Soraya Hamdaoui
Teaching Fellow in Political Theory
Advice and Feedback Hours:
By appointment only. Please send me an e-mail to arrange a meeting.
Room E1. 24
- I have been a Teaching Fellow at PAIS since August 2021. Since the end of my PhD, I have focused my research activities on the opposition to populism, also known in the academic literature as 'anti-populism.'
- My work is both theoretical and empirical as I look at the different ways anti-populism is manifested. Usually, anti-populism is expressed through discourses that delegitimize populists and the 'people' that follow them/vote for them.
- I am interested in the policies seeking to 'repair' politics and society after a populist era. Populism is commonly considered a political and social disease and part of my research highlights the pathologisation of this phenomenon and the 'medecine' that politicians and civil society actors propose to 'heal' from populism.
- Another aspect of my work is to investigate the actors who adopt a more accommodative position to prevent the rise or further expansion of populism. I already explored this dimension in my paper on anti-populism during the Gilets jaunes movement available via this link:
- In addition to anti-populism, I have a genuine interest in cultural policy, language and national identity, in particular when applied to the cases of Latin American countries and the Maghreb (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia).