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Vicki Squire

Professor of International Politics

Deputy Head of Department

Director of Research

Co-Convenor, Warwick Borders, Race, Ethnicity and Migration network - BREM 



Tel: +44 (0)24761 51977

Room: E1.13, Social Sciences Building

Advice and Feedback Hours: By appointment (email address above)


I joined PAIS in 2012, following my position as RCUK (Research Councils UK) Research Fellow at the Centre of Citizenship, Identities and Governance, Open University, UK. Prior to that, I was ESRC (Economic and Social Research Council) Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Department of Political Science and International Studies, University of Birmingham, UK. I completed my PhD and my MA studies as part of the Ideology and Discourse Analysis programme at the Department of Government, University of Essex, UK, with a visiting studentship at Australian National University. I have also held visiting professor positions at Sapienza University, Italy, and at Soka University, Japan.

Research interests

My research cuts across the fields of migration, citizenship, humanitarian and border studies. I focus on the policies and practices through which migration is governed, the dynamics and consequences of humanitarian interventions in contexts of displacement, and the politics of migration and solidarity activism. I have undertaken this work in various contexts, including the US-Mexico border region, the Mediterranean and Balkans, Northern Europe and sub-Saharan Africa.

Funded by the AHRC, my recent project Data and Displacement is a collaborative project with colleagues from University of Ibadan, Nigeria, and University of Juba, South Sudan. The research addressed the practical and ethical questions that arise from the focus on data-driven humanitarian targeting, focusing on the experiences of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in north-eastern Nigeria and South Sudan. You can read the project report here. This project is currently ongoing in the form of an ESRC IAA grant on Data Literacies in Displacement or DLiD.

During 2015-2019, I led a large-scale qualitative ESRC project with people making precarious journeys across the Mediterranean. This culminated in a co-authored book published with Manchester University Press in 2021: Reclaiming Migration: Voices from Europe's ‘Migrant Crisis. During 2015-2018 I also held a Leverhulme Fellowship examining solidarity activism in the Mediterranean. This research was published as a book with Cambridge University Press in 2020: Europe's Migration Crisis: Border Deaths and Human Dignity. I also have a new co-edited book with Palgrave Macmillan - Migration, Culture and Identity: Making Home Away - as part of the British Academy project on Making Home Away (Lost and Found? A Digital Archive of Testimonies of Migration, Displacement and Resettlement - led by Dr Yasmine Shamma, University of Reading with Vicki Squire and Suzan Ilcan).

I have published widely on the themes of asylum, sanctuary, migration, displacement, humanitarianism, border struggles and solidarity activism. I have also presented lectures by invitation across the world, including in Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Sweden, the UK and the US, and held the role of Co-Editor of the flagship International Studies Association journal International Political Sociology from 2016-2021. Together with Professor Dallal Stevens and Mauricio Palma-Gutiérrez, I am Convenor of the Warwick BREM (Borders, Race, Ethnicity and Migration) Network.

Teaching and supervision

I contribute to a range of undergraduate and postgraduate modules within PAIS, and have wide-ranging experience in teaching across Politics, International Studies and the social sciences more widely. I also have extensive experience of supervising PhD students, and welcome proposals on any of the above or related topics. Students supervised to completion include:

  • Dr Mauricio Palma-Gutiérrez, Performing Survival: Venzuelans' Migratory Journeys along the Andean Corridor (2023)
  • Dr Francesca Melhuish, “There is no status quo”: ‘Crisis’ and Nostalgia in the Vote Leave Campaign (2021)
  • Dr Shannon Mathieu, Gender, Intervention Policy, and Right to Protect (2019)
  • Dr António Ferraz De Oliveira, The Politics of Territory in Early Anarchist Thought (2018)
  • Dr Veit Schwab, Discursive Borders in EUrope (2018)
  • Dr Lorenzo Vianelli, Governing Asylum Seekers: Logistics, Differentiation and Failure in the European Union’s Reception Regime (2018)
  • Dr Helen Arfvidsson, On Burning Cars, Concrete and Citizenship (2014)
  • Dr Jennifer Bagelman, City of Sanctuary: A State of Deferral (2012)

Recent publications

My recent works include:

For a full list of my publications, please see my Publications page.



Together with colleagues from the Data and Displacement project, Professor Squire has recently published an article on participatory research with displaced communities in the Journal of Humanitarian Affairs. You can access the article here.

Professor Squire has also published a paper from the project with Professor Briony Jones here and with Dr Modesta Alozie here. The final report of the Data and Displacement project was published in September 2022 and you can read it in full here.

An article has been published by Professor Squire in Citizenship Studies entitled"Global Citizenship in the Making? Generating an Inventory of Migratory Claims". It can be read here.

Professor Squire featured on BBC Radio 4's Thinking Allowed, discussing her report on Syrian experiences of re/making home funded by the British Academy. You can catch up on the podcast here (from 17.41 mins). An online gallery of visual artwork related to the research is also available here.

Reclaiming Migration: Voices from Europe's 'Migration Crisis' has now been published with Manchester University Press, co-authored by Professor Squire with Dr Nina Perkowski, Professor Dallal Stevens and Professor Nick Vaughan-Williams.

Europe’s Migration Crisis: Border Deaths and Human Dignity, has been published with Cambridge University Press (2020).

Professor Squire's research formed part of the Imperial War Museum London exhibition, Refugees: Forced to Flee, from September 2020-June 2021. This included an artwork by Indrė Šerpetytė and an animated audio installation 

openDemocracy published important testimony from an unaccompanied minor in Sicily along with Professor Squire's reflections on his experiences



exclusionary politics of asylum

contested politics of mobility