Public Engagement
Koinova, Maria. 2024. “The Diaspora's Mobilization Post-Invasion Has Provided Crucial Support for Ukraine," Migration Policy Institute, 24 October, 2024
- Keudel, Oleksandra, Maria Koinova, Kateryna Pavlova and Nataliya Pryhornytska. 2024. "Why and How Involve the Global Ukrainian Community for the Recovery of Ukraine," Berlin: Open Platform e.V. and CRISP e.V.
- Koinova, Maria. 2024. "Why The Ukrainian Diaspora Must be Engaged in Ukraine's Recovery," EUROPP Blog, London School of Economics, 18 March.
- Koinova, Maria 2023, in collaboration with OSCE-ODIHR on "Engaging the Ukrainian Diaspora in Reconstruction and Development".
- 2023a. Invited expert at an OSCE-ODIHR expert workshop on 24 February, 2023 in Warsaw;
- 2023b. Co-organiser of a follow-up workshop on 3 July, 2023, focused on aspects of democracy and human rights; sponsored by the University of Warwick and conducted on OSCE-ODIHR premises in Warsaw;
- 2023c. Invited presenter of a comprehensive OSCE-ODIHR report on 12 December, 2023 online.
- Koinova, Maria. 2022b. Invited speaker at an event on the Ukrainian diaspora, organized by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) during the Warsaw Human Dimension Conference, 6 October. News item and short report.
- Koinova, Maria. 2022a. "Russia's Invasion in Ukraine and Polarization in Eastern Europe and the Balkans," Policy Brief presented at the BEAR-PONARS Eurasia Conference “Between the EU and Russia: Domains of Diversity and Contestation,” George Washington University, 29-30 April, 2022.
- Koinova, Maria. 2021b. Invited participation at the conference "Syrian Diaspora Dialogue in Europe" organised by the Danish Refugee Council. Speaking about moving from trauma to agency in diaspora engagement, 18 September, online.
- Koinova, Maria. 2021a. Main organiser and speaker at the "Bridging the EU and Russia" policy conference with leading EU officials, work package of the Jean Monnet Network "Between the EU and Russia", 4-18 May, online. Policy memo "Diaspora Politics and Conflict Processes in the European Neighbourhood".
- Koinova, Maria, Franck Duvell, Sara de Jong, Foteini Kalantzi, Christian Kaunert and Marianne H. Marchand. 2020. Speakers at the online event "International Politics of Migration in Times of Crises and Uncertainty" of the British International Studies Association's IPMRD working group, 9 October.
Ann Fitz-Gerald, Allehone Abebe, Maria Koinova, Alison Mountz, Maurice Stierl. 2020. "COVID-19: Migration, Refugees and Borders," Global Insights Panel (webinar) by the Balsillie School of International Affairs, University of Warwick, American University, University of Konstanz, and Institute of Strategic Affairs, 21 May.
Koinova, Maria. 2019b. "How the Armenian Diaspora Forged Coalitions to Push for Genocide Recognition," The Conversation, 18 November.
- Koinova, Maria. 2019a, “Armenian Diaspora Mobilizations,”invited presentation at the Centre for Armenian Information and Advice, family learning programme, London, 10 March.
Koinova, Maria. 2018b. “Findings of the ERC Project “Diasporas and Contested Sovereignty,” invited presentation at the 90th anniversary of the Flemish Research Council, 14 December.
Koinova, Maria. 2018a. “Bulgarians in London: Community of Strength, but One Hidden in the Shadows,” EUROPP blog, London School of Economics, 14 June, based on a co-authored communal survey conducted with the London Bulgarian Association within a citizens-led initiative of the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan.
Koinova, Maria. 2017e. “Five Recommendations from the ERC Project “Diasporas and Contested Sovereignty” Protestant Academy, Loccum, 1 December.
- Koinova, Maria 2017d. International Organization for Migration 20 October; videotaped.
Koinova, Maria 2017c. "Trouble in Macedonia as Ethnic Tensions Run High," Blog Post in The Conversation, 9 May.
- Koinova, Maria and Daniel Naujoks. 2017. “Global Diaspora Mobilisation. Understanding How EU Member States Can Engage Refugee and Migrant Diasporas,” High Profile Policy Event in Brussels, 28 March.
- Koinova, Maria. 2017b. “Close to Home: Involvement of Diasporas in Conflicts and Post-conflict Reconstruction” interview for the European Research Council Brochure on Migration and Asylum, published also separately online on 28 March.
- Koinova, Maria. 2017a. “Why is Erdogan Chasing Turkey’s Overseas Voters so Hard?” Blog Post in The Conversation, 16 March.
- Koinova, Maria. 2016. “Diasporas and Contested Sovereignty: An Interview with Prof. Maria Koinova,” Canadian Foreign Policy Journal, 20 October.
- Koinova, Maria and Sjir Shuett 2015. "Refugees and Diasporas in Conflict and Post-conflict Reconstruction," Politics Reconsidered Blog, following a public event at the University of Warwick, December 7.
- Koinova, Maria, Eric Gordy, Waqar Azmi Obe, and Dzeneta Karabegovic 2015. Public Event on "Bosnia-Herzegovina 20 Years After Dayton," University of Warwick, 26 November.
- Koinova, Maria 2015. "Diaspora, Politics, and Armenian Genocide Recognition," Politics Reconsidered Blog, University of Warwick, April 28.
- Koinova, Maria 2015. Public discussion on Armenian Genocide Recognition, following the screening of the film "Grandma's Tatoos," Faculty of Social Sciences Festival, University of Warwick, May 16.
- Koinova, Maria, co-authored with Dzeneta Karabegovic 2015."Remembering Srebrenica in Different Contexts," Politics Reconsidered Blog, University of Warwick, July 17.
- Koinova, Maria 2014 “Referendums: A Legitimate Democratic Tool or a Mechanism for Nationalist Co-optation?” London School of Economics LSEE Blog, June 8.
- Koinova, Maria 2014 “The Ukrainian Crisis and Ethnonationalist Conflict in Postcommunist States" Politics Reconsidered Blog, University of Warwick, May 12.