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Selected Publications

(Publications are available for open access download from or Warwick WRAP)

Edited Volumes

  • Vulnerable Communities and Political Representation in Climate Policy and Practice, (ed. with Morten Byskov) Ethics and International Affairs symposium 36 (2022)
  • Egalitarian Justice, (ed. with Robert Lamb) Special issue of the Journal of Social Philosophy 44 (2013)

Selected Articles and Book Chapters

  • ‘Can Empathy Provide a Route to Democratic Inclusivity?’, Political Studies, OnlineFirst,
  • ‘Fiji’s policy response to COVID-19 and the integration of Indigenous voices’ (with E. Pickering et al), Environmental Science & Policy 158 (2024) 103791
  • ‘Examining antibiotic use in Kenya: Farmers’ knowledge and practices in addressing antibiotic resistance’ (with M Mware et al), CABI Agriculture and Bioscience 5 (2024) 21
  • ‘Indigenous People and COVID-19: a systematic scoping review’ (with E Pickering et al) Environmental Research Letters 18 (2023) 033001
  • 'Perceptions of the Governance of the Technological Risks of Food Innovations for Addressing Food Security' (with C. Kunyanga and others), Sustainability 15 (2023): 11503
  • ‘Policy responses to COVID-19 in Sri Lanka and the consideration of Indigenous peoples’ (with Eranga Galappaththi and others), Environmental Science and Policy 144 (2023): 110-123
  • ‘Influence of COVID‑19 Pandemic on Food Market Prices and Food Supply in Urban Markets in Nairobi, Kenya’ (with C. Kunyanga and others), Sustainability 15 (2023): 1304
  • ‘Interactions between Climate and COVID-19’ (with James Ford and others), Lancet Planetary Health 6.10 (2022): e825-e833
  • ‘Global Catastrophic Risk and the Drivers of Scientist Attitudes Towards Policy’ (with Chris Nathan), Journal of Science and Engineering Ethics 28 (2022)
  • 'Who Should Represent Future Generations in Climate Planning?' (with Morten Byskov), Ethics and International Affairs 36 (2022): 199-214
  • 'Introduction: Representing Vulnerable Communities and Future Generations in the Face of Climate Change' (with Morten Byskov), Ethics and International Affairs 36 (2022): 135-136

  • 'Epistemic Injustice in Climate Adaptation' (with Morten Byskov), Ethical Theory and Moral Practice (2022)
  • 'Global Policymakers and Catastrophic Risk' (with Chris Nathan), Policy Sciences 55 (2022): 3-22
  • ‘Introducing the Multi-Dimensional Injustice Framework: a case study in climate-related health risks’ (with Morten Byskov and Oyinlola Oyebode), Journal of the British Academy 9 (2021): 63-84
  • 'Addressing Multi-Dimensional Injustice in Indigenous Adaptation: The Case of Uganda's Batwa Community' (with Poshendra Satyal and Morten Byskov), Climate and Development 13 (2021): 529-542
  • 'Empirical Assessment of Equity and Justice in Climate Adaptation Literature: A Systematic Map' (with Shaugn Coggins, Lea Berrang-Ford, and others), Environmental Research Letters 16 (2021)
  • 'Indigenous Peoples and Climate Justice in the Arctic', (with James Ford, Shaugn Coggins, and others), Georgetown Journal of International Affairs (2021)
  • 'An Agenda for Ethics and Justice in Climate Adaptation', (with Morten Byskov and others), Climate and Development 13 (2021): 1-9
  • 'Mapping Narratives of Urban Resilience in the Global South', (with Maud Borie, Mark Pelling, and Gina Ziervogel), Global Environmental Change 54 (2019): 203-213
  • 'Risk, Responsibility, and Choice: Why Should Some Choices Justify Inequality While Others Don't?', Social Theory and Practice 45 (2019): 21-41
  • ‘Political Obligation’, in Issues in Political Theory 4th edn., ed. P. Tomlin, R. Jubb, and C. McKinnon (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019): 6-24

  • 'On the Contribution of Ex Ante Equality to Ex Post Fairness', Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy vol. 3 (2017): 11-35
  • 'Inserting Rights and Justice into Urban Resilience: a Focus on Everyday Risk', (with Gina Ziervogel, Mark Pelling, et al.) Environment and Urbanisation 29 (2017): 123-138
  • 'Climate Justice and Energy: Applying International Principles to UK Residential Energy Policy', (with Tina Fawcett and Ruth Mayne) Local Environment 22 (2017): 393-409
  • ‘Hypothetical Choice, Egalitarianism, and the Separateness of Persons’, Utilitas 27 (2015): 217-239

  • ‘Equality, Responsibility, and the Balance of Interests’, Journal of Social Philosophy 44 (2013): 392-401
  • ‘The Ethics of Carbon Offsetting’, (with Tina Fawcett) Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 4 (2013): 91-98
  • ‘Rights, Exploitation, and Third Party Harms: Why Background Injustice Matters to Consensual Exchange’, Journal of Social Philosophy, 43 (2012): 113-124
  • ‘When Consent Doesn't Work: A Rights-Based Case for Limits to Consent’s Capacity to Legitimise’, Journal of Moral Philosophy 8 (2011): 110-138
  • ‘A Just Response to Climate Change: Personal Carbon Allowances and the Normal-Functioning Approach’, Journal of Social Philosophy 40 (2009), special issue on the global environment: 237-256
  • ‘Nozick's Real Argument for the Minimal State’, Journal of Political Philosophy 12 (2004): 353-36

Blogs, Policy Reports, and Other Publications

  • A Framework for Ethical Deliberation in Municipal Planning and Management (with M. Byskov, J. Lee, J. Sutherland and G. Ziervogel), University of Warwick (2024)

  • ‘Uganda's Batwa community are vulnerable to climate change, but aren't involved in adaptation decisions’ (with P. Satyal, N. Kumpel, and M. Bykov), The Conversation (2021)
  • ‘Richer Countries Must do More to Help Those Already Experiencing the Climate Crisis’ (with M. Byskov), The Conversation (2020)
  • Remedying Injustice in Indigenous Climate Adaptation Planning: Climate Ethics, Inequality, and Indigenous Knowledge (with M. Byskov and P. Satyal), University of Warwick (2019)
  • ‘Indigenous Knowledge and Epistemic Injustice in National Climate Planning’ (with M. Byskov), IISD SDG Knowledge Hub (2018)
  • Assessment Report on the Conflict in the West Papua Region of Indonesia: An Overview of the Issues and Recommendations for the UK and the International Community (with M. Capriati and C. Woodman), University of Warwick (2016)
  • ‘The Fair Society’, The Fabian Society essays (2012)
  • ‘Fairness and Responsibility in an Unequal Society’, The Policy Network opinions (2012)
  • 'Killa Cola', The Ecologist 34.4 (April 2004)
  • 'Submerging Freedom', The Ecologist 34.2 (March 2004)
  • 'Petrol in Papua', The Ecologist 31.5 (2001)