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Giulia Palazzolo

I am a Research Fellow in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Warwick. I completed my PhD at La Sapienza University in September 2022. My main interests are in philosophy of cognitive science, philosophy of psychology and philosophy of science. I am especially interested in animal minds, animal communication and language evolution. My research focuses on accounts of animal and human communication, semantics and pragmatics in non-human animals and the evolution of syntax. I am post-doc on Richard MooreLink opens in a new window’s UKRI project ‘The Communicative MindLink opens in a new window’. I am also an affiliated member of the ‘Expression, Communication, and the Origins of MeaningLink opens in a new window’ Research Group (University of Connecticut), a member of the Warwick Mind and Action Research Centre and the ‘Groups networkLink opens in a new window’.


Forthcoming, "What is animal communication?", Ergo.

2024, “Animal Communication”, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, ed. E.N. Zalta (with Richard Moore).

2024, “A case for animal reference. Beyond functional reference and meaning attribution”, Synthese, 203, 59.

2023, “Pragmatic Interpretation and the Production of Ideographic codes”, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 46, e236 (with Leda Berio, Berke Can, Katharina Helming and Richard Moore).

2020, “L'intenzionalità. Breve storia di un concetto filosofico”, La voce e il logos. Filosofie dell'animalità nella storia delle idee, ed. by S. Gensini, Pisa, Edizioni ETS, pp. 451-471.

2020, “Simbolicità e emotività negli animali non umani: un tema attuale con radici lontane”, Rivista italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, pp. 230-241 (with Stefano Gensini).

2017, “Marin Cureau de la Chambre: Cognition and Language in Animals”, Blityri. Studi di storia delle idee sui segni e le lingue, 6(2): 55-78.

Book reviews

R. Humphreys, “Animals, ethics, and language. The philosophy of meaningful communication in the lives of animals”, for Bioethics (invited)

S. Monsó, “Schrödinger’s possum: How animals experience and understand death (Italian edition)”, for Humanimalia (invited).


2024-2025, “Group Mindedness: Perspectives from Economics, Philosophy and Psychology”, lectures and seminars, University of Warwick.

2024-2025, “Introduction to Philosophy”, seminars, University of Warwick.

2023, York University Toronto Summer School (in partnership with the Dolphin Communication Project), lectures, Roatàn (Honduras).

Selected conference talks

2025, TBD, Universitat de València (invited).

2024, TBD, Roma Tre (invited).

2024, "What is animal communication?", UNED, Madrid (invited).

2024, “Toward a bounded hierarchy account of the evolution of human syntax”, Psychology Language and learning seminar series, University of Warwick (invited).

2024, “Beyond functional reference and meaning attribution: Toward an alternative framework for making sense of the continuities between animal and human communication”, 29th Annual Conference of the Italian Association for Philosophy of Language, University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy.

2024, “The evolution of syntax. Toward a minimal model of hierarchical cognition”, 20th Annual Conference of the Italian Association for Cognitive Sciences, University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy.

2024, “How to define communication in animals and humans”, The World Congress of Philosophy, University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy.

2024, "The evolution of syntax. Toward an account of bounded hierarchy", Philosophy and Evolution Workshop, University of Warwick, UK.

2024, “Thinking of animal and human communication together”, Evolutionary Pragmatics Forum (invited).

2024, “The evolution of reference”, Evolang XV, Madison WI, US.

2024, “What is animal communication?”, LSE Workshop on Animal Minds, London, UK.

2023, “Evidence of syntax in animal communication”, opening talk at The Origins of Syntax conference, University of Warwick, UK.

2023, “Beyond functional reference and meaning attribution: Towards an alternative framework for making sense of the continuities between animal and human communication”, Protolang 8, Rome, Italy.

2023, “A case for animal reference. Beyond functional reference and meaning attribution” (poster), Philosophy of Animal Mind and Behaviour Association (PAMBA) Inaugural meeting, Madrid, Spain.

2019, “La performatività nella comunicazione animale. Riflessioni su studi recenti”, PRIN International Conference Embodied Creativity: the role of performativity, Centre “Umberto Eco”, University of Bologna, Italy.

2019, “Emotività e arbitrarietà in chiave (zoo)semiotica”, with Stefano Gensini, XXV Congress of the Philosophy of Language Society, University of Cagliari, Italy.

Public philosophy

Exhibit "What is it like to be another animal?Link opens in a new window"at the Bristol Museum and Art Gallery with funds from London School of Advanced Studies Innovation Award (with Simon Brown & Ross Pain) .

Contact details


Room: S2.63