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Edited Books

Special Issues (guest editor)

  • Beardsworth, N., G. Lynch & D. Paget (2023) Special Issue: Rally Communications. Commonwealth & Comparative Politics 61 (3)

  • Cheeseman, N., K. Kanyinga, G. Lynch, M. Ruteere & J. Willis (2019) Special Issue: Has Kenya Changed? The 2017 elections and the impact of constitutional reform. Journal of Eastern Africa Studies 13 (2)
  • Cheeseman, N., G. Lynch & J. Willis (2014) Special Issue: Kenya's 2013 election: The triumph of democracy? Journal of Eastern African Studies 8 (1)
  • Crawford, G. & G. Lynch (2011) Special Issue: Democratization in Africa: Challenges and Prospects. Democratization 18 (2)

Journal Articles

  • Lynch, G. (2024) Driving together: Shared car journeys as research space. Qualitative Research.
  • Cheeseman, N., K. Kanyinga, G. Lynch ad J. Willis (2024) Has Kenya democratized? Institutional strengthening and contingency in the 2022 general elections. Journal of Eastern African Studies
  • Lynch, G. (2023) Hybrid rallies and a rally-centric campaign. The case of Kenya's 2022 elections. Commonwealth & Comparative Politics 61 (3): 235-254.
  • Paget, D., N. Beardsworth and G. Lynch (2023) Campaign rallies and political meaning-making. Commonwealth & Comparative Politics 61 (3): 334-356.
  • Lynch, G. & E. Gadjanova (2022) Overcoming incumbency advantage: the importance of social media on- and offline in Zambia’s 2021 elections. Journal of Eastern African Studies 16 (4): 536-557.
  • Gadjanova, E., G. Lynch & G. Saibu (2022) Misinformation across digital divides: Theory and evidence from Northern Ghana. African Affairs 121 (483): 161-195.
  • Willis, J., N. Cheeseman & G. Lynch (2021) The history of elections in Ghana, Kenya and Uganda: What we can learn from these "national exercises". Journal of African Elections 20, 2: 1-25
  • Lynch, G., N. Cheeseman & J. Willis (2019) From peace campaigns to peaceocracy: Elections, order and authority in Africa. African Affairs 118 (473): 603-627
  • Cheeseman, N., K. Kanyinga, G. Lynch, M. Ruteere & J. Willis (2019) Kenya's 2017 elections: Winner-takes-all politics as usual? Journal of Eastern African Studies 13 (2)
  • Willis, J., G. Lynch & N. Cheeseman (2018). Voting, nationhood, and citizenship in late-colonial Africa. The Historical Journal 61 (4): 1113-1135
  • Cheeseman, N., G. Lynch & J. Willis (2018) Digital dilemmas: the unintended consequences of election technology. Democratization 25 (8): 1397-1418
  • Cheeseman, N., G. Lynch & J. Willis (2017) Ghana: The ebbing power of incumbency. Journal of Democracy 28 (2): 92-104
  • Willis, J., G. Lynch & N. Cheeseman (2017) La machine électorale: Culture matérielle des bureaux de vote au Ghana, au Kenya et en Ouganda. Politique Africaine 144: 27-50
  • Willis, J., G. Lynch & N. Cheeseman (2017) "A valid electoral exercise?": Uganda's 1980 elections and the observers' dilemma. Comparative Studies in Society and History 59 (1): 211-238
  • Cheeseman, N., G. Lynch & J. Willis (2016) Decentralization in Kenya: The governance of governors. Journal of Modern African Studies 54 (1): 1-35
  • Lynch, G. (2016) What’s in a name? The politics of naming ethnic groups in Kenya’s Cherangany Hills. Journal of Eastern African Studies 10 (1): 208-227
  • Lynch, G. (2015). Democratisation in Trouble: The Election Syndrome and the Return of Guided Democracies. The Constitution: Journal of Constitutional Development 15 (1): 1-22
  • Lynch, G. (2015) The International Criminal Court and the making of a Kenyan President. Current History 114 (772): 183-188
  • Bosire, L. K. & G. Lynch (2014) Kenya's search for truth and justice: The role of civil society. International Journal of Transitional Justice 8 (2): 256-276
  • Cheeseman, N, G. Lynch, & J. Willis (2014) Democracy and its discontents: Understanding Kenya's 2013 elections. Journal of Eastern African Studies 8 (1): 2-24
  • Lynch, G. (2014) Electing the 'alliance of the accused': The success of the Jubilee Alliance in Kenya's Rift Valley. Journal of Eastern African Studies 8 (1): 93-114
  • Deacon, G. & G. Lynch (2013) Allowing Satan in? Moving toward a political economy of Neo-Pentecostalism in Kenya. Journal of Religion in Africa 43: 108-130
  • Lynch, G. (2012) Becoming Indigenous in the Pursuit of Justice: The African Commission on Human And Peoples' Rights and the Endorois. African Affairs 111 (442): 24-45
  • Lynch, G. (2011) The Wars of Who Belongs Where: The Unstable Politics of Autochthony on Kenya’s Mt Elgon. Ethnopolitics 10 (3-4): 391-410
  • Lynch, G. & G. Crawford (2011) Democratization in Africa 1990-2010: An assessment. Democratization 18 (2): 275-310
  • Lynch, G. (2011) Kenya’s New Indigenes: Negotiating Local Identities in a Global Context. Nations and Nationalism 17 (1): 148-167
  • Lynch, G. (2008) Courting the Kalenjin: The Failure of Dynasticism and the Strength of the ODM Wave in Kenya’s Rift Valley Province. African Affairs 107 (429): 541-568
  • Lynch, G. (2008) Moi: The Making of an African ‘Big-Man’. Journal of Eastern African Studies 2 (1): 18-43
  • Lynch, G. (2006) The Fruits of Perception: ‘Ethnic Politics’ and the Case of Kenya’s Constitutional Referendum. African Studies 65 (2): 233-270
  • Lynch, G. (2006) Negotiating Ethnicity: Identity Politics in Contemporary Kenya. Review of African Political Economy 33 (107): 49-65

Book Chapters

  • Brown, S. & G. Lynch (2023) Kenya. In La. Stan and N. Nedelsky (eds) Encyclopedia of Transitional Justice, Second Edition, Volume 2. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, pp. 755-760.
  • Lynch, G., G. Saibu & E. Gadjanova (2022) WhatsApp and political messaging at the periphery: Insights from Northern Ghana. In I. Hassan & J. Hitchen (eds) WhatsApp and Everyday Life in West Africa: Beyond Fake News. Zed Books
  • Cheeseman, N., K. Karuti & G. Lynch (2020) The political economy of Kenya: Community, clientelism, and class. In Cheeseman, N., K. Karuti & G. Lynch (eds) Oxford Handbook of Kenyan Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press
  • Lynch, G. (2019) The Rise of "Peaceocracy". In Oxford Research Encyclopedia, Politics. Oxford University Press.
  • Lynch, G. & P. Von Doepp (2019) Introduction: Democracy in Practice: Diversity and complexity. In G. Lynch & P. Von Doepp (eds) Routledge Handbook of Democratization in Africa. Abingdon: Routledge
  • Lynch, G. (2018) Ethnicity in Africa. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African History. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Available at
  • Lynch, G. (2016) Majimboism and Kenya's moral economy of ethnic territoriality. In B. Berman, A. Laliberte & S. Larin (eds) Moral economies and ethnic and nationalist claims. UBC Press
  • Lynch, G. (2015) Kenya. In S. Elischer, R. Hofmeier, A. Mehler & H. Melber (ed.) Africa Yearbook. Leiden: Brill.
  • Lynch, G. (2015) Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda. In D. S. Lewis & Wendy Slater (eds) The 2014 Annual Register: World Events. Ann Arbor: ProQuest
  • Lynch, G. (2015) Ethnic Politics. In by J. Stone, R. M. Dennis, P. Rizova, & A. D. Smith (eds) The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity and Nationalism. Wiley-Blackwell
  • Lynch, G. (2014) Bringing the Audience Back In: Kenya’s Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission and the efficacy of public hearings. In S. Rai & J. Reinelt (eds) The Grammar of Politics and Performance. Abingdon: Routledge, 162-182
  • Lynch, G. (2014) Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda. In D. S. Lewis & Wendy Slater (eds) The 2014 Annual Register: World Events. Ann Arbor: ProQuest
  • Lynch, G., N. Cheeseman & J. Willis (2014) Kenya's 2013 election: Lessons for democracy promotion. In In A. Robertson & R. Jones-Parry (eds) Commonwealth Governance Handbook 2013-2014. Cambridge: Nexus/Commonwealth Secretariat, 22-25 <>
  • Lynch, G. & D. Anderson (2013) Democratization and ethnic violence in Kenya: Electoral cycles and shifting identities. In J. Bertrand & O. Haklai (eds) Democratization and Ethnic Communities: Conflict or Compromise? Abingdon: Routledge
  • Lynch, G. (2013) Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda. In D. S. Lewis & Wendy Slater (eds) The 2013 Annual Register: World Events. Ann Arbor: ProQuest, 210-213
  • Lynch, G. (2012) The politics of ethnicity. In N. Cheeseman, D. Anderson & A. Scheibler (eds) Routledge Handbook of African Politics. Abingdon: Routledge, 95-107
  • Lynch, G. (2012) Truth commissions as a tool of transitional justice: Lessons from Kenya. In A. Robertson & R. Jones-Parry (eds) Commonwealth Governance Handbook 2012-2013. Cambridge: Nexus/Commonwealth Secretariat, 130-133
  • Lynch, G. (2012) Democratization in Africa: 1990-2010: An assessment. In Gordon Crawford & Gabrielle Lynch (eds) Democratization in Africa: Challenges and Prospects. Abingdon: Routledge, 1-36
  • Lynch, G. (2012) Samoei, Koitalel arap. In E. K. Akyeampong & H. L. Gates, Jnr (eds) Dictionary of African Biography, Volume 5. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 261-262
  • Lynch, G. (2012) Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda. In D. S. Lewis & Wendy Slater (eds) The 2012 Annual Register: World Events. Ann Arbor: ProQuest, 231-235
  • Lynch, G. (2011) Democratisation and ‘Criminal’ Violence in Kenya. In Hendrik Kraetzschmar and John Schwarzmantel (eds) Democracy and Violence. London: Routledge, 161-184
  • Lynch, G. (2010) Histories of Association and Difference: The Construction and Negotiation of Ethnicity. In Daniel Branch, Nicholas Cheeseman & Leigh Gardner (eds) Our Time to Eat: Kenyan Politics since 1950. Berlin: Lit Verlag, 177-198

Briefing Papers, Editorials & Reports

  • Gadjanova, E., G. Lynch, J. Reifler and G. Saibu (2019) Social, media, cyber battallions and political mobilization in Ghana.
  • Willis, J., N. Cheeseman & G. Lynch (2017) Kenya 2017: The interim elections? Observatoire: Afrique de L'Est. <file:///Users/gabriellelynch/Downloads/OAE%20WILLIS%20CHEESEMAN%20LYNCH%20Actu%202%20%20KENYA%202017%20INTERIM%20ELECTION%20July%202017.pdf>
  • Lynch, G. (2014) Non-judicial battles: Kenyan politics and the International Criminal Court. Africa Policy Brief No. 8 <>
  • Lynch, G. & M. Zgonec-Rozej (2013) The ICC intervention in Kenya. Chatham House Programme Paper AFP/ILP 2013/01, <>
  • Lynch, G. (2012) Editorial: The economic is political and the political is economic: Protest, change, and continuity in contemporary Africa. Review of African Political Economy 39 (134): 547-550
  • Lynch, G. (2009) Briefing Paper: Durable Solution, Help or Hindrance? The Failings and Unintended Implications of Relief and Recovery Efforts for Kenya's Post-election IDPs. Review of African Political Economy 122: 607-613

Book Reviews

  • (2014) Adrienne LeBas: From protest to parties: Party-building and democratization in Africa. African Affairs 113 (453): 617-618
  • (2013) Dorothy Hodgson: Being Maasai, Becoming Indigenous. POLAR: Political and Legal Anthropological Review 36 (2): 367-368
  • (2012) Larry Diamond and Marc F. Plattner (eds): Democratization in Africa: Progress and Retreat, 2nd edition, 2010. Democratization 19 (2): 380-384


  • Cheeseman, N. & G. Lynch on Season 3 of the Democracy Paradox Podcast talking about The Moral Economy of Elections in Africa (2021)
  • G. Lynch on the University of Washington's Neither Free nor Fair? Podcast talking with James Long about Truth, Justice and Reconciliation (December 2020)

Blogs and Newspaper/Magazine articles


Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya)

  • 24 March 2018, Development vs security: How ethnic and issue-based politics are intertwined,
  • 10 March 2018, Why it is not right to call for resilience if it translates to oppression,
  • 24 February 2018, Devolution has changed Kenyan politics, but not in ways envisaged by its proponents,
  • 10 February 2018, Government response to NASA inappropriate as it polarises an already divided country,
  • 27 January 2018, Kenyans' popular demands for assistance drive politicians' quest for high pay, allowances,
  • 13 January 2018, Kenyans must start early preparations to ensure smooth elections in 2022,
  • 30 December 2017, It's time to talk about #MeToo campaign and how it affects Kenyans,
  • 16 December 2017, Politicians walk thin line between creating, countering narratives,
  • 2 December 2017, We cannot separate politics and justice from reconciliation,
  • 18 November 2017, Let Kenyans decide what to do about wide-ranging proposals in TJRC report,
  • 4 November 2017, It's time to address excessive use of force by security officers,
  • 21 October 2017, IEBC should consider seeking more time to conduct credible poll,
  • 7 October 2017, Why many insist on staying in office at the peril of public interest,
  • 23 September 2017, Uncertainties cast dark cloud over upcoming repeat presidential poll,
  • 2 September 2017, Key lessons for election team as Kenyans return to ballot,
  • 19 August 2017, Where case could case could stand or fall and a plea to protect the poor,
  • 5 August 2017, Inter-ethnic mistrust ahead of poll worrying,
  • 22 July 2017, Not all youth on campaign trail used and paid by politicians,
  • 8 July 2017, Presidential election could be won in first round,
  • 24 June 2017, Lessons for NASA from Ghana on 'adopting' polling stations,
  • 10 June 2017, Social media: New ground for campaigns breeding support and propaganda,
  • 27 May 2017, Challenges facing women in politics, what needs to be done,
  • 13 May 2017, Lessons galore from Malawi on how to combat illegal logging,
  • 29 April 2017, Why chaotic party primaries speak of deeper political rot,
  • 15 April 2017, Be warned, it is the season of fake news,
  • 1 April 2017, All is not well in Magufuli's presidency,
  • 18 March 2017, Scepticism, not apathy, was reason for low turnout,
  • 4 March 2017, Despite belief, voting in Kenyan elections is not merely defined by ethnicity,
  • 18 February 2017, Turkana has to deal with challenges that have come with devolution and oil,
  • 4 February 2017, Time to address invasions of ranches in Laikipia,
  • 21 January 2017, Peace must go hand in hand with justice,
  • 31 December 2016, Opposition merger will introduce new dynamic in 2017,
  • 17 December 2016, Alternation of power helps to uphold Ghana two-party system,
  • 3 December 2016, A tale of two parties: Ghana campaigns heats up ahead of poll,
  • 12 November 2016, Uhuru's re-election chances undented despite graft spiral,
  • 29 October 2016, Changing memorials should make Kenyans reflect on their history,
  • 15 October 2016, Work hard to ensure Nairobi regains 'green city in the sun' status,
  • 1 October 2016, It's vital to look more closely at county-level politics as polls loom,
  • 17 September 2016, Stop endless deaths on our roads and airspace, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya)
  • 27 August 2016, Why presidential elections tend to be two horse races, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya)
  • 13 August 2016, El Adde: We need more information to show sacrifice, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya)
  • 30 July 2016, Why students are setting schools on fire? Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya)
  • 16 July 2016, Why everyone should be worried about police impunity in Kenya, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya)
  • 25 June 2016, Anal exam to test homosexuality is wrong, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya),
  • 11 June 2016, Why dispute on election team must be resolved soon, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya),
  • 28 May 2016, Beating protestors by police in IEBC saga a recipe for more violence, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya),
  • 14 May 2016, Our politicians are tearing the country right down the middle, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya),
  • 30 April 2016, Watch out lest the proceeds of graft are used to fund costly election campaigns, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya),
  • 16 April 2016, Violence victims still searching for justice, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya),
  • 2 April 2016, Tourism crisis major threat to economy and national security, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya),
  • 19 March 2016, Cost of insecurity in northern Kenya: Why country, regional economies face serious threats, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya),
  • 5 March 2016, Party agents are key to credible elections, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya),
  • 20 February 2016, Uganda 2016: Why the playing ground was far from even, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya),
  • 6 February 2016, Police screening has failed to generate excitement, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya),
  • 23 January 2016, Why prospects for change in Uganda through February polls are minimal, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya),
  • 9 January 2016, How to raise public confidence in the IEBC ahead of 2017 General Election, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya),
  • 2 January 2016, We can reject bad leaders when politicians come up, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya),
  • 12 December 2015, End killings in northern Kenya and adopt proposals in the TJRC report, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya)
  • 28 November 2015, Confession, penance will help us address past injustices better, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya)
  • 14 November 2015, Evaluating the Kibaki regime: How government laid ground for current crises in Kenya, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya)
  • 31 October 2015, Country will go to the dogs unless we end graft, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya)
  • 17 October 2015, How technology in elections can be used to increase public confidence, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya)
  • 3 October 2015, Opposition disunity hands Museveni gains, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya)
  • 19 September 2015, Kenya's devolution experience offers key lessons for Ghana, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya),
  • 5 September 2015, Draw lessons from Ghana experience to ensure credible elections, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya)
  • 22 August 2015, Policies have to carry voices of both genders, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya)
  • 8 August 2015, UN report shows why government officials should not brush aside the recurrent insecurity in northern Kenya, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya)
  • 25 July 2015, Visit highlights leaders' awareness of city woes, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya)
  • 11 July 2015, How graft is undermining Kenyan economy, security, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya)
  • 27 June 2015, Reveal the human cost of Kenya's war in Somalia, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya)
  • 13 June 2015, Why Nairobi could soon be a truly multicultrual society, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya)
  • 30 May 2015, Why ICC has lost victims' support, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya)
  • 16 May 2015, It's high time Kenya changed it's response to cattle raids, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya)
  • 2 May 2015, Why the Kenya-Somalia border war is a bad idea, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya)
  • 18 April 2015, The questions begging answers in the wake of the Garissa terrorist attack, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya)
  • 4 April 2015, Uhuru speech great but action must follow, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya)
  • 28 March 2015, What the ICC should learn from witness mess in Uhuru Hague case, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya)
  • 14 March 2015, Reconciliation requires rebuilding of trust and respect, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya)
  • 21 February 2015, Address root cause of violent protest to curb their frequency, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya)
  • 7 February 2015, Coastal commonwealth: The challenge is in rallying support across the many divides, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya)
  • 17 January 2015, Speculations on death of Kenyan elite, a dangerous trend, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya)
  • 3 January 2015, So, why aren't we putting our house in order way ahead of 2017 elections, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya)
  • 20 December 2014, Taking a wider view of our security problems, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya)
  • 6 December 2014, Security failings are bigger than Kimaiyo and Lenku, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya)
  • 22 November 2014, Protest against stripping is push for equal rights, respect for women, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya)
  • 8 November 2014, Execution of truth commission proposal long overdue, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya),
  • 25 October 2014, World Bank breached its guidelines on protection of indigenous communities, Saturday Nation (Nation, Kenya),
  • 11 October 2014, ICC must go back to drawing board after Kenyan cases, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya),
  • 27 September 2014, Devolution has made politics more local and violent than ever before. Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya),
  • 13 September 2014, Kenya has more than 42 tribes, so why is this still the magic number? Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya),
  • 30 August 2014, Who benefited from US-Africa summit? Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya),
  • 16 August 2014, Kenyans are litigious, but they are not fools, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya),
  • 5 July 2014, To build trust, Kenyans must tolerate divergent opinions, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya),
  • 21 June 2014, So many questions, so many fears: The dilemma of Muslims in Kenya, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya),
  • 7 June 2014, Tourists have gone, but Watamu's magic is intact, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya),
  • 24 May 2014, The Mau Mau skeletons at museum deserve decent burial, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya),
  • 10 May 2014, Silence over truth commission's report on injustices is baffling, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya),
  • 26 April 2014, Why devolution is drawing more heat than light, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya),
  • 12 April 2014, Turkana oil is fuelling perceptions of injustice, Saturday Nation (Nairobi, Kenya),

The East African

  • 28 January 2017, Unrealistic timelines to blame for Kenya's electoral shortcomings,
  • 14 January 2017, Coalition building, voter turnout can sway vote,
  • 31 December 2016, Illegal extraction, sale of flora: The case of logging in Malawi's Lengwe Park,
  • 17 December 2016, Lesson from Ghana: For free, fair polls, agents have silver bullet,$$[id=3494854]&title=Lesson%20from%20Ghana:%20For%20free,%20fair%20polls,%20agents%20have%20silver%20bullet
  • 4 December 2016, Nowhere to run: Peace campaigns take centrestage in Ghana elections,
  • With Claire Elder, 12 November 2016, Democrats need to rethink their strategy after Trump’s surprise victory
  • With Claire Beston, 29 October 2016, Ethiopia's state of emergency doesn't address hidden issues,
  • 15 October 2016, Individual and symbolic reparations for past sins,
  • 1 October 2016, Time to focus on one of the region's biggest killers - road accidents,
  • With Nicole Beardsworth, 17 September 2016, More focus is needed to increase public confidence in poll processes,
  • With Nicole Beardsworth, 27 August 2016, The troubling scepticism around Africa's elections, p. 30
  • 13 August 2016, For refugee athletes, Rio Olympics offer a bigger hope than victory, money and glory,
  • 23 July 2016, Why Uganda's political parties aren't sitting pretty
  • 9 July 2016, After the referendum: Thoughts from the UK
  • 18 June 2016, Why the ICC must revisit its victim-friendly policies, approach,
  • 28 May 2016, Are traditional leaders men of the people, or men of the government?
  • Beardsworth, N. and G. Lynch, 14 May 2016, After failed petition, FDC left with few options,
  • 23 April 2016, There is a need to prepare for electoral cycles, not just for imminent elections,
  • 9 April 2016, The ICC and the paradox of state cooperation in conducting investigations, determining ruling,
  • 26 March 2016, Uganda now grapples with a crisis of legitimacy,
  • 12 March 2016, Africa now embraces 'guided democracy' for peace, stability
  • With Nic Cheeseman and Justin Willis, 27 February 2016, Museveni ensured another victory because he doesn't trust anyone else,
  • 13 February 2016, Parallel campaign structures hurt NRM, FDC,
  • 30 January 2016, Uganda 2016: Crime prevernters or creators?
  • With Nic Cheeseman and Justin Willis, 16 January 2016, Museveni's NRM party still has huge support in rural Uganda,
  • 2 January 2016, Uganda elections: Whoever wins in February will face a huge bill,
  • 19 December 2015, Order, stability may give Museveni the edge in Uganda elections,
  • With Justin Willis, 5 December 2015
  • With Justin Willis. 21 November 2015, International election observation: Some lessons from Obote-era Uganda,
  • 7 November 2015, Acholi the new swing factor in the 2016 Uganda election,