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Research Engagement and Impact

As a member of the Working Group on SDG16 and Transitional Justice I contributed to a report Toward Victim-Centered Change: Integrating Transitional Justice into Sustainable Peace and DevelopmentLink opens in a new window.

Blog Post Data and Displacement - A Balance Between Information, Knowledge and ActionLink opens in a new window, written with Prithvi Hirani, Vicki Squire, Grant Tregonning and Rob Trigwell, reflects on a recent workshop bringing together humanitarian practitioners to reflect on findings from the Data and Displacement projectLink opens in a new window.

Blog Post Degrees of Separation: Examining Space and Place in International Jurisdiction TrialsLink opens in a new window, written with Alex Jeffrey, reflects on a recent workshop bringing together scholars and lawyers working in and on international jurisdiction.

Video reflecting on the challenges and successes of working in international interdisciplinary research teams, with specific reference to work on enforced disappearance.

Toolkit Building Success in Development and Peacebuilding by Caring for the Carers: A Guide to Research, Policy and Practice to Ensure Effective, Inclusive and Responsive Interventions co-authored with Eleanor Gordon, reflects on the individual, organisational and sectoral harms resulting from lack of care for carers and ways to address and reduce them.

The Data and Displacement collaborative blog on the impact of ODA cuts reflects on the strengths and importance of the research and of the collaborative teamwork, at a time of uncertainty regarding the project’s continued funding.

Policy Brief Levelling the Playing Field? Operating within the Politics of Knowledge in the Field of Transitional JusticeLink opens in a new window summarizes the key findings and implications of the project "Knowledge for Peace. Understanding Research, Policy, Practice Synergies" and the main output of the project, which is the open-access book Knowledge for Peace: Transitional Justice and the Politics of Knowledge in Theory and PracticeLink opens in a new window published by Edward Elgar in 2021.

Blog Post Wither Reconciliation? The Factors as Play in the Upcoming Ivoirian ElectionLink opens in a new window (also available in French) written with Adou Djané dit Fatogoma reflects on the dangers of the current political tensions in Côte d'Ivoire and the interconnection between reconciliation, elections and political violence.

Blog Post Not A Care in the World written with Eleanor Gordon uses the opportunity of International Women's Day to reflect on how women employed in international organisations engaged in peacebuilding find it difficult to return to work once they become mothers. The blog post summarises some of the larger findings from a forthcoming paper on those with caring responsibilities working in security and justice sector reform.

Dossier Transitional Justice Process in Tunisia: A Series of Published Articles in collaboration with Fondation Hirondelle.

Blog Post We All Have a Role to Play in Peace reflects on the central theme of Geneva Peace Week 2019 and the framing of inclusion and participation in peacebuilding work.

Blog Post Justice on the MoveLink opens in a new window reflects on the recent UN High Level Political Forum in July 2019 and the progress towards closing the justice gap and achieving SDG 16. In particular it reflects on the 'journeys to justice' which are made by victims, witnesses, court officials and the accused, and how such journeys shape the experiences and perceptions of justice for large scale violations of human rights.

Blog Post Knowledge for Peace - Bringing Research, Policy and Practice Together reflects on the politics of knowledge in the peacebuilding field in response to discussions held during Geneva Peace Week 2018.

As a member of the Working Group on Transitional Justice and SDG 16 I contributed to a report On Solid GroundLink opens in a new window looking at the ways in which transitional justice processes can help progress towards achieving SDG 16.