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Briony Jones


Professor of Peace and Justice

Management Team Member, Warwick Interdisciplinary Research Centre for International DevelopmentLink opens in a new window (WICID)

Lead for the Society and Culture SpotlightLink opens in a new window.

Series Co-Editor for the Development Studies Association and Oxford University Press series Critical Frontiers of Theory, Research and Policy in International Development.Link opens in a new window
Tel: +44(0)2476 150547
Room E2.06

Advice and Feedback I will be on study leave for the academic year 2024/25.

The Transitional Justice Citizen

New Publication: Open Access Book

Knowledge for Peace Open Access Book available HERE

Transitional Justice Citizen Book available HERELink opens in a new window

Research Interests

Professor Briony Jones’ research takes place at the intersection between International Development, Transitional Justice and Peacebuilding. In particular her work focuses on reconciliation, citizenship, political agency, the politics of intervention in societies undergoing a political transition and facing a past of massive human rights violations. She also has a strong research interest in the politics of knowledge production on and in such contexts. Current and recent research projects include:

  • "Empowering Data Literacies in Displacement" funded by the ESRC Impact Accelerator Account focuses on developing training materials on data literacies for use by humanitarians and internally displaced persons (2024-2025) (PI Professor Vicki Squire)
  • "L'homme n'est pas le maitre de la terre, mais le terre est le maitree de l'homme: encounters, dialogues and solutions for natural resource management and sustainable development in Cote d'Ivoire" funded by the International Partnership Fund of the University of Warwick and in collaboration with the Swiss Centre for Scientific Research in Abidjan (CSRS) (2022-2024) (PI Dr Briony Jones)
  • Data and Displacement: Assessing the Practical and Ethical Implications of Targeting Humanitarian ProtectionLink opens in a new window, funded by the AHRC and DFID, and focused on the operational and ethical challenges of the collection and use of large scale data for humanitarian targeting in Nigeria and South Sudan (2020-2022) (PI Professor Vicki Squire).
  • Back to the Future? Countering the Misuse of Memory to Preserve Peace and Security in Europe funded by the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs and led by swisspeace (2020) (Project lead Dr Briony Jones and Claudia Josi).
  • Connecting Legal and Psychosocial Aspects in the Search for Victims of Enforced Disappearance in Colombia and El Salvador, funded by the Swiss Network for International Studies, and focused on family and civil society mobilisation in the search for victims of enforced disappearance (2019-2020) (PI Dr Lisa Ott). More information can be found in this video. A working paper based on the findings of the project is available hereLink opens in a new window.
  • Knowledge for Peace. Understanding Research, Policy, Practice Synergies, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, and focused on the case studies of Mozambique, Côte d’Ivoire and South Sudan (2016-2019):
  • Resisting Transitional Justice? Alternative Visions of Peace and Justice, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation and focused on the case studies of Côte d’Ivoire, Burundi and Cambodia (2012-2015).
  • Ways of Knowing Atrocity: A Knowledge Exchange on the Methods used to Formulate, Implement and Assess Transitional Justice Processes, funded by the ESRC and led by the University of Oxford and King’s College London (2013-2014).
  • Archives and the Records of Truth Commissions, funded by the Swiss Federal Government (2012-2013).

Briony is a founding member of Oxford Transitional Justice Research, a Co-Chair of the Human Rights and Transitional Justice Standing Group of the European Consortium for Political Research, and an Advisory Board Member of TRIAL International (Track Impunity Always) and the Centre for Community Driven Research.

She is an Associate Researcher of swisspeace and the Centre for Criminology at the University of Oxford.

Current and Recent PhD Supervision

Daeun Jung The Legitimacy Gap and Regional Arrangements in UN Peacekeeping Operations (co-supervised with Dr. Jessica Di Salvatore)

Samuel Anim The Politics of Peace and Democratisation in Ghana and Kenya (co-supervised with Professor Gabrielle Lynch)

Mahmoud M.a. Abdou International Law and the Territorial Controls of Non-State Armed Groups in Yemen and Libya (2011-2018) (co-supervised with Professor Richard Aldrich)

Gwen Cheve What happened after we put our guns down: Female ex combatants and
their experiences of reintegration in post conflict Sierra Leone and Liberia (co-supervised with Prof. Gabrielle Lynch and Dr. Julia Welland)

Ulrike Luehe Knowledge Production and Transitional Justice in Mozambique (University of Basel, co-supervised with Professor Laurent Goetschel).

Harriet Kuyang Logo Interrogating Knowledge Production in a Non-Transition – Challenges of Justice after War in South Sudan (University of Juba, co-supervised with Professor Leben Moro)

Blanka Matkovic Socio-Psychological Perspectives on Grassroots Peacebuilding in Northern Ireland and Croatia (co-supervised with Dr. Erzsebet Strausz).

Romain Chenet Neoliberal, feminist, and environmental discourses in post-2015 elite Northern development texts (co-supervised with Prof. Caroline Wright)


MA module Transitional Justice and International Development (previous and current academic year)

UG module Nine Ideas in International Security (previous and current academic year, team taught)

UG module Politics of International Development (previous years)

UG module Politics of Globalisation (previous years)

MA module Theories and Issues in International Development (previous years)