Fabienne Peter
I’m a Professor of Philosophy at the University of Warwick, specialising in moral and political philosophy and in social epistemology, including political epistemology. I served as Head of Department from 2017 to 2020, and I'm currently an Academic Director in the University's Research Executive, responsible for interdisciplinary research and research communications.
Before coming to Warwick, I was a postdoc at Harvard University and then an assistant professor at the University of Basel. I’ve held visiting positions at the Research School of Social Sciences at ANU and the Murphy Institute at Tulane University.
I am an associate editor of the Journal of Moral Philosophy. I'm also a past editor of Economics and Philosophy and a past associate editor of the Journal of Applied Philosophy. In 2024/25, I'm President of the Aristotelian Society.
Personal webpage: fabiennepeter.org
- Full list of publications
- Google Scholar pageLink opens in a new window
- PhilPapers profileLink opens in a new window
- Academia pageLink opens in a new window
- Introduction to Philosophy
- Ethics
- Contemporary Political Philosophy
- Moral Epistemology
- Philosophy of Social Science
- Philosophy and Economics (with Peter Hammond)
- Topics in Moral and Political Philosophy (MA module)
- Democratic Legitimacy and Justification (MA module, with Matthew Clayton)
Public Writing, Interviews, and Podcasts
- Conversation with Toby Buckle on The Political Philosophy Podcast (November 2024)
- Conversation with Jeffrey Church on The Political Theory Review (November 2024)
The Philosopher interview and podcast on "The Grounds of Political Legitimacy", in conversation with Alfred Moore (September 2024)
- Contributions to BBC Radio 4 programme run by Rory Stewart on The Long History of Ignorance, (Episodes 4 and 5, July 2024)
- BBC In our Time, episode on Rawls' Theory of Justice (January 2023)
- Article in IAI news on "The Blurred Line between Facts and Value" (November 2022)
- Interview by Daniele Lorenzini and Federico Testa on Biopolitics and Democracy (April 2022)
- Article in The New Statesman on “Can Authoritarianism Ever be Justified?" (August 2021)
- Blog post for Warwick Knowledge Centre on “The Experts are Back – But How Much Political Power Should Experts Have?Link opens in a new window” (March 2020)
- Blog post at Open for Debate on “Political Debate in the Digital AgeLink opens in a new window” (February 2020)
- InterviewLink opens in a new window with Lisa Bortolotti on Norms for the New Public SphereLink opens in a new window research project (December 2019)
- Article in The Conversation on social media rules for influential politicians (July 2019)
- Interview by Richard Marshall at 3:16 am (April 2018)
Filmed interview on the grounds of political legitimacy by Luc Foisneau, CNRS (May 2017)
Blog post at Philosophers' Magazine on the 2017 general election (May 2017)
- Video of a public debate in Opatija on "Democracy or Decision-making by Experts"? (June 2016)
- Blog post at The Forum on "Democracy or Decision-making by Experts"? (2016)
- Podcast of panel discussion at LSE: Is Politics based on Morality? (2015)
- Podcast interview (in German) about my article 'The Human Right to Political Participation' (2014)
- Postcast interview about my book Democratic Legitimacy by Robert Talisse at New Books in Philosophy (2011)
E-mail: f.peter@warwick.ac.uk
Office: Social Sciences Building, S2.57
Twitter/X: @annefabpeter
Personal webpage: https://www.fabiennepeter.org/