Single authored books
- Elias, J. 2020. Gender Politics and the Pursuit of Economic Competitiveness in Malaysia: Women on Board. Routledge RIPE Series. [published in paperback, 2021]
- Elias, J. 2004. Fashioning Inequality: The Multinational Corporation and Gendered Employment in a Globalising World, Ashgate.
Co-authored books
- Brassett, J., Elias, J., Rethel, L. and Richardson, B. 2022. I-PEEL: The International Political Economy of Everyday Life. Oxford University Press.
- Elias, J. and P. Sutch 2007. International Relations: The Basics. Routledge.
Edited collections
- Elias, J. and Roberts, A. eds. 2018. Handbook on the International Political Economy of Gender. Edward Elgar.
- Elias, J and Roberts, A. eds. 2018. Feminist Global Political Political Economies of the Everyday. Routledge.
- Elias, J and Rethel, L. eds. 2016. The Everyday Political Economy of Southeast Asia. Cambridge University Press.
- Elias, J and Gunawardana, S. eds. 2013. The Global Political Economy of the Household in Asia. Palgrave MacMillan.
- reviews: Political Studies Review
- Rothwell, N. with B. Atkinson, H. J. Robinson and J. Elias. 2024. Creating Accountability to Gender in Affordable Housing Delivery: A toolkit for practical change. Reall Ltd and University of Warwick.
- Elias, J., Mari'iyah C., Rethel, L., Suwarso, R., and Tilley, L. 2018. The Gendered Everyday Political Economy of Kampung Eviction and Resettlement in Jakarta: Final Project Report, The University of Warwick.
- Elias, J., Pearson, R., Phipps, B., Rai, S.M., Smethers, S. and Tepe-Belfrage, D. 2016. Towards a New Deal for Care and Carers: Report of the PSA Commission on Care. PSA Commission on Care.
Refereed journal articles
- Azalan, N.B., Brassett, J., Chodor, T., Elias, J., Gunawardana, S., Kremers, R., Nesadurai, H., Nikolaidis, G., Rethel, L., Richardson, B. and Rutkowski, M. 2025. Teaching the International Political Economy of Everyday Life Through Global Groupwork. Review of International Political Economy.
- Mezzadri, A, Rai, S.M , and Stevano, S., with Alessandrini, D., Bargawi, H. Elias, J., Hassim, S., Kesar, S., Lingham, J. T., Natile, S. N Neeetha, Ossome, L., Raghuram, P., Tsikata, D., Wohl, S. 2025. Pluralising Social Reproduction Approaches. International Feminist Journal of Politics (available online)
- Akhter, S., Elias, J. and Rai, S. M. 2022. 'Being cared for in the context of crisis: Austerity, COVID-19 and Racialized politics'. Social Politics 29(4): 1121–1143.
- Tilley, L., Elias, J. and Rethel, L. 2019. 'Urban Evictions, "Social Housing," and the Rationalisation of Kampung Life in Jakarta.' Asia Pacific Viewpoint 60(1): 83-93.
- Elias, J. and Rai, S. M. 2019. 'Feminist Everyday Political Economy: Space, Time and Violence', Review of International Studies 45(2):201-220.
- Elias, J and Holliday, J. 2019. 'Who Gets "Left Behind"?: Promises and Pitfalls in Making the Global Development Agenda Work for Sex Workers - Reflections From Southeast Asia' Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 45(14): 2566-2582.
- Elias, J. 2018. 'Governing Domestic Worker Migration in Southeast Asia: Public-Private Partnerships, Regulatory Grey Zones and the Household' Journal of Contemporary Asia, 48(2), pp. 278-300.
- Tilley, L., Elias, J. and Rethel, L. 2017. 'Undoing Ruination in Jakarta: The Gendered Remaking of Life on a Wasted Landscape' International Feminist Journal of Politics 19(4): 522-529.
- Elias, J. and Roberts, A. 2016. 'Feminist Global Political Economies of the Everyday: From Bananas to Bingo' Globalizations 13(6), pp. 787-800.
- Elias, J. and Louth, J. 2016. 'Producing Migrant Domestic Work: Exploring the Everyday Political Economy of Malaysia's "Maid Shortage"' Globalizations 13(6): 830-845.
- Elias, J. 2015. 'The Challenges of Realising Women's Human Rights in Malaysia: The EMPOWER Report' Asian Studies Review 39(3): 229-246
- Elias, J. 2015. 'Civil Society and the gender politics of economic competitiveness in Malaysia' Globalizations, 12 (3): 347-364.
- Elias, J. 2014. 'Gendered Tensions, Resistances and Confusions in Malaysia’s Pursuit of Economic Competitiveness: The Case of Women’s Labour Force Participation' Intersections: Gender and Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific. 36. Online journal available here
- Elias, J. 2013. 'Foreign Policy and the Domestic Worker: the Malaysia-Indonesia Domestic Worker Dispute' International Feminist Journal of Politics, 15(3), pp. 391-410.
- Elias, J. 2013. 'Davos woman to the rescue of global capitalism: Postfeminist politics and competitiveness promotion at the World Economic Forum' International Political Sociology, 7(2), pp. 152-169.
- Elias, J. 2011. 'The Gender Politics of Economic Competitiveness in Malaysia's Transition to a Knowledge-Economy', The Pacific Review 24(5), pp. 529-552.
- Elias, J. 2010. Making Migrant Domestic Work Visible: The Rights Based Approach to Migration and the Challenges of Social Reproduction; Review of International Political Economy, 17(5), pp. 840-859.
- Elias, J. 2010.Locating the Everyday in International Political Economy: That roar which lies on the other side of silence, International Studies Review, 12(4), pp. 603-609.
- Elias, J. 2010. Transnational Migration, Gender and Rights: Advocacy and Activism in the Malaysian Context, International Migration, 48(6), pp. 44-71.
- Elias, J. and Johnson, C. 2010. On Re-engaging Asia Australian Journal of Political Science, 45(1), pp. 1-12.
- Elias, J. 2010. Gendered Political Economy and the Politics of Migrant Worker Rights: The View from Southeast Asia Australian Journal of International Affairs, 64(1), pp. 70-85.
- Seabrooke, L. and Elias, J. , 2010. ‘From Multilateralism to Microcosms in the World Economy: The Sociological Turn in Australian International Political Economy Scholarship’, Australian Journal of International Affairs, 64(1), pp. 1-12.
- Elias, J. 2009. ‘Gendering Liberalisation and Labour Reform in Malaysia: Fostering “competitiveness” in the productive and reproductive economies’, Third World Quarterly, 30 (3), pp. 469-483.
- Elias, J. and Beasley, C. 2009. ‘Hegemonic Masculinity and Globalization: Transnational Business Masculinities and Beyond’, Globalizations, 6 (2), pp. 281-295.
- Elias, J. 2008. ‘Hegemonic Masculinities, the Multinational Corporation, and the Developmental State: Constructing Gender in ‘Progressive’ Firms’, Men and Masculinities 10 (4), pp. 383-388.
- Elias, J. 2008. ‘Introduction: Hegemonic Masculinities in International Politics’ Men and Masculinities,10 (4), pp. 405-421.
- Elias, J. 2008. ‘Struggles over the Rights of Foreign Domestic Workers in Malaysia: The possibilities and limitations of “rights talk”’ Economy and Society, 37 (2), pp. 282-303.
- Elias, J. 2007. ‘Women Workers and Labour Standards: The problem of “human rights”’, Review of International Studies, 33 (1), pp. 45-57.
- Elias, J. 2005. ‘The Gendered Political Economy of Control and Resistance from the Shop Floor of the Multinational firm: A case study from Malaysia’, New Political Economy, 10 (2), pp. 203-222.
- Elias, J. 2005. ‘Stitching-up the Labour Market: Recruitment, Gender and Ethnicity in the Multinational Firm’, International Feminist Journal of Politics, 7 (1), pp. 90-111.
- Elias, J. and Scarborough, H. 2004. ‘Evaluating Human Capital: An exploratory study of management practice’, Human Resource Management Journal, 14(4), pp. 21-40.
- Elias, J. 2003. ‘International Labour Standards, Codes of Conduct and Gender Issues: A review of recent debates and controversies’, Non-state Actors and International Law, 3 (2-3), pp. 283-301.
Editor of Journal Special Issues
- 2019. Co-editor (with Lisa Tilley and Lena Rethel) 'The Production and Contestation of Exemplary centres in Southeast Asia. Special issue of Asia Pacific Viewpoint.
- 2016. Co-editor (with Adrienne Roberts) 'Feminist Political Economies of the Everyday' special issue of Globalizations.
2015. Editor, critical perspective section of Politics & Gender 'Feminist Security Studies and Feminist Political Economy: Crosing Divides and Rebuilding Bridges' (contributors: Juanita Elias, Shirin Rai, Laura Sjoberg, Heidi Hudson, Katherine Allison, Jacqui True, Cynthia Enloe)
- 2010. Co-editor (with Carol Johnson) special issue of Australian Journal of Political Science ‘Australia Re-engaging Asia’ 45(1)
- 2010. Co-editor (with Len Seabrooke) special issue of Australian Journal of International Affairs ‘The Sociological Turn in Australian IPE’ Vol. 64(1)
- 2008. Editor, special issue of the Journal Men and Masculinities ‘Hegemonic Masculinities in International Politics’ Vol. 10 (4).
Book chapters and other contributions
- Brassett, J., Elias, J., Rethel, L., and Richardson, B. 2021. 'International Political Economy' in Amy L. Atchison ed. Political Science is for Everybody: An Introduction to Political Science. University of Toronto Press.
- Elias, J. 2020. ' The Gendered Political Economy of Southeast Asian Development' in Toby Carroll, Shahar Hamieri and Lee Jones eds. Political Economy of Southeast Asia: Politics & Uneven Development Under Hyperglobalisation, 4th edition. Palgrave.
- Rethel, L., Elias, J. and Tilley, L. 2020. 'Tales from Two Cities: Financialisation, consumerism and affordable housing in Kuala Lumpur and Jakarta', in Johan Fischer and Jeremy Jammes (eds.) Muslim Piety as Economy. Markets, Meaning and Morality in Southeast Asia. Routledge.
- Elias, J., Rethel, L. and Tilley, L. 2019. ‘IPE and IPS meet in Jakarta: Feminist Research Agendas Seen Through Everyday Life' International Relations (part of a special forum on IPE meets IPS).
- Elias, J. 2017 'Continuing the Conversation... Some reflections' Politics and Gender (concluding reflection to a Critical Perspectives section '(Re)Integrating Feminist Security Studies and Feminist Global Political Economy: Continuing the Conversation' edited by Amanda Chisholm and Saskia Stachowitsch). Politics and Gender 13(4): 747-751.
- Elias, J. 2016 'Situating rights in everyday life: The EMPOWER Women's Human Rights Report' in Jean Grugel, Lorenza Fontana, Jewellord Nem Singh and Anders Uhlin (eds) Demanding Rights: Claiming Justice in the Global South. Palgrave.
- Elias, J. 2016 'Whose Crisis? Whose Recovery? Lessons Learnt (or Not) From the Asian Crisis' in Jacqui True and Aida Hozic eds. Scandalous Economics: Gender & the Politics of Financial Crisis. Oxford University Press.
- Ferguson, L. , Elias, J. and Wanner, T. 2014. ‘Gender and Development’ in H. Weber (ed.) The Politics of Development: A Survey. Routledge.
- Elias, J. 2013. 'The Global Governance of Labour' in Sophie Harman and David Williams' (eds) Governing the World. Routledge.
- Elias, J. 2011. 'Critical feminist scholarship and IPE' in Shields, Bruff and Macartney (eds) Critical International Political Economy: Dialogue, Debate and Dissensus, Palgrave.
- Elias, J. 2010. 'Gender and Labour' in R. A. Denmark(ed.) International Studies Association Compendium. Blackwell.
- Elias, J. and Ferguson, L. 2009. ‘Production, Employment and Consumption’ in Shepherd, L. (ed.) Gender Matters in Global Politics, Routledge (revised and fully updated chapter in Shepherd ed. (2014) Gender Matters in Global Politics 2nd Edition).
- Elias, J. and Stevenson, H. 2009. ‘Women Work and Labour Standards’ in Gunning, J. Holm, S and Kenway, I (eds.), Ethics, Law and Society Volume IV, Ashgate.
- Elias, J. 2009. ‘Work and the Global Economy’ in Susan Shaw and Janet Lee (eds.) Women Worldwide: Transnational Feminist Perspectives on Women. McGraw Hill.
- Elias, J. and Ferguson, L. 2007. ‘The Gender Dimensions of New Labour’s International Development Policy’, in Annesley, C. Gains, F. and Rummery, K. (eds.) Women and New Labour. Policy Press.
- Elias, J. 2006. Entries on ‘Export Processing Zones’ and ‘South East Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO)’ in Bevir, M (ed.) SAGE Encyclopedia of Governance, Sage.
- Lee, R and Elias, J. 2006.‘Ecological Modernisation and Environmental Regulation: Corporate Compliance and Accountability’ in MacLeod, S. (ed.) Global Governance and the Quest for Justice: Corporations, Governance and Globalisation v. 2, Hart Publishing.
- Wells, C. and Elias, J. 2005. ‘Holding Multinational Corporations Accountable for Breaches of Human Rights’, in Gunning, J. and Holm, S. (eds), Ethics, Law and Society Volume 1, Ashgate.
- Wells, C. and Elias, J. 2005. ‘Catching the Conscience of the King: Corporate Players on the International Stage’ in Alston, P. (ed) Non State Actors in International Law, Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, Oxford University Press.
- Elias, J. 2002. ‘Recruitment and Employment Practices in a Multinational Firm: Gendered Divisions of Labour in Malaysia and Britain’, in Hazim Shah, Jomo KS, and Phua Kai Lit, Malaysia at the Crossroads: New Perspectives in Malaysian Studies, Kuala Lumpur: Malaysian Social Science Association.
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