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Lucy Campbell


Most of my interests are somewhere in the intersection of philosophy of mind and action, epistemology, and moral psychology (in the old-fashioned sense). I first came to Warwick in 2018 with a Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship, with a project entitled Epistemological Pluralism. I have been on the faculty since 2019 and am currently Associate Professor. Before coming to Warwick, I held teaching and research positions in Oxford (2016-18) and Edinburgh (2015-16). And before that, I completed my PhD in Cambridge (2015), under the supervision of Jane Heal.

Specific issues I have published on and/or am currently thinking about include:

  • Practical knowledge / agents’ knowledge of intentional action
  • Practical reasoning: how it relates to intention, and to action
  • The structure of intention
  • The relationship between ‘practical’ knowledge how to φ and ‘practical’ knowledge that one is φ-ing (when one is doing so intentionally)
  • Elizabeth Anscombe’s action-theory, philosophy of mind, epistemology, and ethics
  • Psychological self-knowledge (esp. expression-based and constitutivist approaches)
  • The varieties of knowledge, and what unity there may or may not be between these varieties – esp. as this relates to a) the category knowledge very generally, and b) the sub-category of propositional knowledge
  • The relationship between a ‘piece’ of propositional knowledge and the ‘body’ of knowledge of which it is part
  • Philosophical methodology (esp. in phil. mind, action, and epistemology)
  • The relationships between self-knowledge, testimony, and knowledge of other minds
  • Psychopathology, incl. pathologies of agency
  • Action-theoretical questions about acting (i.e. what actors do – e.g. on the telly)

For a sense of what I think about some of these issues, click on the links in the publication list below, or visit my page or look me up on philpapers. If you’d like to read anything you can’t get hold of that way, or if you’re interested in any of the above ideas but don’t know where to look, email me.

I am Deputy Director of the Warwick Mind and Action Research Centre. Beyond Warwick, I am an Associate Editor for Philosophical Explorations, and a member of the Action Network.

Teaching: I teach undergraduate Epistemology and MA Topics in Epistemology and Metaphysics and (in some years) Research Methods.

Research supervisory interests: I welcome enquiries about research supervision and post-doc project mentoring on topic in my areas of specialism. Feel free to email me if you think your project might be a good fit.

Selected Publications


  1. Campbell ed. Forms of Knowledge: Essays on the Unity and Heterogeneity of Knowledge. forthcoming (OUP, forthcoming)

Journal articles:

Campbell, L. 2024. “Practical Knowledge and the Structural Challenge” in Mind 133(532): 1028–1056

Campbell, L. 2024. ‘Marcus on Forms of Judgment and the Theoretical Orientation of the Mind’ in Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 108(3): 851-857 (part of a book symposium on Eric Marcus’ Belief, Inference, and the Self-Conscious Mind)

Campbell, L and Greenberg, A. 2023. ‘Mental Agency and Rational Subjectivity’ in European Journal of Philosophy 32(1): 224-245

Campbell, L. 2022. ‘Self-Knowledge: Expression without Expressivism’ in Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 104(1): 186-208

Campbell, L. 2019. ‘Propositionalism about Intention: Shifting the Burden of Proof’ in Canadian Journal of Philosophy 49(2): 230-252

Campbell, L. 2018. ‘Self-Knowledge, Belief, Ability (and Agency?)’ in Philosophical Explorations 21(3): 333-349

Campbell, L. 2018. ‘Two Notions of Intentional Action? Solving a Puzzle in Anscombe’s Intention’ in British Journal for the History of Philosophy 26(3): 578-602

Campbell, L. 2018. ‘An Epistemology for Practical Knowledge’ in Canadian Journal of Philosophy 48(2): 159-177

Book chapters:

Campbell, L. forthcoming. ‘Knowledge: Unity, Heterogeneity, and Methodology’, in L. Campbell ed., Forms of Knowledge (OUP)

Campbell, L. forthcoming. ‘Practical Knowledge: Main Themes’ in K. Sylvan ed., The Blackwell Companion to Epistemology, 3rd Edition.

Campbell, L. forthcoming. ‘Practical Knowledge: Main Accounts in K. Sylvan ed., The Blackwell Companion to Epistemology, 3rd Edition.

Campbell, L. forthcoming. ‘Knowing that one is in pain and ‘feeling that’ one is in pain’ in Melis, Merlo, and Wright eds., Self-Knowledge and the A Priori (OUP)

Campbell, L. 2024. ‘Perception, Perceptual Knowledge, and Perceptual Self-Knowledge’ in Giananti, Roessler, and Soldati eds. Perceptual Knowledge and Self-Awareness (OUP)

Campbell, L. 2023. ‘On Anscombe on Practical Knowledge and Practical Truth’ in R. Teichmann ed., The Oxford Handbook of Elizabeth Anscombe (OUP): 7-33.

PhD Thesis: L.Campbell. 2015. Action, Intention, and Knowledge. See here.