, City Agendas and the World’s Games, 1896 to the present, Routledge, London pp.138-149.
- Coaffee, J. (2004) Recasting the ‘ring of steel’: Designing out terrorism in the City of London, in Graham, S. and Marvin, S. ‘Cities, War and Terrorism’, Blackwell, Oxford, p.276-96.
- Coaffee, J. (2004) Transforming the counter-terrorism response, in Clarke, D. (ed), Technology and Terrorism, Transaction, New Brunswick/London, p.193-216.
- Coaffee, J. (2000) Fortification, fragmentation and the threat of terrorism in the City of London, in Gold, J.R and Revill, G.E, (eds) Landscapes of Defence, Addison Wesley Longman London, p.114-129.