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This project was completed in August 2018, and the book published in September 2020: Europe's Migration Crisis: Border Deaths and Human Dignity (Cambridge University Press). Please see Professor Squire's homepage, here.


Dr Vicki Squire has published an article in the Conversation about Europe’s crackdown on search and rescue NGOs. You can read the article here.


An independent article on the topic "Destination Europe?" based on Dr Vicki Squire's research and interview with her is now available online. See more details here.


A podcast with Dr Vicki Squire for Ohio State University on "Europe's 'Refugee Crisis' and Dynamics of Mediterranean Migration and Reception: What Kind of Crisis? For Whom?" is now available online. You can listen to her talk here.


The research article "Unauthorised migration beyond structure/agency? Acts, interventions, effects" by Dr Vicki Squire is made published online by Politics. See more details here.


A podcast of Dr Vicki Squire's presentation at the International Migration Institute, University of Oxford is now available online. You can listen to her talk here.


Dr Vicki Squire gives the keynote lecture “Governing migration through death: Security, humanitarianism and crisis” at the LSE Symposium "The Mediation of Migration." See more details here.


Dr Vicki Squire presents a seminar on "Governing migration through death in Europe and the US: Identification, burial and the crisis of modern humanism" at the International Migration Institute, University of Oxford. Find more details here.


A longer version of Dr Vicki Squire's piece on humanitarian corridors is published by openDemocracy: "Humanitarian Corridors: beyond political gesture." Please find the article here.


A new piece by Dr Vicki Squire on humanitarian corridors to Italy is published by the Conversation: "Flights to Italy for refugees offer a humanitarian way forward for Europe". Please find the article here.


The Conversation publishes the article "Welcome to City Plaza, Athens: a new approach to housing refugees" by Dr Vicki Squire. You can find it here.


A new piece by Dr Vicki Squire and Vasiliki Touhouliotis on the adverse effects of the EU's deterrence agenda is published by openDemocracy. Please find their article here.


On Wednesday, 22nd of June 2016 Hannah-Sophie Wahle of the Refugee Rights Data Project (RRDP) presents at the University of Warwick some of the key findings of the report entitled The Long wait: Filling the data gaps relating to refugees and displaced people in the Calais camp.

Find more details here


Dr Vicki Squire comment on the story she supported one unaccompanied minor to write about his journey to Europe is published in openDemocracy as is th story of the young man. He tells his story about the journey which started in Gambia and ended on a boat crossing the Mediterranean sea.

Find more details on Dr Vicki Squire's comment here and

Find more details on the young man's story here


Dr Vicki Squire gives a lecture on 'Human dignity and Biophysical Violence: Migrant deaths across deserts and seas'
at Swansea University, Geography Department / Centre for Migration Policy Research (CMPR).

Find more details here.


Dr Vicki Squire gives a lecture titled "The Violence of Border Security: Migrant Deaths Across Deserts and Seas" at the Zolberg Institute on Migration and Mobility of the New School for Social Research, New York.

Find more details here.


Written Evidence on Unaccompanied Minors in the EU is submitted to House of Lords Inquiry by Dr Vicki Squire and Nina Perkowski.

Read it here.


Dr Vicki Squire presents research findings as part of a debate on "Women and the Global Refugee Crisis".

See more details here.


An article by Dr Vicki Squire and Nina Perkowski on the topic "Migration evidence shows how badly the EU needs to rethink its strategy" is published by the Conversation.

Read it here.


Dr Vicki Squire gives a lecture on "The European ‘refugee crisis’: Questioning assumptions about unauthorised migration" at Hasselt University, as part of the "Course North-South – A world in transition."

Find more details here.


The migration contribution “12 days in Lampedusa: The potential and perils of a photo essay” has been posted to the FocaalBlog as a part of the Art and Visual Anthropology feature:

For more information visit focaalblog or use the hashtag #FocaalBlog when posting or searching for this piece on Twitter.

A new commentary by Dr Vicki Squire on the Valletta Summit is published by the Conversation.
Dr Vicki Squire presents research findings to All Party Parliamentary Group for Social Science and Policy.