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Iason Papaioannou-Turner

PhD Candidate



In 2024, Iason will be a PhD Fellow at Harvard University, supervised by Professor Gina Schouten.

I am a fully funded PhD candidate in Political Theory within the Department of Politics & International Relations. I am conducting my research under the supervision of Prof. Matthew Clayton and Dr. Katy Wells. I hold an MSc in Global Governance and Ethics from UCL and a BA in Politics from the University of Liverpool.


My doctoral research is situated within the area of educational philosophy, and is focused on the relationship between education and the labour market.

My PhD research explores what individuals are owed from education in light of the fact that they work. I am investigating connective questions surrounding the liberty of the individual, the value of labour and purposes of education, as well as distributive questions regarding education and labour positions with respect to our principles of justice.

Broader research interests include theories of distributive justice, liberal political thought, social and economic inequalities and the philosophy of childhood and education.

Awards and Scholarships

PAIS PhD Studentship (2021), University of Warwick.

PESGB Summer and Spring Fellow (2023/24), Philosophy of Education Society Great Britain.

SAP Research Trip Grant (2024), Society of Applied Philosophy.

PESGB Small Grant (2024), Philosophy of Education Society Great Britain.

Conference Papers

“Educational Goods: Flourishing, Contextual Judgements and Perfectionism" - PESGB Annual Conference 2024, University of Oxford (23/03/2024).

“Liberal Neutrality in Education: A Challenge for Autonomy?” - University of Warwick Graduate Conference in Legal and Political Theory (18/02/2023).


In the 2024/25 academic year, I will be teaching "Morality Law and the State" and "Introduction to Political Theory", both at King's College London.

In the 2022/23 academic year, I taught teaching seminars for "PO201 - Political Theory From Hobbes".

In the 2021/22 academic year, I taught seminars for "PO107 - Introduction To Politics".