Seminar week 15
Homework seminar week 15:
1) Read the required literature of week 14
2) Choose your country (see seminar week 13) and discover the strengths and weaknesses of Lijphart’s ideas. Write a report and prepare a presentation (around 5 minutes)
Ad 2) More detailed information:
- Read the required literature of week 14 (and week 11, 12, 13)
- Goal is to apply and criticize Lijphart’s theoretical ideas.
You would like to discover the strengths and weaknesses of Lijphart’s ideas
- Research question (or essay title) is: ‘does the type of democratic system matter for the quality of democracy? The case of …’
- Sections for essay (blueprint):
1. Introduction (with research question, relevance for science and policy)
2. theory and hypotheses
3. concepts and measurements
4. methodology: case selection
5. empirical analyses: study of your case focused on the relationship between type of democratic system and democratic quality
6. conclusion: does the type of democratic system matter for the quality of democracy? What are the limitations of Lijphart’s approach and framework?
- Choice of country:
1. Argentina by Jess
2. Chile by Richard
3. Mexico by Elisabeth
4. India by Anne
5. Mongolia by James
6. Indonesia by Peter
7. South Africa by Johanna
8. Mali by Shuan
9. Namibia by Chessa
- Write a report and prepare a presentation (around 5 minutes)