- Homolar, A. 2023. The Uncertainty Doctrine: Narrative Politics and US Hard Power after the Cold WarLink opens in a new window. (Cambridge University Press).
- Homolar, A., Krell, G., Schlotter, P. and Stengel, F. (fc 2025). Weltbilder and Weltordnung: Einführung in die Theorie der Internationalen Beziehungen ["World Images and World Order: Introduction to Theories of International Relations"] (Baden-Baden: Nomos).
- Steele, B.J. and Homolar, A. [eds.] 2023. Ontological Insecurities and the Politics of Contemporary PopulismLink opens in a new window. (London: Routledge) [Reprint of CRIA special issue with a revised introduction].
- Steele, B.J. and Homolar, A. [eds.] 2019. 'Ontological Insecurities and the Politics of Contemporary Populism', special issue, Cambridge Review of International Affairs 32(3).
- Homolar, A. and Ruiz Casado, J.A. (fc.) 'Imaginaries of Trauma and Victimhood: The Role of the 'China Threat' in Trump's Populism of the Privileged'Link opens in a new window, British Journal of Politics and International Relations. [open access]
- Homolar, A. and Turner, O. 2024. 'Narrative Alliances: The Discursive Foundations of International Order', International Affairs 100(1): 203-220. [open access].
- Homolar, A. and Löfflmann, G. 2022. 'Weaponizing Masculinity: Populism and Gendered Stories of VictimhoodLink opens in a new window', Journal for the Study of Radicalism 16(2): 131-148.
- Homolar, A. 2022. 'A Call to Arms: Hero-Villain Narratives in US Security Discourse', Security Dialogue 53(4): 324-341. [open access]
- Homolar, A. and Löfflmann, G. 2021. 'Populism and the Affective Politics of Humiliation NarrativesLink opens in a new window', Global Studies Quarterly 1(1). [open access]
- Homolar, A. and Rodriguez-Merino, P. 2019. 'Making Sense of Terrorism: A Narrative Approach to the Study of Violent Events', Critical Studies on Terrorism 12(4): 561-581. [open access]
- Homolar A. and Scholz, R. 2019. 'The Power of Trump Speak: Populist Crisis Narratives and Ontological Security', Cambridge Review of International Affairs 32(3): 344-364. [open access]
- Steele, B.J. and Homolar, A. 2019. ‘Ontological Insecurities and the Politics of Contemporary Populism’. Introduction to the Special Issue. Cambridge Review of International Affairs 32(3): 214-221.
- Broome, A., Homolar, A., Kranke, M. 2018. 'Bad Science: International Organizations and the Indirect Power of Global BenchmarkingLink opens in a new window', European Journal of International Relations 24(3): 514-539. [open access]
- Homolar, A. 2015. 'Human Security Benchmarks: Governing Human Wellbeing at a Distance', Review of International Studies 41(5): 843-63. [open access]
- MacDonald M., Homolar, A., Rethel, L., Schnurr, S., Vessey, R. 2015. 'Manufacturing Dissent: The Discursive Formation of Nuclear Proliferation (2006-2012)', Discourse and Communication 9(2): 173-97.
- Schnurr, S., Homolar, A., MacDonald M., Rethel, L. 2015. 'Legitimizing Claims for 'Crisis' Leadership in Global Governance: The Discourse of Nuclear Non-Proliferation', Critical Discourse Studies 12(2): 187-205. [open access]
- Homolar, A. 2012. ‘Mulitlateralism in Crisis? The Character of US International Engagement under Obama’, Global Society 26(1): 103-22.
- Homolar, A. 2011. ‘Rebels Without a Conscience: The Evolution of the Rogue States Narrative in US Security Policy’, European Journal of International Relations 17(4): 705-27. [open access]
- Homolar, A. 2011. ‘How to Last Alone at the Top: US Strategic Planning for the Post-Cold War Era’, Journal of Strategic Studies 35(2): 189-218. [open access]
- Homolar, A. 2010. ‘The Political Economy of National Security’, Review of International Political Economy 17(2): 410-23.
- Homolar-Riechmann, A. 2009. ‘The Moral Purpose of US Power: Neoconservatism in the Age of Obama’, Contemporary Politics 15(2): 179-96.
- Homolar, A. 2017. 'The Bush Doctrine', in Concise Oxford Dictionary of Politics and International Relations (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
- Homolar, A. 2017. 'Neoconservatism', in Concise Oxford Dictionary of Politics and International Relations (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
- Homolar, A. 2024. 'US Defence Policy: A Historical Perspective', in The USA & Canada 2024 – Europa Regional Surveys (London: Routledge) [An updated version is available for 2025.]
- Homolar, A. and Löfflmann, G. 2023. ‘Populist Humiliation Narratives and the Mobilization of Resistance’, in C. Lacatus, G. Meibauer, and G. Löfflmann, and (eds.) Political Communication and Performative Leadership: Populism in International Politics (Palgrave-Macmillan).
- Steele, B.J. and Homolar, A. 2023. ‘Introduction', in B.J. Steele and A. Homolar (eds) Ontological Insecurities and the Politics of Contemporary Populism (London: Routledge). [Reprint of CRIA special issue article].
- Homolar A. and Scholz, R. 2023. 'The Power of Trump Speak: Populist Crisis Narratives and Ontological Security' in B.J. Steele and A. Homolar (eds) Ontological Insecurities and the Politics of Contemporary Populism (London: Routledge). [Reprint of CRIA special issue article].
- Homolar, A. 2022. 'US Defence Policy: A Historical Perspective', in The USA & Canada 2022 – Europa Regional Surveys (London: Routledge). [A significantly revised and updated version is available for 2023.]
- Homolar, A. 2019. 'US Defence Policy in the Trump Era: A Historical Perspective', in The USA & Canada 2019 – Europa Regional Surveys (London: Routledge). [A significantly revised and updated version is available for 2021.]
- Homolar, A. 2018. 'US Defence Policy in the Trump Era', in The USA & Canada 2018 – Europa Regional Surveys (London: Routledge).
- Homolar, A. 2016. ‘US Defence Policy in an Uncertain World’, in The USA & Canada 2016 – Europa Regional Surveys (London: Routledge). [A significantly revised and updated version is available for 2017].
- Homolar, A. 2015. ‘Mulitlateralism in Crisis? The Character of US International Engagement under Obama’, in A. Broome, L. Clegg, and L. Rethel (eds) Global Governance in Crisis, Chapter 6 (Abingdon: Routledge). [Reprint of Global Society article.]
- Homolar, A. 2014. ‘US Defence Policy in the Age of Austerity’, in The USA & Canada 2014 – Europa Regional Surveys (London: Routledge). [A significantly revised and updated version is available for 2015.]
- Homolar, A. 2013. 'Contemporary US Defence Policy: Evolution and Key Tenets', in The USA & Canada 2013 – Europa Regional Surveys (London: Routledge).
- Homolar, A. 2010. ‘Neoconservatism and the Strauss Connection’, in Tony Burns and James Connelly (eds) The Legacy of Leo StraussLink opens in a new window (Imprint Academic), 217-34.
- Homolar-Riechmann, A. 2008. ‘Neokons = Leokons = Strauss? Eine Einführung in die neokonservative Gedankenwelt und deren Bezug zur Philosophie von Leo Strauss’ [‘An Introduction to Neoconservative Mindsets and How They Relate to the Philosophy of Leo Strauss’], in Simon Geissbühler (ed.) Der Amerikanische Neokonservatismus und die Außenpolitik der USALink opens in a new window [American Neoconservatism and the Foreign Policy of the United States] (Lit Verlag), 153-80.
- Homolar, A. 2023. How Narrative Politics Shapes American Military MightLink opens in a new window. Fifteen Eighty Four, Cambridge University Press Blog, 27 October.
- Homolar, A. 2023. Pg 99: The Uncertainty DoctrineLink opens in a new window. Page 99 Test, Campaign for the American Reader, 07 November.
- Steele, B.J. and Homolar, A. 2019. Populism and Ontological InsecuritiesLink opens in a new window, In the Long Run, CRIA Blog, 16 May.
- Homolar, A. 2013. 'US Defense Policy under Obama: Change Overestimated?', Academic Background Note, 3rd AGORA Forum, Brussels (22 October).
- Homolar, A. 2013. 'Who is in Charge? Global Leadership in Times of Crisis’, University of Warwick Knowledge Centre (June).
- Homolar-Riechmann, A. 2005. ‘USA, Deutschland und Kanada: Raketenabwehr Diesseits und Jenseits des Atlantik’ [‘USA, Germany, and Canada: Missile Defense Across the Atlantic’], AICGS Advisor (24 March).
- Homolar-Riechmann, A. 2005. ‘Crossing Borders – Experiencing Differences’, AICGS Advisor (27 January).
- Homolar-Riechmann, A. 2003. ‘Pax Americana und Gewaltsame Demokratisierung. Zu den politischen Vorstellungen neokonservativer Think Tanks’ [‘Pax Americana and Democratisation Through Force. On the Political Ideas of Neoconservative Think Tanks’], Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte B-46 (December): 33-40.
Review of grant proposals:
Leverhulme Trust; Carnegie Trust Scotland; Economic and Social Research Council; UKRI Peer Review College.
Review of book manuscripts:
Oxford University Press (Monographs; Security Textbooks); Michigan University Press; Routledge (Interventions Series; Security Textbooks); Edgar Elgar.
Review of article manuscripts: Alternatives / American Political Science Review / British Journal of Politics and International Relations / Cambridge Review of International Affairs / Cooperation and Conflict / Contemporary Politics / European Journal of International Relations / European Journal of International Security / Foreign Policy Analysis / Global Society / Global Studies Quarterly / International Political Sociology / International Relations of the Asia-Pacific / International Studies Quarterly / International Studies Perspectives / Journal of American Studies / Millennium: Journal of International Studies / Pacific Review / Politics and Policy / Review of International Political Economy / Review of International Studies / Security Dialogue / Security Studies.