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RBS-IBG roundtable on Europe's Political Futures

On 2 September Nick Vaughan-Williams took part in a panel discussion at the Royal Geographical Society's annual conference entitled 'Europe's Political Futures' and sponsored by the journal Political Geography. Other panellists were: Merje Kuus (The University of British Columbia, Canada); Adrian Smith (Queen Mary University of London, UK); Heaven Crawley (Coventry University, UK); and Alex Jeffrey (University of Cambridge, UK).

Fri 02 Sep 2016, 23:39

New article published in EJIR

A new article coauthored by Nick Vaughan-Williams and Adrian Little has been published online in the European Journal of International Relations. Entitled 'Stopping Boats, Saving Lives, Securing Subjects: Humanitarian Borders in Australia and Europe' the article can be accessed online here.

Thu 11 Aug 2016, 21:53

New article published in Cooperation and Conflict

A new article coauthored by Nick Vaughan-Williams and Stuart Croft has been published online by the journal Cooperation and Conflict. The article sets out a vernacular approach to ontological security studies, which informs the conceptual approach taken by the 'Border Narratives' project.

Sun 17 Jul 2016, 17:19

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