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Wyn Grant

wyn grant

Emeritus Professor

Tel: (024 765) 23720
Advice and Feedback Hours: Tue 12-1, Wed 1-2 (not vacations)



Wyn Grant recently co-edited The Consequences of the Global Financial Crisis: The Rhetoric of Reform and Regulation with Graham K. Wilson.

Check out Wyn Grant's new monograph, The Development of a Discipline: The History of the Political Studies Association, at the publisher's website. the development of a discipline cover
Biopesticides cover Check out Wyn Grant's new collaborative effort, Biopesticides: Pest Management and Regulation, at the publisher's website.

More about Wyn's...


Wyn Grant is a graduate of the universities of Leicester, Strathclyde and Exeter. He joined the department in 1971 and was chair of department from 1990 to 1997. He has worked closely on research projects with colleagues in the Department of Life Sciences and teaches there and at the Warwick Crop Centre, Wellesbourne. In 2010 he was presented with the Diamond Jubilee Lifetime Achievement award of the Political Studies Association of the UK at their Awards Ceremony. He was elected an Academician of the Academy of Social Sciences in 2011.

Research interests

For the past five years, Wyn Grant's research has been principally with Biological Scientists.

Wyn with plants


Wyn Grant has recently published a history of the early years of the Warwick Department, The Founding of a Politics Department. It can be found here: History of Department

A film of Wyn Grant's valedictory lecture is now available: Valedictory

His most recent publication is Lobbying for Manchester University Press (2018). He is currently working on a book on the political economy of football.

He works actively with communications staff at Warwick to contribute to televised, online, radio and print media. He is the mainland football correspondent and political commentator for Radio Scilly.

He has recently written a paper on 'Is a political economy of football possible?' Read it here: Football. Also see an I-cast video by him on football at: Football

A second paper is now available on football and the EU, updated to take account of the dissolution of G-14: EU and Football

Power points on challenges of interdisciplinary working as presented to MA students: Interdisciplinarity

Other websites

Positions held

Prof Grant's home pageLink opens in a new window

British Politics blogLink opens in a new window

Biopesticides research project home pageLink opens in a new window

Blogging the Common Agricultural PolicyLink opens in a new window

Everything about the business side of football and super statsLink opens in a new window

  • Member of the Steering Group of the ESRC International Benchmarking Panel for Politics and International Relations, 2006-7
  • Member of the Bioenergy Panel, Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), 2007-8