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Naomi Eilan

Naomi Eilan is Professor of Philosophy at Warwick University and Director of the Warwick Mind and Action Research Centre. She currently co-directs a Leverhulme/British Academy project on The Second Person and the Only Conncet project (Warwick Impact Fund). She is on the Advisory Board of the European Society of Philosophy and Psychology ( and was its President between 2009-2014). She has a longstanding interest in issues that lie at the intersection of philosophy of mind, metaphysics and psychology, and welcomes PhD students in those areas. Her current research focuses on the nature of second person thought; knowledge of one's own and other minds; joint attention and joint action; theories of communication.

Selected Publications:


*.1999: Spatial Representation: Problems in Philosophy and Psychology, Oxford University Press, Oxford (originally published in 1993 by Basil Blackwell, Oxford. (Ed, with Roz McCarthy and Bill Brewer).

*. 1995: The Body and the Self, A Bradford Book, MIT Press. (Paperback 1996). (Ed., with Jose BErmudez and Tony Marcel)

*. 2004: Agency and Self Awareness: Problems in Philosophy and Psychology, Oxford University Press. (Ed., with Johannes Roessler).

*. 2005: Joint Attention: Communication and Other Minds, Problems in Philosophy and Psychology, Oxford University Press. (Ed., with Christoph Hoerl, Teresa McCormack and Johannes Roessler).

*. 2011: Perception, Causation, & Objectivity, Oxford: Oxford University Press, (Ed. with Johannes Roessler and Hemdat Lerman)

*. The Reality of Consciousness, Oxford University Press, Oxford. Forthcoming

Articles and book chapters

*. 1992: 'The A Priori and the Empirical in Theories of Emotion', Cognition and Emotion, vol. 6, Issue 6; 457-466.

*1993: ‘The Imagery Debate: Critical Review of Michael Tye's The Imagery Debate’. Philosophical Books, vol. 3, No. 3; 137-143

*1993:Molyneux's Question And the Idea of an External World’, in Eilan, McCarthy and Brewer, (eds.), Problems in the Philosophy and Psychology of Spatial Representation; 236-256

*1993: ‘Intuitive Physics’, in Eilan, McCarthy and Brewer, (eds.), Problems in the Philosophy and Psychology of Spatial Representation; 99-112

*1993:Spatial Representation in the Sensory Modalities’, in Eilan, McCarthy and Brewer, (eds.), Problems in the Philosophy and Psychology of Spatial Representation; 179-191

*1994:The First Person Perspective’. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Nov. 51-66.

*1995:Consciousness and the Self’, in Bermudez, Marcel and Eilan, Eds. The Body and the Self, A Bradford Book, MIT Press.

*1997: 'Objectivity and the Perspective of Consciousness', European Journal of Philosophy, vol. 5, Number 3, December, pp 235-250

*1998: Perceptual Intentionality, Attention and Consciousness, in Contemporary Issues in the Philosophy of Mind, Royal Institute of Philosophy, Cambridge University Press, 

* 2000: 'On understanding schizophrenia', Exploring the Self, ed. D. Zahavi, Advances in Consciousness Research, John Benjamin's Publishing Company. 97-113

* 2000:‘Consciousness and the Hard Problem', Journal of Consciousness Studies, 7, No. 4, 28-39

*. 2000: 'The Reality of Consciousness', in Bill Child and David Charles, Eds. Wittgensteinian Themes: Essays in Honour of David Pears,. Oxford, Oxford University Press.

* 2000: 'Consciousness, Acquaintance and Demonstrative Thought', Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, vol. LXIII, 433-440.

* 2001: ‘On the Metaphysical Reality of Colours’ ,Philosophical Books, vol. 42 , 243-52. On the Metaphysical Reality of Colour

*. 2002:Meaning, Truth and the Self, Commentary on Campbell and Parnas’, Philosophy, Psychiatry and Psychology, Special Issue; On Explaining and Understanding Schizophrenia. Vol. 8, No 2/3

*. 2002: 'The Explanatory Role of Consciousness', in Interdisciplinary Aspects of Voluntary Action, Eds. Wolfgang Prinz and Sabine Maasen. Oxford, Oxford University Press

*. 2005: ‘Joint Attention Communication and Mind’, in Joint Attention, Communication and Other Minds, Eds. N. Eilan, J.Roessler, C. Hoerl and T. McCormack . Oxford, Oxford University Press.

*. 2006: 'On the Role of Perceptual Consciousness in Explaining the Goals and Mechanisms of Vision: A Convergence on Attention?’ Supplement to the Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 80, 2006, pp. 67-88

*. 2007: ‘Consciousness, Self Consciousness and Communication', in Thomas Baldwin (ed.), Reading Merleau-Ponty: On Phenomenology of Perception. Routledge.

*. 2010: ‘The Explanatory Role of Consciousness ‘, in A Companion to the Philosophy of Action, eds O’Connor and Sandis, Wiley-Blackwell.

*. 2011: 'Experiential Objectivity’, Perception, Causation, & Objectivity, Oxford: Oxford University Press, (Eds. Johannes Roessler, Hemdat Lerman and Naomi Eilan), Oxford, Oxford University Press.

*. 2013: 'Intelligible Realism About Consciousness: A Response to Nagel's Paradox', Ratio, 26 (3).(Word Document)

*. 2013: 'On the Paradox of Gestalt Switches Wittgenstein’s Response to Kohler', forthcoming in Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy.Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy, vol.2, no 3. 2013

*. 2013 : 'A Relational Response to Newman’s Objection to Russell’s Causal Theory of Perception'. Theoria. 2013. DOI:10.1111/theo

* 2014: ‘The You Turn’, Philosophical Explorations, Special Issue: The Second Person, ed. N. Eilan, Vol 17, Issue 3 pdf.

*. 2015: 'Perceptual Objectivity and Consciousness: A Relational Response to Burge’s Challenge'. Forthcoming in Special Issure Percpetion Without Representation, Topoi. pdf

*2015: 'You, Me and the World'. Symposium on Christopher Peacocke' The Mirror of the World. Analysis, Vol 0 no 0, pp 1-13. You, Me and the World

*2020: Intersubjective Exchanges: Symposium on Richard Moran's The Exchange of Worlds, Philosophical Explorations. Intersubjective Exchanges

2020: 'Other I's, communication and the second person', Inquiry, July 2020. Other I's, communication and the second person

*'Joint Attention and the Second Person'. JASPpdf

*Knowing and Understanding Other Minds: On the Role of Communication

Co-authored book chapters

*.1991: ‘Spatial Representation: General Introduction’, in Eilan, McCarthy and Brewer, (eds.), Problems in the Philosophy and Psychology of Spatial Representation. (With Roz McCarthy and Bill Brewer).

*. 1995: ‘Self Consciousness and the Body: Interdisciplinary Issues’, in Bermudez, Marcel and Eilan, Eds. The Body and the Self, MIT. (With Tony Marcel and Jose Bermudez).

*. 2004: ‘Agency and Self-Awareness: Mechanisms and Epistemology’. In Roessler and Eilan, Eds. Agency and Self Awareness, Oxford University Press. (With Johannes Roessler).

 Professor Naomi Eilan

Director, Warwick Mind and Action Research Centre (WMA)

MPhil Convener


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Warwick Mind and Action Research Centre