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Nietzsche at Warwick : The Philosophy of the Free Spirit

In March 2012 and March 2013, and with the support of the British Academy, the Philosophy Department will host both a one-day workshop and a one-day conference on the topic of Nietzsche's philosophy of the free spirit.

In 2012 the dates are March 22 (Thursday) and March 23 (Friday). Speakers for 2012 include: Christa Davis Acampora (Hunter College and CUNY), Rebecca Bamford (Rochester, MN), Duncan Large (Swansea), and Andreas Urs-Sommer (Freiburg).

The events will be concerned with the following questions and topics: What are the main characteristics of the free spirit according to Nietzsche? How does this philosophy develop across the texts of the middle period? What is the attitude of the free spirit to (a) religion and (b) morality? Is the philosophy of the free spirit anti-political? What is 'the gay science' as a practice of, and an experimental engagement with, knowledge? Is the death of God still a major theme of relevance today? What does Nietzsche mean by the 'incorporation of truth and knowledge' being a task and experiment today? How, if at all, does Nietzsche's philosophy of the free spirit change in his late period of writing (1886-8)? How does this philosophy influence the ethics, politics, and educational philosophy of 20th century science as a practice of, and an experimental engagement with, knowledge?

Anyone interested in attending the March 2012 events should contact Keith Ansell-Pearson for further information: Places for the workshop are limited, and you are advised to register your interest early.

For more information on the forthcoming workshop please see :