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WMA Graduate Research Seminar, 2023/2024

Research seminar run in conjunction with the WMA Research Centre and open to all philosophy postgraduate students.
If you would like to receive email notifications about the seminar, please email h dot lerman at warwick dot ac dot uk
In Summer Term the seminar will take place on Wednesdays, weeks 4-7 and 9, at 14:00-16:00, in room S1.39.

In preparation for MindGrad we will dedicate the first 3 sessions to 3 papers by Matt Soteriou and the following 2 session to background reading for Lea Salje's talk.

Week 4: Matt Soteriou, ‘Determining the Future’ [pdf]

Week 5: Matt Soteriou, ‘The past made present: Mental time travel in episodic recollection’ [pdf]

Week 6: Matt Soteriou, ‘Waking Up and Being Conscious' [link]

Week 7: Eli Alshanetsky, Articulating a Thought, Introduction [link] and Chapter 2 'A Puzzle' [link]

Week 9: Alex Byrne, 'Knowing what I'm thinking'


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WMA reading group: Montaigne on MEEP (Mind, Epistemology, Ethics & Political Philosophy)

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Location: S1.50

Dear All,

We're delighted to announce the WMA Reading Group schedule for this term - Eve Poirier will be leading the sessions. The details are below:

Please note: in the run-up to this year's MindGrad conference, we will also be using this reading group to have some pre-reading sessions on the work of the keynote speakers. These will be valuable sessions for PG students to attend to familiarise themselves with the keynote speakers' work ahead of the conference. More details on this will be announced in due course.

WMA reading group: Montaigne on MEEP (Mind, Epistemology, Ethics & Political Philosophy)

Where/When: Cowling Room (S2.77), Tuesdays 16:00-17:00 in even weeks, starting in week 2.

A message from Eve: This term in the WMA reading group we will look at some Montaignian takes on topics in Mind, Epistemology, Ethics and Politics. Suitable for Montaigne beginners and experts, everyone is welcome. I will be reading from Donald Frame’s translation, of which there are hard copies available in the library. Get in touch with me ( if you need help finding the readings or want a digital copy.

We will meet in the Cowling Room (S2.77) at 16:00 on Tuesday in even weeks, starting on the 16th. I promise it will be relatively light-hearted and fun, so please don’t be afraid to come along and discover the joys of Montaigne 😊 


Week 2 – Intro to Montaigne: Judgement, Personality, Humankind (and Chess!)

‘To the Reader’ (p. 2 in the Frame translation)

‘Of Democritus and Heraclitus’ I. 50. (pp. 266-268)

Week 4 – Knowing Facts, Learning Virtues

‘Of Pedantry’ I. 25. (pp. 118-129)

Week 6 – Justice and Dirty Hands

‘Of the Useful and the Honourable’ III. 1 (pp. 726 at least up to p. 736)

Week 8 – TBC

Week 10 – TBC

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