Advice and Feedback Booking Form
I have 1 in person and 1 online advice and feedback session
- My in person advice and feedback session is in E2.10 on Thursdays from 15:00-16:00
- My online advice and feedback session held via Teams is on Tuesdays from 15:00-16:00
- You must book an appointment at least 24 hours before. Please cancel your booking if you can no longer attend.
- You will receive a confirmation of your booking once I approve it. If your meeting is online, I will send an invite to a Teams meeting.
- Each booking is for a 15 minute slot. If there is something specific you wish to discuss in the meeting, please use the free text box provided in the booking form.
- Please note there are no advice and feedback sessions in reading week (Week 6) or in University Holidays.
You will need to sign in to make bookings.
Tip: You can use the up, down, left and right arrow keys to navigate the bookings table more easily.